How BASED was the late 1700s?

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Pretty darn based

based as fuck if you were a colonist

Most based period in american history, sorry your country is getting cucked friend

Watch Barry Lyndon.

Every settlement was 100% white.
No female governors making seeds illegal like Michigan has right now.
All niggers in chains.
Zero crime.
Women knew their place.
Beating women with a wooden rod was legal.

same to you too fren

We need to bring back tricorn hats as a style

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Despite what any of these mouth breathing retards will tell you, we have it better than anyone has ever had it. 95% of you would perish within a week 100 years ago let alone in the 1700’s.

Yeah, I'm thinking pretty based

peak of mankind

>lynched niggers and jews for kikey and niggery, then beat your whore wife with a rod as thick as your thumb
Sounds great desu

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Stop projecting, loser.
I have survival skills, I would thrive in the 1700s.

everyone was poor as fuck and religious as fuck

These faggots can't even make it in the 21st century.

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So based they make me watch an autistic jew larp my history.

>muh wahman
You puritans have to go back.

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Wish we had time travel, would slip lever action repeaters to colonists.

I want to go back.
These people sound normal compared to now.

You can do that right now in Pakistan

currently innawoods, living with a mix of townsend skills and Aussie settler wisdom, never been happier... will have a crop of garlic for my local mountain men in time for winter stews, going to be a nice barter season Desu

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Constant raids from the Ottoman Empire, internal wars as a result of power struggle between foreign nobles, high taxation, famine and every 30-35 years another major war against the Ottomans.So pretty bad

you seem like you'd be an absolute blast at parties.

this dude was fun to watch when his wife left him. he just started making videos boohooing about negative comments and less youtube bucks, but it was all just redirection from his divorce drama and his lack of sales in his

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It was pretty bad. Kickstarted secularism and obsession with human rights. Removal of nobility allowed jewish bourgeoisie to grab power.

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"wear the prairie dress or you get the rod sweetie"

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It was his fucking fault for funding the American separatists, he caused the age of Secularism & he made friends with the (((guilds))) who backstabbed him & then funded the French revolutionaries! ha

Honestly it was a combination of circumstances, funding the American war to fuck with Britain was just one element. The decisive factor was the weather in 1788, it caused grain shortages and sky high bread prices at times when Paris was over crowded, also the press had exploded and there was alot of fake news and rumors circulating around the elites.

Who do you think funded those artiest to make those fatcat eating cake cartoons! ;D ha

I think he hoped by funding & supporting separatists & starting the American revolution we move our main army & navy to America & then he was going to try & invade Britain while our forces were in the US fighting the separatists but Unfortunately for him we didnt fall for it.

France goes bankrupt funding the American Revolution, the king dies!

I had a great time, would recommend

We refer to it as "The Glory Days"

Based Townsend!