Mfw q anons posting literal CP on Yas Forums

mfw q anons posting literal CP on Yas Forums.

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...then in an act of sheer desperation,the shills went nuclear

shills will attach CP to things they want to lawfully suppress.

corona virus?
famine riots in the US?

You didn't see it in the catalog a few minutes ago?

during a time like this, with so many moving parts, i wouldn't be surprised if all the shills started raiding enmasse, posting CP

so the government can "finally shut down the hacker known as Yas Forums"

Attached: the chad abhorrent leaf.png (2518x1024, 258.2K)


i was legit the first one in that thread and was shocked four anons responded to it before it got nuked

What are you guys talking about? What happened?

shills posted a cp it stayed up for about 4 minutes

>shills posted a cp it stayed up for about 4 minutes
Was it on some Qanon thread?

thats correct.

>No 4plebs link
shamefur dispray

CP posted on /pol by apparent QAnons
Also saw it happen yesterday

what was the title of the thread?

no clue, why do you ask?


That long stupid WWIGGWW or whateverthefuck and some retarded incoherent bullshit.

Something like “TRUST THE PLAN Q WINS”

Seemed like an obivous larp.

How bad was it? What was it?

Do you guys think it was a gay op by glowniggers or jews trying to entrap people or was it just some q retard who was posting it because he thought it held clues about elite pedos?

Attached: E4BE4FF6-51E8-4786-B2CA-830EC1B4BC92.png (1080x1443, 2.35M)

Does anyone really believe that elites fuck children?

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It was a loli who looked unhappy and scared :'(

it was a picture of a CP on the catalogue, it stayed up for 4 minutes then the mods took it down, theres really no "hidden super secret"message attached to it.

WWGAGAWWGAGA think it was more like this

some little boy, about 6, getting plowed in the ass

Honestly I think it was some asshat troll. It was some young girl spread eagle with a bunch of “Q’s” poorly photoshopped in the image. I don’t know how it could of been anything other than a troll because that shit gets nuked so fast here.

some of them sure

Ahh that sucks man

Some of these q boomers are retarded enough to download cp so they can comb through it and try to find evidence that the person fucking the little boy in the ass is John Podesta

This user speaks the truth, had something in mouth

>rants about a race war for months on his discord that never happens
believe in the plan ~ Q
>predicts lots of things that never happens
believe ~ Q
>pushes child porn
just believe nigger ~ Q

Sounds like a shoop someone did of epstein.
If its on a lawn with some type of water torture I don’t know, it’s supposedly a legal age teen or some shit.
Its still disturbing af and glad they nuked it if that was it.

>Sounds like a shoop someone did of epstein
That's not a shop it's just some bdsm porn with some guy that looks vaguely like epstein

Attached: epstein.png (1663x1108, 827.68K)

Makes for a good psyop to counter Qtards though

Attached: 1586434546052.png (462x450, 189.25K)

>shills spam anti-Q threads all day to then complain about Q threads
>shills post CP in an anti-Q thread
hur dur

the everyday language of jesus was hebrew, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

they just posted another two cp threads

Aramaic you nincompoop.

Why wouldn't they? Do you really believe the people who run the world have the best interests of Humanity in mind? Do you really believe that no one in power just wants to watch the world burn, and all the bad shit that's happened has been evidence of the people in power not being incompetent, not making mistakes, but purposefully trying to corrupt and slowly destroy everything and anything good? Why the fuck would you look at the past 120 years of bullshit and say that every person in power positions was just a poor choice for those positions without realizing it is a concerted effort to fuck things up on purpose. How else do you explain such a long term of continuous failure in leadership and policy for a goddamn century? Have we really simply let a bunch of fucking retards run the planet? Or have we let a bunch of psychopaths run the planet? Either way, it is clear the people in power need to be replaced. Now.

There's one still up.

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uh.... pretty sure Aramaic was the language of Christ and the Levant.

Saw one. think they are both nuked now.

>the same anti-Q french faggots is now posting CP to shill Q
(not you, it's already deleted again).