Why are black people increasingly supporting White Nationalism?
Why are black people increasingly supporting White Nationalism?
Because Jessie owens
like freud said about women and their penis envy, niggers have white envy in their subconscious. A clear inferiority complex pervades their mind causing them to lash out at anything they deem part of the "white man's system" when in fact they wish to be a part of said system
>this passes for white in muttland
same reason black people do anything... because they can
an alliance of niggas and nazis is like an alliance between elves and dwarves user it may not be natural but it is necessary to the times we live in and the evil eye of jewron we all face
>Jessie Owens
We have to accept there are good ones
they aren't
Cuz they know we're only larping as racists so they'll date our daughters and we can jerk off in the closet while they bang. Dummy.
Because swastikas are cool
american flags honestly just need to be banned at this point.
We need to ensure white girls won't go extinct
based negro
"woke culture"+racial awareness+black one-upmanship
= hitler was right
>completes Anschluss
Because this is the alternative.
reasons, i wonder why
my fucking sides
>t. Kike
They want to save an endangered species
National Socialism is not white nationalism you stupid fucking mongoloid
Based niggers
JUST Blacks?
It is possible to hate both niggers and jews.
mutts LAW
Everybody except CCP
Maybe he wants to have a nat soc country for his people? Maybe he knows about the JQ?
those guys probably know each other from prison
National socialism isn't just for whites.
Hitler was misunderstood.
Absolutely based
Niggers are the symptom, jews are the disease