Thank your local Liberal.
We are entering a China dystopia
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The fuck is hanging off those balconies?
Probably ducks.
It reminds me of south Italians (terroni) in Milan after WW2 when they did the he same shit, they had chickens in their apartments and when they wanted to eat them they killed them in house and went on the balcony to clean them throwing the feathers down as northern Italians living there watched in shock.
This is why terroni were considered subhumans.
North and South hate eachother to this day?
Yes, the Jews unified our country and allowed the mafia to take over the south just to keep us in perpetual war between each other, but this doesn’t change the fact that south Italians truly are subhumans.
I was in Rome and Florence for 3 weeks like 20yrs ago. Loved the place. Had an ex-boss who was Italian. Said he had no interest in going to Italy because there were too many Italians there.
Nice carona party breakup via m80s shot from fucking helicopters. Jesus.
I think one of the primary reasons for Italy gradually turning minority Italian is because you northerners didn't make the south your own in-house baby factory. So instead you'll welcome migrants.
>shots from helicopter
Actually...there were people in the building trying to hit the helicopter with fireworks.
The police forces won’t do nothing to defend themselves or enforce the law here because commie judges always fine them and make them pay damages to the families of every criminal they hurt.
The Romanians know this and every time they’re communications are spied they always tell their families that Italy is a paradise for them and if they get hurt they win the lottery, that’s also why most of them rob houses unarmed (because otherwise they would go to jail for illegal firearm possession instead of being released after 24 hours)
Mio Dio...
If the commies and the Anglos wouldn’t have killed Mussolini that would’ve happened because the mafia had been eradicated and the south really could catch up with the years...instead the post war commies and the kikes gifted the south to the mafia and the rest is under our eyes.
that's fucking adorable, man
Jesus Christ. Cops get away with too much in this country, not enough in yours. None of us can fucking do it right.
Checked and disgustopillato
Another fun fact about them was that they didn’t wash themselves so they had no use for bathtubs in their Milanese apartments so what they did?
They filled them with soil and grew vegetables inside.
Holy fuck. Thanks for the chuckle.
Aussie Abos have been known to tear the tubs out of the bathrooms, drag them into their kitchens, and use the tubs for slaughtering animals. Good times.
>imagine if that poor seal comes out of the hole and finds a Canadian
Pork Belly not surprising in Wuhan
The worse thing is that there are a consistent number of Italians who steadily defend gypsies and Eastern European thieves (until they get robbed/raped).
I admire the Jews for what they did, unironically, because a brainwashing like this is something that goes beyond my comprehension. I sincerely lack an evil part in my soul to cope with the fact that someone was able to conceive this dystopia which is self sustained at this point by the white man’s behaviour who keeps advocating for his own destruction.
So chunks of pig. To hell with health codes.
That is pure evil. A way of thinking that's as familiar to me as trying to think like a space alien.
republican presidents for 24 of the last 40 years.
republican Senate for past 8 years
>blames liberals
the absolute state of Yas Forums
>canadians want to club that to death
oh i almost forgot to add
>last 2 Republican presidents have been literal retards
Eight years of Obama devastated America. And absolutely I say it was you!
Where did all the commies come from? Russia?
But then the entire country would be filled with terroni, which isn't any different from being filled with sandniggers.
Ummm... that's real retarted sir.
It's a convenient meme, but I'm pretty sure the north and south of Italy have much to learn from each other. But I think because of this internal "racism", and this failure to learn from each other, they've also allowed the enemy in through the gates and there's no stopping what's coming now.
I find it hard to believe the stupidity of letting a single non-Italian, or non-Westerner, into Italy. It begs belief to think just how stupid or brainwashed someone has to be to think a slav or some apeafrican, or raghead, would bring anything other than problems as they work in tandem with traitors to irreversibly replace the native population.
>Bug people, jews
The age of parasites is upon us.
I tried to thank them on neighborhood.cum but they were all slapping each other high 5's saying we need to stay locked up for at least 6 more months
Went to China a couple months ago before the Corona shit kicked off. Here's some things I noticed:
>No faggots
>No faggot flags
>No niggers
>No homeless drug addicts
>No immigrants with a dozen kids on welfare
>"Minorities" were just chinks in funny hats
That shit was a utopia in a lot of ways compared to the west desu. 2020 Murica is dystopic as fuck.
Can user get your retorts you cock sucking Globohomos?
I was waiting for him to club it. Very disappointed.