Microsoft insider user here

Hell all.
I usually lurk here but I have been hearing very disturbing things internally and I have no where else to go...
let me give you the low down.
>Live in redmond
>Work with a bunch of soys as a software engineer for windows 10
>Bosses start telling us we need mass support for "3rd party and in house biometric software"
I think nothing of this, maybe they are trying to roll out some new fingerprint login or some shit, i dunno.

Fast forward to a few days ago.. we are being asked to make it so if a user does not have the "biometric authentication" they cannot login. they are talking about eventually pushing this update out to everyone.

one of my bosses told me he heard it has to do with the chipping thing and only people who have been vaccinated will be allowed to use computers running windows (95%+ of all home users)

I dont really know who else to tell and I dont know what it will change but...
I feel better having told you guys.. 1984 is coming...

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Other urls found in this thread: 13&version=KJV

any tips for breaking into the industry?


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This is the thread
>Even if OP is a faggot who's LARPing.

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Work at a company in the same league as MS (C++ and systems programming work)

I completely support this decision at MS. Information is power and control over it is the ultimate power.

How does this help me deport kikes and niggers out of my country?

What's the timeline for your project? As in when does the biometric software get completed?

Don‘t let this slide!!!

OP, can you give us more input?

Bitches gonna come to me for my based Arch and Gentoo installs

2020 year of the linux desktop

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This is absolutely insane if its true

give us more deets, what's happening?

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Obviously a LARP. Linux is free and easy to install. Hell, if it wasn't a LARP I'd install Linux on PCs for free.

Lots of certs.
I have been told they want it ready as early as the next update cycle, but i dont know. they may delay it longer.
to be honest, I hope so.

Most of what I know is just rumors.. BUT they are MAKING us add in a feature that logs out users unless they "biometrically authenticate". I have literally seen the code, so that part is real.

Fuck. I've been putting off creating a Linux partition for 10+ years. Don't make me do it, Bill.

Hi karissa

Ok you absolute homofag, what's stopping anyone from running an old windows build?

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>"biometrically authenticate"
What does this mean? Fingerprint/iris scanners?

Don't even have finger scanner so it can't work

This would be a big problem for businesses that employ anyone who refuses to get the ID, and also use windows as their primary OS.


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Don't let this thread die you faggots

OP, any info on 5G?
Post everything you know.

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Assuming you aren't a LARP; elaborate on the chip please, what is Microsoft planning to put into it? Is it going to have a tracker and access to things like our birth certificate, SSN, and medical history? Also how does it tie into controlling the population outside of locking them out of regular computers?

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Bumping for interest

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Hence it's fake

Yeah, such a big problem, given the YUGE unemployment due to coronavirus...

Don't be a retard, employers will just replace anyone who refuses.

guess what faggot
no one cares
i just wont use a windows computer
no one will
this is so stupid you are clearly full of smelly bile.

My Window 10 updated yesterday and there was a splash screen with new features. One was being able to login with a smile or a wave at the camera. TAPE YOUR CAMERAS

Is the code for identification for a specific biometric marker like finger scanner or how was the code you‘ve seen build?

>Your PC will restart in 11 minutes, 6 seconds

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Bump nigga

linux uber alles
Also, plz ask Billy why he named his company after his dick

You don’t need ‘certs’ to get a job at Microsoft lmao.

MS will try to make you update and are going to try to sell it as a "security update"

I am not to keen on the specifics of the chip, But my boss told me it will be a chip that is injected in with your skin and Microsoft along with some other vendors will be giving away readers for free.

I had something pop up when I was accessing Zuckerbook (relatives and friends insist on using it). It asked me if I would allow it to take a picture of me for biometric identification. Of course I didn't. Anybody know what that's about?

Don't take it 13&version=KJV

why haven't the chinks made a windows rip off?

bullshit. hardware costs to the enterprise space would be in the millions. most desktop units have no built in fingerprint readers.

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and what are computers at all offices with windows machines gonna be replaced with? They're too cheap to get Macs. Will not run Linux cause they think it's for nerds or too difficult to use, they will use Windows.

and this biometric thingy, pfft, let's just roll it out as extra security, simpleton users will drink that koolaid.

