Asians = Elves

Asians = Elves
Blacks = Orcs
Whites/Jews = Humans or Dwarfs

Attached: 4449747-3801600654-triol.jpg (500x290, 70.83K)

Kiwis= hobbits, literally saving the world by demonstrating how to destroy SARSron

>Asians = Elves

Muslims = Uruk-Hai, the private army of Sorosman

Elves are nordics you fucking mog

get fucked loser!

Why not?

Ancient civilization, lithe and pretty appearance, everyone says they're the most intelligent and wise but you're tempted to ask "if they're so smart, why haven't they taken over the world?"

Asians have wide heads they cant be elves..
You need dolichocephalic form to be elvish.

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Fucking dumbfuck with a slide thread
Turks = orcs
Elves = nords
Dwarfs = jews
Hobbits = anglos
Humans = slavs

Attached: dx4m4avizg421.png (1200x628, 1.45M)

Jews = The Dragon
Various ethnicities of Europe = various races of middle earth you mong

Nazgûl = germans

Elves = whites (including some Asians)
Orcs = blacks
Goblins = browns (including most Asians)
Dwarfs = jews

>Asians = Elves
>Blacks = Orcs
>Whites/Jews = Humans or Dwarfs
Jews are Golems

jews = the golden ring

Its not how you feel. It's how you look in real life

Attached: 1581676541762.png (948x720, 945.3K)

>pretty appearance
No one is actually seriously thinking they are smarter than whites, though. If you would lurk more you would notice just how much they resemble bugs.
So basically Asians = Goblin Men / Halforcs

Attached: Asians.jpg (1198x1837, 732.51K)

Trannies = elves
Americans = orcs
Muslims = haradrim
Jews = dwarves

>Asians = Elves
you fuckin wish chang

>No one is actually seriously thinking they are smarter than whites
Except every cross-racial IQ study ever done

Slavs are elves. Jews are Dwarfs.


Men of the West=Germanic tribes
Orcs=Subsaharan niggers

No. Elves = Scandinavians. Sauroman = Jews.

niggers jews and Asians don't enter the mix, its not their culture to participate in

No, Saruman and Sauron and globohomo race traitors sicking the hordes on their own people, Gandalf is a nationalist.

Lol you wish dude

Germans = Dwarfs
French = Elves
Americans = Orks clan Boomstick
Russians = Orks clan Firewater (hate the above)
Blacks in French colonies = Dark Elves
Blacks in British colonies = Orks
Japanese = Dwarfs
Chinese = Elves
Australians = Cave trolls (bc. of their mines)
Canadians = Frost trolls

figure out the rest, I ran out of ideas

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You asian fetishists are the dumbest motherfuckers on this board.
>Ancient civilization
Mesopotamia is older, hell Abbos are older considering there "civilization" had existed unchanged for 75,000 years (same could be said of chimps though)
Short is not lithe
>pretty appearance
webm. related.

Asians are already referenced as existing in the LOTR universe, as Rhûn. Which is essentially the mongol horde.
Elves aren't bugs, they are highly individualistic, physically distinct, and creative. All things Asians are not.

Attached: So I heard you like asians....webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Men of the West-Germans
other humans-Italiens

Nice pop-culture reference, fellow MIGApede!

Dwarves are niggers
Elves are niggers
Hobbits are niggers
Numenorians are niggers
Rohan are going to be niggers
Wild men will be white
Gondorians are niggers

All you faggots forgot Amazon bought this shit and are going to make everything in it gay and black.

Jews are goblins. Whites are humans.

It's a book

>weeb faggot

No, actually I don't you anti-semititc piece if shit.

Fitting as Austrians are Slavic halfbreeds

>Asians = Elves

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>look at this graph
open your fucking eyes nigger

Cherry picking kraut. your whites belong at a private charter in an area affluent enough to train their daughters in figuring skating. you compare these girls to homely korean girls from lower to middle class families. what's wrong with you? No one is asking you to think these girls are pretty. Hell, most Korean men would recoil at the photographs.

urukhai you mean

As far as Jews go in the LOTR, the most likely representation is Grima Wormtongue
>"Tolkien describes him as "a wizened figure of a man, with a pale wise face, and heavy lidded eyes", and a "long pale tongue"

Also, elves are the TALLEST race in Arda (lotr) not midget bug people.

Attached: grima jewtongue.jpg (346x145, 4.25K)

orcs = non whites
dwarfs = Jews

>OP = faggot

Whites = Humans
Latinos = Gnomes
East Asian = Night Elves
Arabs = Dwarves

Blacks = Orcs
Native Americans = Tauren
Australian Aboriginals = Trolls
White Liberals = Undead

Jewish (Ashkenazi) = Dreadlord
Jewish (Sephardic) = Pit Lord
Jewish (Israeli) = Fel Soldier

trolls are black

This isn't edited at all and makeup magically makes her nose narrower, totally you guys.

Given that the Siege of Vienna is the inspiration for The Battle of Helm's Deep

Riders of Rohan: Poland's Winged Hussars
Saruman: Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Orcs/Uruk: Islamic invasion force
Elves: Scandinavians (More specifically Fins)
Gondor etc: Western Europeans
Dwarves: Jews (driven from their homes when their greed take things too far)
Hobbits: Brits

If goblins are not Jewish, nothing is.

Night Elves are specifically Japanese. Chinese are fiends, Ping is cryptlord.

You know that only humans, and not elves, have free will right?

This is so fucking obvious bait its retarded that anyone even commented.

It's obviously

blacks = elves
dwarves = jews
orcs = europeans
hobbits = asian