Opinions on this guy?

Attached: Jreg.jpg (360x450, 15.95K)

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Anti-Centerism isn't actually a bad ideology.

Cringe, I can barely get through his videos. He seems somewhat knowledgable, but his autism is just so painful to watch.

pretty funny for a leftist


He browses here for sure

Put accelerationism close second to best ideology, which is correct

Imo he's fine but most of his followers are redditors who seem to faggify everything they touch

>most of his followers are redditors who seem to faggify everything they touch
this is the worst part about getting attention

Funded by some somesort of new media PR branch of the gov.
A whole bunch of these online personalities are.

Whomst dat? Looks like a cross between Woody the cowboy from Toy Story and Anthony Weiner.



He's pretty based for a kike, and does a decent job of demonstrating the value of right-wing ideologies without autistically screeching like a lot of Yas Forumsacks. He gets saved from the ovens.

Now there’s a mug you don’t wanna chug

There's just something deeply unlikeable about him, but I can't explain it. Some peculiar narcissism that the humanities are full of.

the noise to signal ratio in his dialectic is pretty shit tier
t'is is but mere entertainment for NPC plebs and not proper shitlords

He's obviously smart and relatively good at his "art" but he is still a faggot and clearly is coping hard with his subconsciously screaming at him that the world is actually fucked up, and not just in generic 'it's everyone's fault lol!' kind of ways, and he has to do something about it for himself or perish.

Also yes, his fans are even bigger faggots, they think they're so cool for knowing that he isn't being 100% serious (like how the fuck could he be when he says all these contradictory things) but can't see the times when he is clearly trying to get an actual message across and if you comment on the message they'll say "haha you got trolled bro!". Also they just make generic unfunny youtube quips that get 10,000 upvotes.

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I bet chapofags are the bulk of that. Being a loud smug cunt and having hilariously dogshit takes is kind of their schtick. Imagine a board of 100K unironic Canadian posters amping each other up. That, is CTH.

Yep, he's just too full of himself. Also, the whole "ironic political opinions" thing stopped being cool like 5 years ago, at least. Irony can have a limited presence (like advocating a more of extreme version of X than you actually mean for lulz, but still believing in some version of X) but we are way past the time for hiding your actual perspective, being honest is hard enough as it is so we simply do not have time for bullshit.

I am unfamiliar with this term

He's actually redpilled, and is one of the most effective people for bringing people to the cause. He's basically a young Jared Taylor. Through comedy, he shows people how important it is to be rooted in a real, legitimate history, and to take pride in one's own people.


He's a goddamn communist. He hates the west and is an enemy. He's exactly the kind of infiltrator who would destroy the west by holding back innovation. People like him never realize they'd wind up in the gulags, starving, under their fantasized system.


Consider yourself lucky. Pic related.


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jesus christ stop posting this shit, it was one of a series of videos where he showcased his acting skills for advocating contradictory opinions and making you almost believe it, to give some 'plausible deniability' in the final video where he "unironically" explains how he actually is an anti-centrist and prefers extremism of all forms to centrism

ah i get it lol, well still go fuck yourself for shilling your videos here, greg

He's an American patriot and a bright person who could very well be the next great entrepreneur. He doesn't fight degeneracy, which is a problem, but he is smart enough to profit off of it, as degenerates destroy themselves.



get a life jesus fucking christ

He's a tranny faggot filled with white guilt. He doesn't seem to get that if you give control to the state, they're going to run your life. He's totally cucked, the definition of a soi boi.


unironically like it. It's good to be able to laugh at yourself.

waiting to see if you get the point where he is actually something like an anti-centrist or if you're a redditor who thinks he literally has no views

He's just another fucking LARPer who wants to pretend to be some kind of a revolutionary, when in reality he's probably living out of his parents' basement. People like him never actually do anything for their beliefs. Read True Believer, it basically talks about how people swing from one political identity to another because in reality they're hollow and weak.



kill yourself faggot

He's the Jew to outjew the Jews

Fuck off greg everyone here knows you browse pol we get it you’re edgy