Thank God I use based Windows 7 and there are no updates anymore thanks to MS. I also don't have any biometrics on my laptop, and will never buy a laptop that has it.
Also, why does MS think it's appropriate to use slave third-world labour "volunteers" as its tech support?
If I could switch to Linux Mint I would. What a shit company.

install a backdoor to it so we can have access when its all implemented


bc they already own the owner of the company

LOL, yep, at least as a SWE, I am a SWE at one of the bigger corporations and certs on a resume will just make us laugh our asses off.

2021 will finally be the year of the Linux desktop!

OK so how does one get biometric readings without a reader? How would it even work? How could they stop it from being exploited?

wait ar eyou fucking retarded OP or what?

>not being able to use a computer without chip

sure, tell that to my multiple win10/7/2012/2016/2019 copies with no valid license running happily even with updates.


Have you seen gov? LOL KEK they are still running old win copies with shitty security because isolation, tell me again how that will work

BTW, get your shitty ass motherfucking 3rd world support in check bitch, I just had a conversation with some Nigerian prince support tech that knew less than my engineer and was a "tech lead" Motherfucker was a JOKE

Also, stop trying to listen to my connection bitch! I have to wireshark and clean your OS every single fucking day.


Also, learn to LARP

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>Linux is free and easy to install
but 95% will still use windows because it just works. ms windows is the mark of the beast.

i dont have a biometric scanner device. Most people dont.
people will just use a pirated version or migrate to linux in masses.

not uh

You all laughed at me and kept posting that stupid demon anime loli for being a Macfag. Who’s laughing now?

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I am Bill Gates and this post is incorrect, there is no chipping planned.


How soon are they planning to start production on it? Also what is their plan for people who refuse the programming?

>Source: trust me bro

Install linux.

>computers running windows
Why would you use that trash if you can use Linux or BSD or TempleOS?

The precedent is the important thing, you retard. They don’t need total simultaneous adoption, just acceptance over time. Sell your soul for convenience.

its allready in production from what I can tell.

like I said, they will tell you "you need this update to stay secure" and eventually i wouldnt doubt if they force you to update to login if its connected to the internet.

Ah yes. Microsoft will require dermal implants to access a server overnight, and when critical servers fail to come up after auto-installing and businesses lose millions of dollars waiting for a competent admin to agree to get chipped they won't dump Microsoft and move to Linux en masse.

Thank you for the clarification, Bill Gates.

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im not getting chipped and im comfy with linux, so fuck microsoft, also you should fuck them up from the inside as much as you can.

Also, what happens when Todd in engineering copies the one chipped person's chip?

>(95%+ of all home users)

I think 95%+ used youtube at some point but that number has gone down vastly because people no longer want to support the faggots. now you have bitchute, altcensored, plenty of alternatives.

same will go for operating systems, when people say fuck this they simply will use others or be willing to pay for another which will create a market

Couldn't that shit be easily bypassed? Like I can pirate Windows. Surely hackers can easily crack it.

This would require people to buy additional hardware
to actually use the biometric authentication.

I'd be curious to know what the EULA says to force something like this?

Lastly fuck that lol, I'd just use Linux.

I'm never getting chipped or vaccinated for the Chinese virus, I'd rather just walk out into the woods and live off the land than be a slave.

I'd be fine to never use modern technology ever again to be quite honest, my life wouldn't change much if I couldn't play some lame ass video games or watch some bullshit on Netflix.

I have a question, what is the name of the file that will be installed to force this change?

This isn’t aimed at business. It’s aimed at consoomers. Get chipped so you can continue “enjoying” Netflix and social media. You don’t want to be using an outdated, insecure version of Windows, do you? Oh no, now you can’t run games and Disney+ unless you update and get chipped...

Couldn't come up with something realistic, homo?

if you can't figure out how to use linux, you're not white

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How could you do the most damage to the company that is possible?

Turbo retard larp. Not only is this total shit-tier larping, but MS needs enterprise to survive. Rolling out something like this would destroy the entire company.

Im not trying to get you in trouble, but make sure you personally have all the code for it for backdoor later.

It's not feasible to implement because literally their entire business market (read: license scam farm) will go Linux overnight as soon as an update like this causes downtime. Which it would. Immediately.

I've worked at several software and hosting companies and there are many sectors dumping micro$oft.

What's certs?

