Go on, happeningfags, prove it

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>prove it
Im not sure what the fuck hes saying but thats not how it works

He’s an absolute dumb fuck. Peak Boomer.


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Sweden didn't shut down shit except for thr old and immunocompromised and they have far fewer deaths than countries around them, and of course the US. I'm sure we killed MORE people by locking young healthy people with the old. After this is all said and done we need to put the media and (((medical experts))) on trial. Lockdown fags are traitors.

Yes, you read that right, fucking Sweden is closer to the ideals of Washington and Jefferson than we were.

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Makes claim and refuses to prove it. Peak Boomer

>do things like sweden
>founding fathers had good ideals

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It really is

>”I’m choosing to ignore evidence to assert a position. It’s your responsibility to prove me wrong using the evidence I’ve a priori rejected.”

This boomer is so retarded holy shit

that's exactly how it works you dick

prove it or people will never fall for it again

He’s the one making an assertion, he bears the burden of proof for that assertion.

You can't fucking prove it though unless you can see into the alternate dimensions.

Where was the proof lockdowns work when instituting them? Making a law goes far beyond a simple assertion.

What’s your proof for your assertion?

the logistic model, limiting factors, and carrying capacity. k whats his proof they dont work?

Nobody is saying it worked, it just isnt an argument and makes him look stupid

Founding fathers were based as fuck. If they were around today they'd be considered hardcore nationalists. Yes, and today Sweden did right.

The proof was in the models, which predicted millions dead if absolutely no measures were taken and many thousands regardless. Given the number of deaths is still doubling at an exponential rate, and even these extreme measures have only served to slow the rate from every three days to every six?

Probably a good call. He’s a stupid boomer who doesn’t understand high school math and wants ‘muh down Jones’ regardless of the price.

The models were based off patient data that suffered from selection bias

Sweden has a higher death rate than the US

There’s more models then one, and in any case they’re irrelevant, we have benefit of hindsight. Before measures the US death total doubled every three days. Now it doubles every six or so. If we’re still suffering exponential growth with the entire country on lockdown it’s pretty obvious Billy is water headed.

While the Corona Virus is blown out of proportion, it’s still tons of sick days for everyone that gets infected.
If you kept everything open, then people would just infect others and the amount of sick days would exponentially grow.

Truthfully, it’s better for corporations to close down, not because of the virus itself, but because of the response the public to Corona. They would be losing money by staying open, especially entertainment.

founding fathers were dipshits that took a narrow window of roman history and thought they could magically make it last more than 200 years, bill of rights is a useless document that doesnt work even in theory let alone practice. freemasonry is kabbalah and hermetic larping for fags. sweden is full of immigrants so the population already self isolates. assuming that the swedish authorities are telling the truth and not treating this like everything else that gets reported in that shithole and just lying to make themselves and their ideology look good.

COVID was a meme
Happening niggers btfo

The US was never intended to go so long without revolutions. We've failed to live up to the system they created.

or the system is shit and doesnt work which is why the ancient world abandoned it. and the founding fathers who were mostly aristocrats were simply a circulation of elites under pareto elite theory.

>take a control goup and an experimental group of 30 people each, give one person in each group The Rona
>lock the control group in a hotel in seperate rooms for 2 weeks
>lock the experimental group in a single room for 2 weeks
>count which group has more infected after 2 weeks

Alright you contrarian faggot, what exact system do you propose? I'm looking forward to you evading my question.

It’s more like the control group visits a common hotel room once a week for two weeks and the experimental group visits it once a day for two weeks.

>Prove it
Italy and Spain

Waiting for his admission he's caught covid
>ventilated a week after
he's in the at risk group too

>he says as he's forced to stay at home for at least 2 more months

>even fucking hobby lobby declares itself essential


No shit sherlock. Every business considered itself essential and thus most people still went to work. Almost nothing changed except a few pen pushers in offices got to work from home.

Its so cringe worthy seeing mutts appropriating the aussie slang for the coronavirus.
You aren't cool like australia, sit the fuck down clown.

This guy is so fucking stupid. What the fuck?

we went through this 10 years ago with religiousfags.
if you assert something, you have to prove it