How old are the Pyramids?
How old are the Pyramids?
10,000-13,000 years old.
Over 9000 years old.
>How old are the Pyramids?
the real niggas know its about 12k years old, but the city it was build on is over 80k years old
As old as aliens who built them.
Really old, probably pre flood, same with the sphinx.
Only idiots believe the mainstream view on this, i don't know the truth but i know enough to know that the egyptologists are full off shit.
like 50
at least 42
At least 27,000 years old.
They are a likely relic from the last great technological civilization.
wat 9000?
definitely older than the Younger-Dryas era
the answer was in the vatican vault but they moved most of the records out except for useless shit and a second proving that the catholic order was founded by persian mutts
Tell me why I have to be a Powerslave...
At least 12000 years old. Funny how the Egyptology cucks whole timeline is turning out to be shit thanks to based Sphinx testing By geologists.
Probably built during the Taurian age but not this latest Taurian age that was 5 to 6k years ago so most likely 31k years ago
6 millions year old
Any good documentaries about them?
>~55K years
>the Pyramids
Which one(s)?
also inb4 that leaf behind a BLM memeflag spamms this thread, stfu leaf behind a BLM memeflag.
Big Old
Egypt was a colony of "Atlantis" (an ice age hunter gathering empire originating in the Atlantic Islands, Spain, and North Africa) before the flood destroyed their near-water settlements and the "Atlanteans" who remained in Egypt stayed; like the others who stayed in other civilizations or went to them.
More than 10,500 years, the ones on the Giza plateau that is, the other younger pyramids are attempts to recreate the originals.
>pre flood
If you’re talking about Noah’s ark then take your fucking meds.
Muslim scholars in the middle ages said they were pre flood. Sphinx is older than them and the pharohs head was carved out of whatever the original head was
Its ALL irrelevant. History, time & dates are not what has been taught for the past 200 yrs. 16th-17th century most people where illiterate and the Church, the Elites dispatched monks and certain writers into the archives to EDIT ( rewrite) history. It was NOT the first time. They burned the Library of Alexandria to do the same.
Look around the World there is ancient stone megaliths identical thru out the planet, then look at the semi modern architecture , japan, Europe, Greece, Rome all the same. Then WIPED CLEAN.
EVERY time humanity gets a leg up , TPTB Curb stomp us back into stone age the rewrite the history books.
Looking like they are trying again too.
Our history is missing huge chunks.
Question is ? WHO THE FUCK is this powerful ?
>The Flood is only a abrahamic reference
The Jewish Flood Myth wasn't even the first story about The Flood ffs.
there are many sets of pyramids all over the world, including one that is under 400' of water near Japan and one deep under water near Puerto Rico.
What if each set is a creation of every elder race of man at the technological peak of their existence? We know the Earth resets itself every 12,000 years or so, and we're the fifth race of Man.
Is it time for us to build our set of pyramids, or are we too late.
a lot of the stones in the pyramids have been cut with such straight precision only a laser could provide
Can someone give me a short red pill on pyramids. I am in a convict prison colony on the other side of the world, so I don't any anything about them besides darkiespdarkies trying to claim they built them instead of the Arabs
That's only if you assume their verbal renditions are not older than the estimated recorded date.
As with everything else original telling is older than when it was written
But yeah pretty much every nation has a flood myth involving a dude building a boat to survive it (greeks, native americans, etc)
The oldest ones are temples, not burial chambers.
Atlanteans are gone, prove me wrong.
niggers were still Erectus when the pyramids were built
Just because you're too stupid to either believe God or honest science is not a good reason to think we are mentally ill.
>every nation has a flood myth involving a dude building a boat to survive it
Which is actually incredible when you realize some of them never encountered each other or exchanged stories.
>As with everything else original telling is older than when it was written
Of course, but there are older Flood Myths than what is in Genesis.
>he thinks that the date for the pyramids being around 12000bc is because we wus kangz nigger bullshit
if you're an idiot like you admit to maybe you shouldn't have bothered to add anything retard
that one in your pic is really old 20000yo but there are ones which are recent like 3000yo and dilapidated already.
He’s referring to a great flood that happened around 10 bc you fuckwad
unironically this.
No darkies until 25th dynasty
Actual Egyptians extincted thousands years ago
Water Erosion on the walls of the pyramids suggests that it was there when the desert was an ocean, making it even older than that. At least 20,000-100,000 years old.
There are ancient civilizations that are lost to time. The Egyptians we know about did not build those pyramids.