Virginia governor signs legislation dropping voting restrictions

Virginia will no longer require voters to show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot and the state will join a handful of states across the nation in making Election Day a state holiday, Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced Sunday.

Northam said he signed a series of bills aimed at expanding access to voting.

“Voting is a fundamental right, and these new laws strengthen our democracy by making it easier to cast a ballot, not harder,” Northam said in a statement Sunday. “No matter who you are or where you live in Virginia, your voice deserves to be heard. I’m proud to sign these bills into law.”

Northam signed a bill replacing a state holiday, Lee-Jackson Day, that honored Confederate generals with a state holiday designated for Election Day.

He also signed a bill repealing Virginia’s voter ID law and a bill expanding access to early voting.

The new bill allows for early voting 45 days prior to an election without a stated excuse; Virginia previously required absentee voters to provide the state with a reason from an approved list.

All the measures passed earlier this year in the Democratic-controlled legislature.

Democrats won control of both the state Senate and House of Delegates in the 2019 elections.

The new laws were lauded by top Democrats in the state legislature.

“We need more access to the ballot box, not less,” state Sen. Louise Lucas (D) said in a statement. “I am so proud to be a part of new laws that expand access to voting and make our Commonwealth more representative of the people we serve. Today is a historic day.”

“Our democracy relies on equal access to the ballot box,” state House Majority Leader Charniele Herring (D) said in a statement. “I’m grateful to the Governor for his partnership in breaking down barriers to voting, and ensuring all Virginians have the opportunity to exercise this fundamental right.”

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Making election day a state holiday is reasonable. Not requiring ID is completely bonkers. It's as stupid as sanctuary cities and all that shit - blatantly supporting misuse and illegalities.

Being a Virginian is suffering
Have to deal those DC niggers who imported poos into NoVA
Have to deal with those Henrico niggers, for being niggers, and importing niggers into Central VA
Have to deal with Hampton Roads niggers, for being niggers, and importing gooks
But worst of all, we have to deal with GOP niggers, who surrendered VA completely last election cycle.
Also sprinkle in some glow niggers for good measure, because of Langley.

Attached: VA through out the years.png (900x826, 822.88K)

Whelp, there goes the state of Virginia. You get what you vote for I guess.

Yep. Richmond here, formerly Harrisonburg. Hate living here now. Fuck this state, man. And fuck this country. Why would anyone be proud to live here anymore. Just a long slow road down.

The slow boil benefits those with their hand on the dial.

Heat things up too fast, the pot will overflow and the frogs will jump out.

The biggest problem was the VA GOP running nothing but NeoCons and Never Trumpers.
The State is 95% wilderness and farmland, there's really only three urban zones:
Northern VA - Alexandria is where everyone in DC lives
Henrico - Richmond, the capital, and home to VCU and niggers
Hampton Roads - Norfolk/Hampton, where the Navy base is, lots of Military Industrial Complex shit is
Those three zones determine policy for the rest of the state.
I hope the 2A and militia stuff we did holds them back, but the majority of House seats don't go up for reelection till next year.

Attached: VA President Election 2016 by county.png (636x381, 51.08K)

Most pozzed governor ever. Fuck this guy. Virginia stand the fuck up.

basic disenfranchisement of citizens against the 14th amendment but who gives a fuck. should be a slam dunk all day but this illegal shitholing of america continues. even blacks still vote for these people fucking them harder than anyone else.

The United States is a 3rd world shithole.

mr blackface babykiller is correct. its every persons right to vote in our elections, regardless of what country they came from or their legal status

I hope he is and gets busted for it.

"Virginia" can't really do anything, unless they want to lose their jobs, or die.

He shouldn't be doing this kind of thing while people are locked down like this. It just feels unethical and wrong. He knows these are the kinds of things people would protest over, and at the moment it is fucking illegal to gather outside. So scummy.

>“Voting is a fundamental right, and these new laws strengthen our democracy by making it easier to cast a ballot, not harder,”
Maximum strength democracy: anonymous voting by internet clicking via a VPN.

Virginia is cucked as fuck. Jews have won. How can we start a new country? Can white people all stop paying taxes? Can we move all whites move to a state en mass, vote in good public officials, and then refuse to pay federal income tax?

Can we just start inviting white canadians and russians to vote?

He's a Democrat. They're communists. Stalin would be proud.

What did Henrico do?

This is why states need electoral colleges as well.

I hope SHTF the day after the election when most people from Virginia find out that their electoral votes went to the Candidate with the popular vote (probably Biden)

I guess I will be voting in 2 states this year, and urge everyone to do the same!
Also where are the gun larpers when shit like this happens?

Why would you lower the barriers for voting?
Surely you only want the most able, passionate people to vote. Those who go out of their way to vote are more likely to be informed of the issues and be more intelligently voting.
Oh wait he wants the lazy and the illegals to vote for his ilk, I see.

>I hope the 2A and militia stuff we did holds them back
It will not. Plan accordingly.


Voting is a right.
Each living AMERICAN over 18 gets ONE VOTE.
But the dummycrats don't like that rule. All they do is lie and cheat. And slobs vote for them.

How? Illegals can each go vote 10x for the democrat. No ID required.

The changes he's making will never be reverted no matter who wins next election. He needs stopped.

Don't forget, Republicans don't do anything to stop them and will actually apologize if they're accused of trying to appeal to white people.

Why don’t they want to verify the voter’s identity?

How can anyone argue that a person shouldn’t have to show an ID?

Every citizen is required to have an ID.

This is just inviting voter fraud.

That's the point.

They used to, SCOTUS struck it down. Look up Reynolds v Sims.
>Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that the electoral districts of state legislative chambers must be roughly equal in population. Along with Baker v. Carr (1962) and Wesberry v. Sanders (1964), it was part of a series of Warren Court cases that applied the principle of "one person, one vote" to U.S. legislative bodies.
This court case gave cities more power than rural landowners, completely flipping state legisaltures overnight. The US would look VASTLY different if not for this case.

northern Virginia needs to become its own state. everyone else, especially in the Appalachian region fucking hates this faggot.