Are Trumpfags finally waking up?

Are Trumpfags finally waking up?

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Yes, because it’s what I actually want

Trump is saying right now live he wants the governors to decide.

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The past 4 years I've learned it's not enough to vote Republican. Liberals need to be physically rounded up and sent to camps.

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Liberals aren't the enemy. Trump is.

Granted, the other choice is a goddamned democrat and their stated goal is authoritarian big government.

Dims already believe that tho

No shit, Obama only cared about niggers and illegals.

>Trump is lying and hypocrite and i don't care!

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Republicans, ESPECIALLY cuckservatives like you and President Kushner, are liberals. In a lot of ways, such as government spending, you are further left than the Dems even.

Over 3 years down, almost 5 more to go of your histrionic autistic screeching.

Sometimes I genuinely wondered what my purpose in life was. My place in the universe. Was anything worth it? Was all my hard work and study truly for naught? The largest star ever observed is the UY Scuti, with a radius roughly 1,700 times that of the sun in our Solar System. By comparison, the approximate mass of the Sun is 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms... yes, that's thirty zeroes. By further comparison, if you're a male of average height and reasonably-fit, the Sun is approximately 2.652 by ten to the twenty-eighth power larger than you are. Sometimes I would remember this and think, "We are all so utterly insignificant."

Then, something truly magical happened. Donald Trump, a businessman from New York, won the U.S. Presidential Election. His opponent? A murderous, evil cunt whose schemes and ploys go back decades. Hillary Clinton. "It was HER TIME!" the masses cried. It was then, ONLY then, that I understood how things came together in such a beautiful way.

Of the tens of thousands of years that human beings have existed, you and I were born to revel in this exquisite moment. Donald Trump causing butthurt. So much butthurt.

they're just mad that ideology was never that important and their position as policy experts is now unnecessary. they sucked themselves off for decades and can't cope with the reveal

No. He only cared about illegals and celebrities

In the beginning when the GOP governors refused to issue shlter in place orders he said the federal government has no authority to force them to do anything,
Liberal governors issue stay ht home orders, it's working well.
No Trump is claiming he has absolute auhority to force them to abandon their stay at home success
He does not know what the fuck he is doing and he gets bad information at every turn from Jared and Ivanka.


You’re such a unbearable deceitful kike. He’s doing a great job and stays three steps ahead of the democrats.

OP exposed as cock sucking faggot

>Fiscal conservatives
I'd take a trumptard over a Regan faggot any day.

Trump and reagan are fiscally identical corporate socialists. Both sold us out entirely to globohomo corporations and central banks

No. It’s just that he’s a hack.
He just says what pops into his mind at the moment. Without any reflection on what he said he yesterday, or what he might say tomorrow.
He has always done this, because he believes he can invent his own reality each and every day.
And he pretty much does.
That’s why the press hates him.

No. They think he's a genius. He's really just a reality TV star.

Brett Bair ignores context? FAKE NEWS!

president kushner is a faggot. go back to israel you kike

>Trump got leftist governors to demand states rights

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Trump only cares about the Rich and Jews. Tell me which one are you

>calling Trump a dictator or authoritarian while he's trying to give the people back their God given rights
this is next level mental gymnastics

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Obama generally meant what he said. We know that Trump's a scatterbrain and everything he says is to be taken with a grain of salt.

If these guys really want to revisit the outcome of the war between the states I'm ok with it.


and now Republicans are doing just that

What is a national emergency?

>leftist governors got Trump and cuckservatives to abandon states rights and worship federal supremacy

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Thank you. This, so much this. Anyone saying otherwise is a retard

The orders have been in place for a long time retard. Are you finally waking up? State of emergency grants federal government crazy rights that they shouldn't have. Why? Because globohomo polits for the past several decades have been all about power consolidation.

Big brain time

States rights died with Lincoln

>Liberal states legalize gay marriage and weed
>”Dood they never believed in states rights until just now!
You = gay

Uh, hey retard, couldn't you make a similar argument about the Dems? They blasted him for not issuing shutdown orders, saying that he had the authority, and are now screeching about him forcing states to open because he doesn't have the authority.

