BOO WHO - Funding halted to useless organization

How will the liberals spin this on the Great Cheeto? BOO WHO

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how can he be so based?

Fuck yes

Fucking Chinese shills, they deserve it

Source you nigger

CNN already reporting our intel knew before WHO so we shouldnt blame WHO, literally on their ticker.

He's a racist. He's only doing it because the head is an n-word.

That is fake news
The head of intelligence already debunked that claim

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-13 23-46-33.png (477x398, 157.2K)

Buddy Im answering OP's question of how they are going to spin it.

public private partnership.
the public pays
the part private gets the profits

But Fauci said it was a nothingburger until early March

I bet the public pays twice

what does the public part mean in this partnership?
in a capitalist world the capitalist produces for a profit

US going balls deep.

Today I’m announcing legislation to hold #China accountable. My bill would strip China of its immunity in US courts and create a private right of action against the Chinese Communist Party for silencing whistleblowers & withholding critical information about #COVID19

with private corporations?

It's beautiful

the stock market is not the economy

>The month is August.
>Another unnamable "whistleblower" will step forward with BOMBSHELL evidence that the intel communities were warning Trump about coronavirus in JANUARY OF 2019! A FULL YEAR BEFORE ANYONE EVEN GOT SICK.
Congress will mire the administration in a second impeachment over this show pony indictment.
>Dems will attempt to install Biden through political subterfuge "you can't vote for a President that's being impeached".
>They still lose.
>The month is now December, 2020, Donald Trump is still President, and the toll of the years stress and the holiday blues sees a massive spike in leftist one is surprised, or really cares.
>The month is now February, 2021, the DOJ and the Trump Administration are slowly filling GITMO with American politicians and bureaucrats at every level that are compromised by China.

Buckle up buttercup.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-14 18-45-57.png (603x426, 144.82K)

CNN hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

they're gonna go full fascist
coronavirus briefing is becoming a a corporate advertisement

Next, we seize the ill-gotten booty, foreign and abroad

Is China sitting on trillions in gold? Not for long

yeah free markets for you protectionism for us

presidential corporate endorsement or coronavirus briefing?

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-14 18-30-35.png (1033x694, 361.91K)

This is late coming and should have been done years ago. We need to defund the U.N. and kick their ass out of the country. Let them move to Belgium. After all, what are Belgians anyway? Just NAZIs with French accents.

but who will veto the war crimes charges against israel?


Nobody. If US get out the UN die.

I think it'll more to china

world helth
world trade
and the icc

>move to china

This isn't 1950. The world will continue just fine.