Are whites white ?
Are whites white ?
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Are retards retarded?
Most of us aren't, no. Ask any "white" American their ancestry and you'll get shit like "Italian" or "Irish" or even "Cherokee". The gall of us people.
No coffee is an artificial stimulant and shouldn't be used daily. There's a reason why your body isn't operating at 100% capacity 24h.
Only if you use clorox
Europeans aren't European either, because in ancient times there was an Aryan invasion from Asia.
Who cares. White People = Good. ShitSkins = Bad. Territorial claims, genetic purity claims are retarded.
Whites are white, blacks are black, blues are blue, yellows are yellow, reds are red, and jews are subversive.
No. White race is a kike conspiracy. Celts and Meds are substantially different from nordshits and slavs.
I want to sniff her sad futureless feet
Whiter than you, muhammed
Finally this question has been brought to it's logical conclusion. Great job user.
you'll never be white pierre
>genetic purity is bullshit
Most of the women and 40% of the men are anti-white.
What is white?
Im of European descent. 100%.
Does that make me white? Or is white just a mutt word for mutts who have no real idea what they are but have European physical characteristics?
>trying to divide white people
Hey, rabbi
>I'm white guys I swear
No, being white is a social construct. We're all black africans.
>unironically thinking mongrelized g*rmanic mutts are white
Your the real rabbi
Absolutely not
Is lum white?
Finally a mutt who understands
They're actually pink. No one is white. Whiteness is a delusional ideological fantasy endorsed only by retarded people who want to be something they can't be.
Are OPs faggots?
if your skin is white and you're not an albino you are white
Are mutts white? Are they even human?
So chinks are "white"?
You can see why white is a totally useless term at this point if it can include very dissimilar ethnicities.
Good to know I'm not a filthy race traitor
Yes. I was born to European parents who were born in Europe. You?
I am a pure Bavarian American.
I live in a small Village in northern Vermont. I've never seen a nigger or a beaner in my entire life.
Adderall > Coffee
White is just a blanket term for someone of European dissent, because if you say European some retard will say
>hur dur, you're not European! You live outside of Europe
God I miss adderall.
All humans have skin naturally pigmented shades of brown.
Pink skin, such as in nipples, is ecause of blood in the capillaries showing through (dat haemoglobin) Some conditions where pigments deposit on the skin can change the colour. Argiria (silver salts) makes it look blue or purple, too much carotene (Vit C) orange. Ashkenazi kikes have pale skin, as do albino niggers. Though random mutation, gene manipulation or miscegenation, there may be a man that has so dark brown it looks black skin, yet be in all other respects genetically an aryan overman.