What happened?

What happened?

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Smartphones AKA carrying the internet with you at all times.

>cuck fetishist thread

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everyone finally got their true wishes 10/10

globohomo, niggers, jews, women


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The immigration act signed by LBJ in the 60s

I see working class with children all the time, have you considered that the wealthy, and comfy, lives you europeans have require you to have the least amount of children possible?


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Is that a Jew shadow on the tranny’s dress?

Identity politics destroying youth minds at a young age.


>What happened?

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>one jew shadow on tranny dress
>random piss stains on everyone else
What did the comic mean by this?

>that kid would be around 44
that's a borderline boomer age, he helped cause the decline too

Pro sports obsession

how come big black cocks have hundreds of thousands of wh*teboi followers yet this is completely ignored?

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Men loved their wives too much and stopped paddling them in front of the whole family when they were bad. Women are mentally children and require constant physical punishment to keep them in line. They are mentally underdeveloped and as such are physically incapable of internalizing morality like men are.

The wet green parts look like jews.

people thought that bringing the faggotry and nihilism of the 80's into social media was a good idea

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based and incelpilled

give a better answer retard


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How does one post on this thread and not know what happened? WW2 was the last stand. Afterparty might even turn into its own thing though. Looking forward to it.

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>t. fag


Media steers culture, culture shapes people.

unironically jews

Nah the OG is better be ause the merchant is more subtle.