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Socialism sucks.
I could use it, but I don't give a fuck if I get it or not, and would refuse it if it meant staving off something current society is not able to maintain.

I agree

Why dont socialists understand the basic concept of inflation

The difference is that I'm gonna use my neet bux (my own money returned back to me) for luxury shit not to pay rent like a penniless piece of shit lefty

socialism means widespread socializing of industry

One is a financial relief during a pandemic because people lost their jobs. The other is free money because you’re too lazy to work. Damn you guys are dumb as fuck.

equating a stimulus due to a world wide pandemic to socialism

OP, you are beyond fucken low IQ. Time to kill yourself, you are too stupid to be allowed continued existence.

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Trump supporters are smart enough to see through the lies of the left but dumb enough to fall for the lies of the right
The third position is the only solution
Also I hate these faggots that call this "my own money returned to me". It's the worse kind of coping and the same could be said about welfare. "haha its the money I pay in when I DO work and now I get it back. I completely own the gobermint! fuck taxes"

Socialism sucks, and if they’d stop stealing so much of my fucking paycheck, I’d have an extra $1,200 every month, not just once.

Sure, I could use an extra $1,200. But you dumbass commies keep stealing it from my paycheck and giving it to organizations who didn’t earn it in order to push an agenda I disagree with.

>steals my $1,200
>pretends it’s Socialism when they offer to give me my $1,200 back

Fuck you people are stupid. Unironically kys.

shut up nigger

All my wealth has a value of 100.
I print a 100 dollar bill.
Now 100 represents only half of all my wealth.

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a one time assistance payment during a time of crisis isn't socialism retard

Trying to address the meaning of "socialism" is a shot in the foot. Its always a masked political narrative.

Riddle me this, fuckwit: if it’s not my money returned to me, then why is it my name on my pay stub?

You must be one of those ultra-faggots who thinks the government somehow can have power given to it by the people it governs which those people themselves don’t have.

>I don’t have an apple
>yet somehow, I give you an apple

This is how stupid you are.

100% of my paycheck is mine. The government takes from my paycheck a sum of money under threat of violence. When some sum of money less than what was stolen from me is then returned to me, no matter what the reason might be, it is reasonable to view this as refund of my own money to me.

Even the IRS agrees: those receiving direct deposit payments of Trumpbux will see the deposit tagged as “IRS (TAX REFUND)”

apples and faggots nigger

I dont have an answer. Ive just been BTFO and so have all fellow Trumpanzees and we will never recover from this post

>socialism is when the government does things

>They take the money
>It is no longer yours
>They give people social programs which pay out funds that were payed in
rewind a bit
>Someone works
>Someone gets laid off/disabled
>Someone gets welfare

You're a fucking retard. It's not always your money. Just because you get back an amount less than you payed in doesn't mean it is a return of the funds they "stole" from you. Anyways, only poor faggots like yourself get the refund. You really cant earn over 70k per year? Yeah thats what I call wellfare, since it is for poor people who are in a time of need. Go back to your president general/leddit and fapping to ivanka getting plowed by jared kushner.

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>it’s not always your money
What is fungibility?


What is being a massive faggot who gets a refund because he is poor and needs to live off the government?

that would require an IQ in levels that would make them conservative

Socialism sucks. I tripled my entire portfolio shorting the inevitable crash I have been anticipating since February 2018

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Tbh, I shouldn’t have gotten the Trumpbux. My tax refund this year was $6,500. My wife has been voluntarily home from work unpaid because we have $10k in the bank and can live off of our savings for a few months. Yeah, I guess I’m poor.

Don’t get pissy because you don’t understand that money is fungible and is just a wealth token. It doesn’t matter if the dollar bills I receive are the same dollar bills they took. They represent the same amount of wealth, brainlet. Ergo, it’s my money returned to me.

I don’t support this emergency assistance for a plethora of reasons you’re entirely too fucking stupid to understand, but I’ll mention just a few:

It would cost the taxpayer nothing and would deliver more money to more people with less overhead to simply give a short term payroll tax holiday.

For the needy, there are already social welfare programs in place to target resources to these people, we didn’t need a broad spending bill that expands government power.

The payroll tax hurts the poorest the most, ergo a payroll tax holiday helps the poorest the most.

This approach guarantees the action will be temporary, because it reduces the power and wealth the government has.

Please, either grow a third synapse or kill yourself.

Shill slide topic.

Seriously, its not free money its a loan and you have to pay it back with your taxes. Look at what the dems did to allow it to pass.

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You're a sad, poor faggot with terrible reddit spacing. For one, it's not "my money getting payed back" because they aren't using the small insignificant taxes of the poor for this plan. Instead they're using the higher taxes of the rich. You are not getting your money back. You are taking money from the rich to use for yourself because you're a sad, poor, faggot, who cannot support himself during this time.

Conservatives have a sub 100 IQ. They still operate in the two party system. They're smart enough to see through liberal lies but dumb enough to listen to neocons. On the other hand, fascists are operating outside of the two party system and advocate for nation, not individualism. Faggot

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>Niggers being a net negative in taxes is the same as tax paying, law abiding whites getting a tax return as temporary crisis relief
>Haha I'm a centrist bro
Fuck off nigger

I paid in and was not refunded more money (by about $12k) than I am getting in Trumpbux. I most certainly am not getting money paid in taxes by the rich.

Furthermore, a broad tax base where everyone pays some tax delivers more revenue than a highly progressive tax where the rich pay almost all of the taxes. Just ask any “Scandinavian Socialist” country, like Norway which has no 0% income tax bracket and doesn’t even have a minimum wage.

>A time of crisis
Fuck off

Obviously I don't support that. Thats why I would make it so felon's are unable to receive welfare. Fascism isn't centrism either. I am both a Nationalist and a Socialist.

Again, this isn't a "refund" or a "return of my money". It is a socialistic program for poor people. I don't care how much you paid. If you got a check you're a poor faggot. Way to suck up all of the resources that could be fueling the economy but instead has to go to your lazy ass because you make poor life decisions. God, you're such a fuckwit.

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I don't need $1000, I have the equivalent of about $17,000 in savings ignoring assets.

Socialism is retarded and if you spend more than you produce you will be forever poor.
Source: wealth of nations by Adam Smith