Great works of art

high quality images are especially appreciated

The best men reach the highest echelons of beauty, or at least for appreciation thereof

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Don't feel bad if your favorite works of art aren't religious. Please contribute!

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>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

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Architecture and photography is appreciated as well

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personally, I especially appreciate those pieces with a certain historical value

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appreciating the american aesthetic, bud

what else you got?

Attached: Polish Woman.jpg (700x470, 129.84K)

Attached: the-signing-of-the-constitution-of-the-united-states-in-1787-howard-chandler-christy.jpg (900x588, 136.62K)

I think this painting is unique and nice

Attached: 'Americanization,'_one_of_four_'great_eras_of_California_history'_murals_by_Dean_Cornwell_at_the_Central_Library_in_downtown_Los_Angeles,_California_LCCN2013631652.tif.jpg (1920x959, 804.99K)


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Attached: judith-and-holofernes-1599-by-michelangelo-merisi-da-caravaggio-1571-1610-oil-on-canvas-145x195-cm-photo-by-deagostinigetty-images.jpg (1200x889, 206.31K)

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reminds me of this

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Attached: Washington_Crossing_the_Delaware_by_Emanuel_Leutze,_MMA-NYC,_1851.jpg (1280x820, 224.97K)

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loving this one. (Fuck yes.)

Attached: Peter Paul Rubens, Heaven and hell.jpg (1866x2400, 1.95M)

Nice flat earth image

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Attached: bio_box_rockwell_norman.jpg (596x250, 28.88K)

Attached: EdwardMoran-UnveilingTheStatueofLiberty1886Large.jpg (1260x1600, 544.33K)

Attached: Apotheosis_of_Kaiser_Wilhelm_by_Ferdinand_Keller,_1888.jpg (800x582, 172.2K)

Attached: Emanuel_Leutze_-_Westward_the_Course_of_Empire_Takes_Its_Way_-_Capitol.jpg (3000x2014, 3.43M)

Wow. Fucking great. I'm not even that pro-American/ patriotic, and this is giving me feels or something

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Sorry, but this one just reminds me of the fact that we're a masonic colony. Not getting any feels from this except dread and repulsion

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How do we start a second Renaissance?

Statue of Liberty was never a statue of immigration

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Ain't it though?!

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Got some literature on that mate? I heard it was a gift from the (((French revolutionaries))), so being a "statue of immagration" makes sense to me in the historical context

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