So this youtuber named Mouthy Buddha just released this pizza related video with some new information. This shit doesn't seem ever end.

Attached: GoogleCP.jpg (1772x985, 64.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Link source dumb new faggot. Nice lizard people video.



Who the fuck is pandaheadmorgan?!

Shill detected.

I like Mouthy Buddha

Me too. He doesn't post too often, but hes always consistent with the content he posts. One out just a few i actually get pinged when he posts a new video

Reminder that when you reply to obvious kike bait threads like these get covered.

Op homo confirmed.

Attached: positive.gif (298x200, 391.13K)

Definitely some new stuff to look into. It adds credence to the claim that namefag Hitler Himself claimed last summer that they definitely eat kids. The guy btfo alefantis or podesta in this series of threads last summer.

Watch the interaction between HH and toothpaste user


Thanks for the reminder. Actually forgot this thread


MOUTHY is BASED as fuck
Most of his vids have been deleted over time

Attached: 1582138435021.jpg (640x391, 61.76K)

I remember that thread. Wasn't he in the "Pedowood Hunting General" - or whatever we called it. Those threads were based and Yas Forums dug up a lot of information. I don't remember the exact thread titles.

and then one day, for no reason at all

thanks based user

He claimed he had proof that Spielberg himself was on here trying to get a thread taken down when he pretended to be a mod and Spielberg handed over his tax information as proof of identity.

I have backed up a 720p copy

Cheers man, not working for me

schizo vid on a schizo thread


nothing schizo about babies with clear signs of sleep deprivation being posted all the time from comet pingpong's instagram shill

So those Jew tube algorithms are probably trained by other pedos activities right? That’s why that material was shown to op when he searched. Jewtube/jewggle are just suggesting what lots of other users went to after seeing certain content. We can use jewtube to see the pedos digital trail they leave behind

I used this tool:
Note you have to turn off adblock for it to correctly fetch its API key.

Nah, if we asked our friends from outer and inner space, this entire planet would have all of it's evil-doers removed in one single instant.

Nah man. I'm one for absolutely shitting on all the conspiracy retards that shit up this board with their schizo rantings, but I watched this video and there is definitely something very strange going on. Simply far too many bizzare coincidences and connections.

I mean assuming the presented information is correct.

well done vid
thanks user