Leftists and communist were patriotic as fuck in the 20th century they were all trained in military ready for battle.
I know communism cause millions of death but atleast they were patriotic.
Today's communists are the biggest retards they ask for muh multiculturalism, muh open borders and are mostly against their country's goverment what went wrong?
Also I forgot to mention today's commies are weak as fuck mostly consisting of faggots, trans and dumb people.
Stop being jewtarded. Even the Kike-wing (Right-wing / conservative / republicans) looks like a bunch of fat neck bearded faggots and many of them are just that (faggots, or fat fucks). I have an entire compilation that puts them on display, just to show how sick the rightwingers are too.
Try National Socialism, which destroys both left and right, and unites all common people in the center of both. No reason to divide a nation, unless a jewish Terrorist ZOG Government controls that nation, illegitimately (thus making it a Treasonous and not-real Government, which is a problem that would have to one day be addressed obviously).
These fuckers who rule the government (left and right, no difference) are the scum who make faggot looking Antifas like you showed in your OP pic and Right-wing conservitive republicuckolds.
There is no solution to anything in choosing a side. The ZOG is the problem, and the problem is what must be dealt with. Or one day, all of America will look like the "Communism Now" guy you showed off in your OP pic. Don't be a part of letting that happen. The only way to stop "Communism Now" guy from becoming every American man in the future is to address the ZOG problem, so focus on that and drop the left/right divide and keep controlled and retardified nonsense (ZOG wants you to choose a side, in the Act-Whore Elections, which we don't have a say in anyways so voting is irrelevant and only for retards who love their ZOGtopia).
>Modern day communism is (((Trotskyism))) >Soviet communism was Stalinism Two totally different styles of communism, the biggest difference being Stalinism is more nationalist, and (((Trotskyism))) is more internationalist anarcho-communists.
All commies are faggots, but I at least have some respect for tankies, as they’re a legitimately formidable enemy. (((Trotsky))) faggots get the wall before anyone else.
Nicholas Sanders
They're just more honest. Lefties have always been total faggots.
Anthony Diaz
>Communists then: Murdering the Bourgeoisie >Communists now: Begging the Bourgeoisie
Cameron Martin
Stalin was a jewish Terrorist who hated the White race. GTFOH you retard.
>hurrr durrr Stalin was a Jew Stalin was a communist piece of shit who did hate the white race, but he wasn’t a Jew. He married 3 Jews, and befriended many, but he also caught on to what they were doing and tried to purge them.
Leon Trotsky was unironically a kike, his birth name was literally Lev Bronstein. Lenin was also a kike, as was Karl Marx obviously.
>>Modern day communism is (((Trotskyism))) >Soviet communism was Stalinism This 100%
The “communists” op is referring to are all anarchists and trotskyists. Succdems, and demsuccs. It’s a shame that most Yas Forumsacks don’t recognize the fact that “communism” is just a group with a bunch of different ideologies in it.
Yes the international jew battalion that went to fight against Franco was truly patriotic as fuck
Juan Gomez
"declassidied KGB documents" which ones? in which archives? where can I read first hand sources instead of time
Lincoln Parker
>It’s a shame that most Yas Forumsacks don’t recognize the fact that “communism” is just a group with a bunch of different ideologies in it. That's like recognizing the difference between horseshit and bullshit. Shit is shit, who cares.
Parker Garcia
>Thinking the natural progresaion wasn't supposed to be thus You don't understand communism and those truly behind it.
Chase Kelly
>strong nationalistic marxist-lenists vs free love open borders ancoms >no difference The difference is as wide as the one between ancaps and natsocs.
Jeremiah Parker
>stalin >jewish do you have brain damage?
Gabriel Morgan
He married into them.
William Wood
Feel bad for people who’ve never read any leftist economics and political theory. So much more rewarding, and such a bigger supply of unique ideas than right wing literature.
Ask a nazi what the importance of private property is, and he won’t be able to tell you.
Ask a nazi what he thinks about surplus value, and he will sperg out within seconds.
Lincoln Cook
You can tell that america has no future, when mutt monkeys have to promote kike fairy tale aka communism as a positive alternative to their jewmocracy
Andrew Ortiz
There absolutely is a difference, just like there’s a difference between National Socialists, Falangists, and Strasserists, even though they’re all considered big tent fascism. And of course some are going to be worse than others, I’m a National Socialist myself, and I think non-racial based fascists are complete morons, just like Stalinists think Trotskyists are complete morons.
We all have a retarded ideological cousin that we wish would just fuck off.
Carter Thompson
The end goal of marxism leninism is still the establishment of international communism with free love and no borders.
Camden Allen
You should hop in a time machine so you can suck all of them off, you huge faggot.
Jordan Young
Because everything to the left of the Republican Party is considered "communist", and that also captures all of the Democrat neo-liberal multicultural fag shit which has nothing to do with actual leftism or communism.
Liam Jones
>marrying a Jewess >having kike genetics yourself Two totally different things. You can always divorce a jewess, you can’t divorce your shitty genes that make naturally make you a satanic greedy evil kike.
Luke Parker
He was just a kosher sociopath from georgia, no wonder they liked him
Zachary Jenkins
because people want change while staying as comfortable as possible which is pathetic, the computer is the weapon of choice for the normies into politics thinking they can create a revolution without violence