They, and idiotic shills like you, say whatever suits your agenda in the moment. It's well past time people like you are shot in the streets.

and now cuckservatives can stop pretending you aren't just slightly slower liberals

>ignores context

Republicans would ignore context had Obama done it

>No Trump is claiming he has absolute auhority
While he says on live TV during todays press outing that he wants the governors to decide. But I guess if you keep lying eventually someone who doesn't bother to vote might believe you.

trumptards would celebrate their own gassing if their leader ordered it


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Except Obama did exactly that

he did do it. again yes, many ignored the context.

I unironically probably won't vote for him again. I voted for him in the PA primary and in the general election, first as a meme because I thought the idea of building a wall along the border (and ONLY the Mexican border) was funny, and because having Donald "You're fired" Trump as President sounded so bizarre that I absolutely had to see it. The tears from liberals and coworkers were so delectable, and the fallout was a thing of beauty.

I was in the dude's corner for the entire presidency, even through the impeachment sham, until this coronavirus situation. It's amazing how badly he's handled this. Like, he's chosen the wrong hand each time for every single possible decision. Every crossroad he's come to, he's taken the wrong path. This is "Atlanta choking a 28-3 lead to the Patriots" levels of fucking up. Even when the coronavirus blows over, he's shown he cracks hard under pressure. Do I want this guy as CiC during a war? Fuck no. I'll probably sit out this election.

Not just liberals. too many turncoats in the conservative movement with no desire to conserve anything.

EVERYONE should go to camps. and those performing best should be released first. Naturally, conservatives will achieve the highest scores in gardening and engineering.

Bret "Kikey McKikeface" Baier

reasonable take. not that biden is any better but there is absolutely zero fucking reason to waste a perfectly good november afternoon wasting a vote on zion don.

When will you morons realize no one falls for this bullshit? You're not convincing anyone with the "I used to support Trump but now..." nonsense. We know it's a lie.

Hey drumphkins, why dont stop following that orange chud and get on the bidenwagon? Its almost you dont want to be cool... Pfft.

i would love a better alternative, 99% of people would, but for having such a "clown" as a president we sure seem to be having trouble bringing forward a competitor that's any better

>voted for someone one because of memes

I ask that we all take a moment in silence, bow our heads to God, and thank him for delivering to our planet this wonderful man of the people, Donald J. Trump.

GEOTUS can do or say whatever the frick he wants. Cry more. Cope, ya dope.

He’s not wrong. Trump has done far worse to us than any liberal ever has.

Emergency powers act. Obama tried some shit too, just didn’t divulge it to the public

no it isn't. Unless you were mentally weak enough to fall into the cult of personality around Trump, like /ptg/, there is no motivation to vote for this traitor faggot. plenty of original trump supportyers have dropped him now that Trump betrayed us and decided to suck up to establishment never trumpers like lindsey graham.

Reminder that trump DOES have total authority and that makes libs shit their pants with rage

he doesn't even have the authority to tell his son in law to fuck off.

Didn't he say that so that the fucking faggot news media would have to say that it's up to the governors and that he isn't responsible for every faggot that farts cum into the wind?

Imagine being this dumb of a faggot FFS

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Trump pulled out of nafta, tpp, and the paris climate kike shit
all my friends that didnt vote last time are going to this time

Trump just played the left AGAIN
dem governors demanded trump declare an emergency so he could be blamed for the economy tanking
but he didnt fall for it and made the individual governors make the call
so the new play was to blame trump for the econ falling apart from everything being closed
so trump says i'll force you to open everything back up, and the governors say you cant do that
so trump gets to dump the econ back on them
they take the blame for closing everything, they take the blame for keeping it closed
trump just dodged two leftist traps while turning everything back on them.
oh, and its nancy's fault you dont have your trumpbux yet

>dont read the wikileaks goy just interpret my lefty meme comics

Trump just made Democrat Governors own the lockdown. It was a no win, when ever the lockdown ends it will be criticized, but Trump just got the media and the Governors yelling that it is their choice. And no one can make that choice but them. This isnt even a partisan issue.

...meanwhile the Dem VP candidate is banning the sale of seeds in the name of the public health

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you know what, hes right. i have no morals and just want to kill leftists

This post was extremely cringey. This board is dead, and you can blame Reddit for censoring /r/thedonald causing these worthless cock sucking faggots to come here.

>I have the total authority...
> let the governor's decide

>Trump does nothing while governers save the country
>Trump does nothing and blame everyone else if something goes wrong
>Trump wins

At least you're honest. What are you waiting for then?