If Microsoft did something really dumb like this then millions of people would immediately switch over to Linux. Proprietary software from third-parties would have to start giving a lot more support to Linux because people would demand it in order to buy their products. A move like this would be suicide for Microsoft. Now maybe they will do something like this on a smaller scale with businesses, and sell it as "security" but a full-scale rollout will not happen.

this 100%
i DO NOT work on the server side and have heard no mention of this on servers.

Time to learn Linux nigger.

this is bullshit, they don't even support Win 7 anymore and that's the last version that was even worth a shit. And you can easy get a hacked pirate version of anything you want and just turn off auto update and this will never happen

No fucking way am I getting chipped by Microsoft.

This is like Windows 8, only more hilariously incompetent.

Reminder: There was a time where Yas Forums was worth a shit and a bunch of veterans started making threads with photos to back up their claims that a significant portion of the infantry's missions in both Iraq and Afghanistan had to do with breaking local populations into submission so that they would comply with a full biometric census and rat on neighbors who had been trying to hide from it.

I distinctly remember them saying that above anything else the later stages of these wars shifted toward being a real world training session for the command staff to test this new doctrine of gathering full biometric data from a population as a means to break them into submission and render any oppositional actions to be almost impossible to be carried out without being identified. That stage one was completely fucking the economy and infrastructure to such an extend that the prospect of a bag of rice would compel almost anyone to bend the knee. Then it was as simple as bringing bags of rice in exchange for them sitting there while a Marine used something called a baats/hyde system to scan their fingers, eyes and take a photo followed by promises of extra rice for info on anyone hiding from the census, followed by doors getting kicked in.

IIRC one of them said "keep an eye out for this shit, you will know its going on when they are handing out food and water in return for compliance"

Anyone have the screencaps of the threads that I'm talking about? I have a feeling there are far too many newfaggots here that haven't a clue about this shit.

microsoft is already converged by the bolshevik kike menace - they have a tranny code of conduct on all of their open source software now. the leadership is kiked and must be gassed for the sake of the white race

Girls at my high school were getting put on mint boxes in 2013.

You think consumers won't just rage switch to linux distros that you can install in 10 minutes now?

Kids are all using mobile devices. Gates owns the rfid implant patent. Apple/hp/Samsung/etc won't pay him a $300+/phone royalty to use it.

Don't get worried unless it goes in phones.

Certifications. You might need them in IT related jobs but not in software engineering jobs.

It's still You

Install gentoo

What do you know about smart contracts?

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I also work for microsoft (yes, not even larping)
I dont know what op is about, im not in the same field as him, but I can attest for the basedboy part
>you should fuck them up from the inside as much as you can.
i haven't had any opportunity to do that yet, so I will just keep it cool... for now...

What if he gives it to them for free

Start gathering evidence.
Leak it to Independent Journalists (maybe breitbart, cernovich) who can spread the word before its publicly announced and the professional spin doctors can get the public to buy in.

Just fuck off.

This has been natively supported since Windows 7, and available with third-party extensions that use GINA and the Biometric API since fucking XP.

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Mac users ultimate btfo which won't change society at all because the artistic creators didn't make much anyways.

one of my friends in azure says they are working with a "company that connects smart contracts"

but that is for another thread friend.

> Fat Gen xer voice

So yer telling me I have to drive TWENTY MINUTES and STAND IN A LINE to get A SHOT so I can use MY computer?

Fuck this Ubuntu is easier than playing Oregon trail.

His market is hooking a government on it, RFID chips are insanely insecure, it's a chinsey happy merchant tier scam.

Screen cap this:

UK or Canada will take the bait and be a laughing stock for it in 2 years.


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Started exploring it yesterday, definitely buying a separate machine to do it.

Capped This for reference user. Thank you for telling.

>windows 10
I got one of those when I bought my laptop, but I don't use it.
Modular design FTW.


Probably just hype around the office, I doubt whatever biometric feature your adding has anything to do with the chip, they're entirely separate things. Do you really think they'd lose 90% of their userbase because they need people to put a chip in them first? Windows already has the facial recognition, and the fingerprint recognition, and the dot connecting, and the pin, and people are too lazy to set up most of those, let alone get a chip implanted in them.

Actually it's really common now: Windows Hello Ready is a valuable certification, and loads of OEMs have put in IR-capable webcams.

All current Surfaces, most current business laptops, and most laptops that aren't bargain-basement shitboxes ship with them.

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