Are latinas white?

Will AOC be allowed in the ethnostate?

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Only if she feeds us from those juicy milkers

burn it with fire

Just like how Italians are only white when it’s convenient.

Every. Fucking. Day. With this thread.

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>Are [name of different ethnic group] white?

>british white
Wew lad

At least Italians can run a business, and they can remember a day when they ruled the known world, giving them some fucking standards.

We know they’re crazy though

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When can Italians get away with not being white?

How is she less attractive than a full blood indigenous south American? Is it the jew dna?

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Imagine turning down white goth Latina pussy. Lmao.

she looks like she shouldn't even be allowed in the women's locker room

Not even close. If your eyes, skin or nose look like that you are 100% not white.

When they can pass as Mexicans in Spaghetti Westerns

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beaners are nearly as bad as niggers

more-like will white people be allowed in americas colored ethnostate

Years of birth control and miles of cock will do that to you. How people can find this goblina attractive is beyond me

Racemixing. She admitted she has nigger DNA. Also, she's Puerto Rican, so she has zero South American indigenous blood in her. Insular and North American injuns are not as good looking as South American ones.

Why are anglos so obsessed with Latina pussy ?. I've read books on Texas history and the anglos back then had something for latinas lmao wtf


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>why are men obsessed with pussy?
I guess you have to be one to know...

>1 pbtid
>white white WHITE ??? white?

No it was just like in every place white men colonized. Why do you think Aussies bleached abos? Pussy is pussy.

Italians are 100% Caucasian and Latino’s not

>even if she would have been white

Wtf are you blind??? That's a goblina

God no, she's fucking hideous didnt you notice

Truly a mistake of the gravest kind.

She will, in the Coomerstate

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>half nigger half spic
>allowed in the ethnostate


Someone post the edited picture of AOC with white skin blonde hair and blue eyes so I have something to coom to

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We aren't white so they can't be white.

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She can clean my house
And my cock

Everyone is white.
Arabs? White
Mexicans? White
Jews? White
Blacks? White
Turtles? Obviously white
Batman? White
Ayyy lmaos? White
The only people who are not white are those damn blond, blue eyed people of European decent with the light colored skin.


OP, the rule for admittance into the ethnostate by non-white females remains that they must have pink nipples and at least brown eyes. No black eyes or black nipples. Those are the rules.

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i don't know, man, there's no greater schadenfreude on this planet than turning down a chick for sex. it screws their head into a thousand pieces and it's hilarious to watch.

Fucken weirdo. Has nothing to do with me. I was asking a legit question. This thread proves it.. whites obsessed with Latina pussy.. it's abnormal . White women are much better ..

No, never.

Latinas are some of the best fucks of your life
It’s just such a shame they lose their looks after spitting out a kid and they’re not white

Who is she

True. It's fucken cruel lmao ... I've seen some of them go from a legit 9 to a fucken 4 or 5 after giving it shit genetics ?

This chicks tits are massively uneven. Maybe she should pose with the tiny tit in front?
I'm sure wayne would still hit it though.

Dunno some latina

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She will be allowed to visit for 90 years each year, during which time she can be fucked by white aryan men and then sent home.

>Imagine sticking your dick in a taconigger

Sorry to break it to you user but you can't wash off gonorrhea

Where do light skinned mexicans come from? The German settlers and immigrants? The irish ones? The french ones?

I don't think she would be allowed in the Jewish ethnostate Israel because her mother isn't Jewish. I support Puerto Rican independence and would love to see her move there.

>When can Italians get away with not being white?

When Coronavirus exposes them.

True whites barely get a sniffle from it.

She has amerindian admixture, but she´s hot so she can come

^ONLY a retard like you would type on Yas Forums about a Dumb twat like AOC

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Spanish and German blood mostly

Funny how as soon as Aryan blood is introduced into the gene pool, intelligence and attractiveness start going up

>Where do light skinned mexicans come from? The German settlers and immigrants? The irish ones? The french ones?
Literally the Spanish Inquisition. Seriously, the reason Mexico is so fucked up is because it is ruled absolutely by kikes. Their presidents are all half like. Their TV starts are too. Their richest and most elite are all Jewish refugees of the Inquisition

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Welcome to Yas Forums newfag

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