It's Fucking Over

Holy fucking shit...

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trump did it

we did it by doing by doing nothing. it's not quite over since how thoroughly it's spread is still guesswork with quite a bit of range.

I think you all need to apologize. Being a janny aint easy. Its a thankless payless job. One might say being a janny is the definition of based. Everyone please thank your local janny

Trump didn’t do shit, shill

How long are we going to stay under quarantine for, mate? A year? 3 years?!? How long do you think this current solution can last!!!

lol stay mad WHOfag

it was literally just the flu
doomers unequivocally btfo and in need of eternal banishment

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Wow all it took was a month of mass quarantine to drop the death rate 30%

Tfw the chink sniffles was never the happening promised but the economic consequences were.


>Wow all it took was a month of mass quarantine to drop the death rate 30%

It's back up again, mate. They had over 2,300 deaths today. Again, that's just confirmed cases. On top of that New York announced an extra 3,778 'probable' deaths on top of everything they've already announced so far.

The real happening is just around the corner.

According to Dr Fauci, the President has acted immediately to every recommendation. Good thing we didn’t listen to the Democrats and let travel continue from China and Europe.

Wow, anudda 30,000 and it will be like the 2018 Flu season.

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the quarantine had no effect at all, the rate of infections were on the decline before it even went into effect. plus we cut social interactions by 90% or more so the infection rate should have completely plummeted but it didn't, so what that means is that the main vectors are coming from hospitals and nursing homes. the shutdown was a complete waste of time and did nothing.

Suck a dick, faggot. Pic related

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Fuck off janny

>muh quarantine
does fuck all

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Considering probably 10s of millions were already exposed and this was all horse shit, we should crank out 10mil tests grab 10 mil random assholes off the street to get an ACTUAL fucking infection rate stat and then open immediately

You do realise that the virus has an incubation of 7-14 days right? That graph literally shows that quarantine works.

>we should crank out 10mil tests grab 10 mil random assholes off the street to get an ACTUAL fucking infection rate stat and then open immediately

Eh, you've obviously not been paying much attention to how many tests they've been doing compared to positive results. Actual infections aren't much higher than confirmed infections. It's at least a 10% death rate, possibly as high as 30%. It's just SARS (literally SARS-2) on steroids, what the fuck were you expecting.

fucking absolute nothingburger. thanks for the Trumpbux and paid 6 weeks of work though

wtf do you think the red line is? new infections had already bottomed out by the time the lockdowns were rolled out.

happening cancelled for real.

it's over.

literally a slightly more deadlier flu.

allowing for a 3-day delay. when the incubation is 3-5 times that.

Thank Trump for this, if he doesn't get re-elected the average voter is retarded.

>allowing for a 3-day delay. when the incubation is 3-5 times that.

Well yeah, exactly, beautiful point. It's a 13% fatality rate in Italy (similar rates in the UK, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Spain and more) NOW. NOW. Stop all new cases at midnight tonight. In 4-8 weeks time you're going to have a 20-30% death rate.

>How long are we going to stay under quarantine for, mate?
That would depend on what country you live in memey

Its nowhere near over unless you plan is to keep everyone under lockdown forever

This shit was ACTUALLY a nothingburger. Florida with a population of 21 million (a European country in scope) has 500 deaths total so far.

50% of America's deaths are from new york where they live like literal animals on top of each other and detached from god due to mental illness. The rest of the country is averaging about 300 deaths per state (again, an American state is like one European "country" in population terms.)

This is the biggest nothing in the history of nothings. All we had to do was close gatherings of 100+ and mandate n95 masks for all citizens. Watch the coming months as all small business owners collapse forever.

yes the first wave is, any brainlet can see this
the second wave in the fall/winter will be greater and more severe
honestly do have you faggots literally done any epidemiological research or do you wait with you cocks flopping around till you get the chance to say "hehe it over, muh nothingburger"?