Yas Forums will defend this

I hope you can kill the virus with those guns

Attached: CVsJOtrXIAA-PJG.jpg (900x750, 88.12K)

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You can, when the mud races carrying it are mowed down.

So where do I sign up for my free gun?

So if healthcare is a right and if I want it I just get it for free I should also get a gun from the government for free? Great logic.

When do I get my free gun?

based af

Its called the constitution, Tranny.

Shut the fuck up, lurk the fuck more, slap your civics teacher for not teaching you positive and negative rights, get a constitutional amendment and sage every post.

guns are not free dumb shit


So fucking sick of canadians.

> Kill every living creature that has x disease
> x disease is essentially cured

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I have the right to defend my own life using deadly force.
I do not have the right to someone else's skilled labor.


You have a right to access both, if you can afford it.

A gun is an object, healthcare is a service rendered. Hope this helps.

From my cold dead fucking hands, commie.

no but everyone who has the virus

False dichotomy.

Niggers will tongue your anus, I hope you can kill the niggers with your medical system


>the right to free shit shall not be infringed
ok memeflag

how about instead tax the millionaire/billionaire jews to pay for our free healthcare instead us poor slobs - every working democrat i know griped about their net loss to obamacare the same as the conservatives

>can kill the virus with those guns
it would just take one bullet to end the nonsense

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you are obviously a fag. Stop stabbing your throat with black cocks, allow your brain time to heal..

your pic has 2 people on left one on right. figure it out genius. you cant force someone else to treat you, that's slavery.

> that's slavery

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Defending your life, property, and family as you choose is a right.

Forcing other people to pay your medical bills is not a right, it is theft.

If that's too complicated, keep rereading it.

Healthcare is free it you're poor already, retard.

Retarded post.

You have a right to purchase a gun and also a right to purchase health care. Fuck off retard.


That is... Essentially how it's worked for all of history.

Newsflash OP there is no virus

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whats so hard to understand?

You have a god given right to proect yourself.

you dont have a god given right to force doctors to perform medicine on you without a transaction.

you fucking cuck

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