Attn: Amerilards

Attn: Amerilards

If you stop funding and supporting the WHO, guess which country will be happy to step into the power vacuum and become the world's de facto international leader?

Hint: rhymes with "vagina", fond of pangolins

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Any country trusting the WHO right now deserves what it gets

Lol cause whoever is writing checks to a now disgraced retard NGO dictates who runs the world.

Nobody will trust the WHO after this you retarded shill

The USA created the UN for a reason, global power needs coalitions.

Trump is walking into a retard trap.

>stop paying the people working for china or china will have to pay them openly
kys anytime.

All of the countries like Taiwan or Australia that didn't listen to the Wuhan Health Organization are doing far better than any other country that did and they were among the first one the get the chink flu. Trump is doing a based move,

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OMG fund China's puppet or China will control them...

China is number 2 in funding and WHO already doesnt give a fuçk about their number 1 funder. That type of logic is mind boggling. Paying them to cuck us is more insulting than China "owning" the WHO. CNN is on,turn the tv on

Checked and true.

that already happened you idiot. WHO doesn't benefit the American people in any way.

if that is "power" to you, here. have it.

I am officially crowning you king of the world. Now go and see what you media fiction power can buy you.

Meanwhile Ill go finance another giant dodge diesel truck and drive a hole in you fucking ozone layer.


We funded them and they provided shit information while sucking CCP cock. China can pay for it if they want.

What the fuck good is paying them doing? They are sucking China's dick anyway. When it comes to actually fighting a pandemic, we can easily create a coalition with our allies and/or just use the CDC internationally in these countries. NGOs are only worth the investment if they actually give you power or insight into countries that you normally wouldn't have (i.e. China). WHO is doing the exact opposite.

If China wants to take them over, isn't it unwise to abandon multilateral organizations to the Chinese?

This. We will just ignore them, as will most other western countries. Let them rot and be under the control of the CCP.. no one will listen to them. Defunding was the right thing to do.


i hate trump and mutts but this shit is based as fuck
The WHO i lead by a corrupt nigger who LOVES yellow dick.

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>power vacuum
>international leader
top kek

Jews created the UN, and it should be anolished. If the US wants to have power over another country it should just annex it, otherwise leave them alone.

China already owns them.

you know the UN has no power right? Wait... just checked the flag.

nevermind. Praise Mohammed, PBUH.

>If you stop funding and supporting the WHO, guess which country will be happy to step into the power vacuum and become the world's de facto international leader?

China already runs the WHO they just get the Americans to fund it.
If the US stops funding it they could use that money to create a rival organisation that actually does a good job.

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Not if every country we are allied with does as well. After the investigation comes out that gives extreme detail of exactly how badly they fucked this up, any country leader that doesn't stop funding or insist on a complete revamp of the WHO will be committing political suicide. Especially if its in a country that saw large numbers of cases/deaths.
Seriously, paying them money without demanding at the very least a complete rebuild of the WHO is just dumb. The the US gives WHO 10 times more money than China, yet they essentially work for china.

"I will praise China over and over"
- Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

yeah but china infiltrated most councils in the UN
Like the humanrights council
And by infiltrated i mean was giving the place of taiwan by BILL fucking CLINTON

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Nah this is what you wanted right?
America just fucks everything up right? We're all just a bunch of inbred stupid mutts right?
You said the world would be better off without American imperialism right?
You wanted us to fuck off right? That's exactly what we're doing. We're fucking off, just like you asked us to.
Enjoy living in the Chinese century.

>rhymes with vagina

We were giving them hundreds of millions and they lied for China. What will change except we save money?

Literally WHO

>china will now give them 400 million
lol they would never do that. all we've done is make sure a chinese owned organization doesn't take our wealth.

Good, I have been rooting for Trump the whole time exactly because of this. I knew he would destroy decades of diplomatic achievements and weaken the US considerably. This is perfect, Trump is the best that could have happened to this world, the US downfall has finally begun.

Well, if you stopped fighting retarded wars for Israel, we might like you better

>WHO has become a scapegoat recently
These people in the press have no shame.

Remind me, what new war is Trump fighting for Israel?

You retarded Bongs, he's investigating them chiefly because that's what's ALREADY HAPPENED at the WHO, and he wants no part in funding it.


China will have more influence in WHO and UN, Usa will have less influence, your money will bail out dysney or Airlines.

If you had a memory longer than 3 weeks you'd remember Trump murdered Iran's head general late last year

Cant hear you over the sound of us fucking off

>global power needs coalitions.
yeah, but the G7 and NATO serve that role and do it much better than the UN or WHO. The only thing the UN can do is bully shitty lower tier countries that rely on foreign aid.

China already controls it; why not let them pay for it?

I'm okay with China taking over for a little bit. I'd rather the US focus on domestic affairs instead of pandering to snotty Europeans and dealing with Middle Eastern psychopaths. I'm sure Europeans would be much happier with the Chinese calling the shots from now on anyway.

You would know retards, yet you're still wrong.

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So when did he declared war on Iran?

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Fuck those spastics. How the fuck can they call themselves the World Health Organisation when all the advice they have given for the past two months has been completely wrong.

>no evidence of human spread
>don’t wear a mask
>travel bans are ineffective
>lockdowns won’t help
>china has done a great job at containing the virus
And the fucking kicker
>sure the virus is bad but racism against china is worse.
Seriously, fuck those spastic gook-cocksuckers. They’ve caused far more damage during this event than they’ve helped, and the have the audacity to claim they’re the ‘World’ health organisation

This is how it was meant to be. Fuck the god damn speculators who run this awful world.

>Still no cure for OP faggotry, WHO advises. Research to cease immediately
Oh no!
No more cunts flying business class to luxury "conferences" at resort hotels in the Seychelles.
So sad because the WHO did such great work informing and protecting the global taxpayers that fund it against a pandemic.
The one fucking major thing it had to do right, ever, and it fucked that up.

Tear it down, rope the dopes in it and start on the fucking UN next.