We're under attack by the globalist scum. Again.

We need to bury this shit twice as deep as the Scandinavian Airlines ad to teach these motherfuckers that we're not fucking around.

Attached: jiojiojoi.png (739x577, 324.15K)

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Wow where the world would be without niggers...i wonder

Attached: 1467280.jpg (1920x1080, 321.49K)

Also curry niggers

gibs me trad waifu qt or gtfo

Attached: AngryJew.png (631x652, 702.05K)

Imagine thinking immigrants are our sole food source, health workers. I mean yes, some. Of course. But so what?

Not your personal army faggot.

Fuck immigrants. Go home and take your shitty ungrateful attitudes with you.

Why is a spic responding to this? Shoo.

Imagine completely ignoring the grooming gangs and all the shit they do.

Imagine believing that white people are thankful to see immigrants doing anything in there country because of a plague that foreigners brought here.

>>come to our countries
>>steal jobs
>>perform stolen jobs
>>clap for me


These anti-American globalists never let a good crisis go to waste. So fucking tired of this (((propaganda))).

>we weren't invited to your country
>but here we are
>please clap

Are people really this depressed because they have to stay home for a few weeks and deal with their thoughts? Normies are fucking insufferable, normally I work a 8-5 STEM job 5 days a week, go out with friends, have a normal life etc. but working from home for a bit isn't the end of the world. I mean it sucks to sit in your house all day but holy fuck it's just being a hermit for a short time. Whiny bitches are so pampered they know nothing about life outside of pleasure and distractions, idiots.

>you racist gringos owe us everything because we're too stupid and lazy to get it ourselves.
>We're SO stupid that we breed out of control, faster than cockroaches and this is why we live in abject poverty.
>Give us what we're entitled to in your home country, you pinche racist gringo.

Also fuck these shitskins thinking they need to be applauded for taking advantage of the West's advances, go home.

reminds of this user

I want that Chinese woman to rub her vagina in my face.

If they weren't here, we'd be forced to invest in our own people first, and they wouldn't be needed.

Fuck off.

Exactly. Isnt saying theyre all benefiting society more wrong than saying theyre all destroying it? Considering a larger percentage is a negative influence?

And chinks


That's how I'd envision a world without jewish usury and subhuman non-europeans

so they openly admit corona was a hoax to push for even more mass immigration into white countries?

The Japs are your allies. Technological giant, nationalistic, anti-immigration, respects and portrays Europeans gloriously in their media.

Globalism is based.

nips are cool in my book

Globalism is based (on child sacrifice)

>please clap for me
I-is Jeb! running again in 2020? Is this a campaign ad?

It’s really something special user

Fuck all non-Europeans living in Western countries.

>oh fuck off

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No, they are not. As long as they are distinct the shadow of Imperial Japan will linger. Only ethnically homogeneous societies are able to reach for the stars.

remember lads, traitors go first