Sweden YES! Sweden unveals plan to genocide shitskins

>Swedish government reveals that virus primarily targets shitskins.
>Refuses to go into lockdown.
Fucking ice cold

> People born in other countries than Sweden are overrepresented in the statistics, according to new figures released by the Public Health Agency. Somalia and Iraq were highlighted by Tegnell as being significantly overrepresented, with a slightly smaller overrepresentation among people born in Syria. He said that overrepresentation in a few other immigrant groups, such as Finland and Yugoslavia, may be because a lot of people originally from those countries are in age groups that are more affected by the virus.

So much for claims that Sweden planned to kill its elderly

Attached: save her anon.webm (586x720, 794.04K)

She's cute and all but her camera's out dated.

every government that's not ethnic cleansing and blaming the death stats on poor social distancing in ethnic communities is fucking up hard

The irony here is that Sven would happily kill niggers and their children too if the government told him to.

Write "Holy moley, they're so lonely" to extend the draconian quarantine by 9 months.

Holy moley, they're so lonely.

This is good I am sure Tegnell know's what he is doing. Or else the government would not hire him to kill somalis

It's 500 Niggapixels FFS

It's also an interesting phenomenon how Nordic people trust their governments so much. Suddenly killing Muslims and Africans is completely OK, when the government recommends it. The high trust on fellow people is a good thing but the trust on government is maybe too high.


Why? If we all work together we can do much, but to work together there can only one head

why are Swedes so conformist?

Historical reasons. In most of Europe the king, the nobility and the clergy always teamed up to dab on the peasants. In Sweden there was so much quarrel between king and nobility that the king instead teamed up with the peasants to dab on the nobility. Essentially Swedes got taught that the evil nobility and plutocrats were gonna take over and they had to back the king so he could save the country from tyranny by ruling as a wise absolute monarch

user, we usually would say
>xxx NO!
when something good occurs in xxx.

This is 100% correct and the reason other countries can never understand us. So fuck them. Those were the good days. I wish we could have absolute monarchy back. Multiple wills lead to corruption and decadence.

Attached: fuck everyone else.png (595x454, 42.08K)

Nobody ever clicks a Sweden NO thread


The meme is Sweden NO! when they do things against multiculturalism.

You seem to have a personal stake in this matter...

Attached: coomer.jpg (300x168, 6.25K)

How do you know this? It's completely true.

Yes and it's likely the government will tell us to, in a not too distant future. Sweden is a lot like Japan in this regard. It makes for the most fanatical people.

she < 90° bros

please explain why you would say something so stupid

>Yes and it's likely the government will tell us to, in a not too distant future.
They might. Afterall, you gotta wipe the board clean before you can embark on next project of social engineering

Oh great Sven is embarking on his next weirdo enterprise. I guess the government realized that immigrants make for poor puppets so they had to abort the replacement project to save their own power

maybe this video wasn't filmed yesterday.. you know about the past and future and shit, ryt?

imagine putting your penis in her mouth

interesting, but why don't the Peasants equate the entrenched Govt and petty politicians with "nobility", rather that grouping the Civil Service with the one and only King???

But they don't have a king now, they just go in lockstep with whatever is prevailing in their culture. They were were like pseudo-nazis up until what was it the 80s? and now theyre sweden yes

Nobody expects new Hitler to be a sven. Godspeed

This is not so strange. The Swedish peasantry were always represented in parliament. Anyway, after Gustav III the government basically held the king hostage until the peasants got used to it

that is the only positive thing I have to say about the Swedish strategy. based coronachan will take care of shitskins and niggers

Built for white cock

They do have a king and he is the most popular public figure in Sweden

Noooo not the niggerinos !!

>They were were like pseudo-nazis up until what was it the 80s? and now theyre sweden yes
Wait you mean the institute of racial hygene that sterilized undesirables? That was hardly nazi, just sensible social democrat policy for a healther people's body

Attached: inferior racial elements BTFO'd.png (812x1374, 326.68K)

First day on the internet?

no I get the >pointy elbows 2/10 maymay
I want to know why he chose the camera

>racial purity program
That's even more cucked than multiculti!