What happened to decency in this country? 9 out of 10 girls literally walk around half naked, weigh 90kg at least, drink to hell, have ugly and deformed body, have disfigured face, are extremely obscene. It didn't even look like this a few generations ago. I swear it didn't look like this. I refuse to believe that genes have been twisted THAT MUCH in one generation. They look like gorillas in make-up, as if they are mass produced. How do they end up the same?
The fuck's with this country's girls?
brit femanon living in the US here. you are full of shit. most of us are trad and well put together
Idk, they look strange.
Heh, just post your fingers and let us judge.
Do you live near Lahndan
Cambridge.. close enough?
Little piggy girl
Digits don’t lie.
Lmao how the fuck did I manage to land digits TWICE
Honestly it’s probably going to go even further, where it becomes the norm for a huge percentage of young girls to be camwhoring on onlyfans type places, and a good portion of them will quickly end up making more money than their parents.
Nah I think you're talking about Stoke on Trent. What you're describing is an 11 to those mutants.
ok paki
Sucking cock and eating late might kebabs does that to a woman
Yes you are right, so don't go near our girls
Bahahahahha ney fucking way slag
tis nothing worse than a woman
>What happened to decency in this country?
Jews - Kalegi
Imagine living in Corfu and having to witness the visual Holocaust every summer
literally all of the ex-english gf's I've had were non-anglos (italian, gypsy) with english accents, the natives are hideous
I actually have wondered this before. Does the UK have the ugliest women in the white world? If so, why?
>Inb4 amerimutts
I know, it sucks here, get over it
It's probably just general alcoholism and an overabundance of cheap fast food like kebabs, burgers, munchy boxes, etc. The same thing is happening over here obviously. I wish munchy boxes would take off in the states. We need to import some of your fine British culture and cuisine.
I'd favour an amerimutt gf
Our women are basically the same with dumber accents.
All women are the same, British women just look worse
Can somebody please post what a 10 in bongland looks like...
They've been like that for hundreds of years, it's what motivated young men to explore and subjugate the world to get enough wealth to attract a decent one.
thanks chap
Well that is what happens when you let an entire generation of your people's girls get gang raped and whored out by filthy brown manlets.
I've met a few British tourists and all of the women were attractive and talked with a "high class" accent. I'm not sure what Bongs would call it over there but they didn't sound like Warhammer orcs. It might be a class issue. Maybe all of the lower class Bongs look like trolls.
she had big tiddies, fuck it
I haven't noticed this. Most girls I see seem pretty nice. Maybe I just tune out the ugly ones though.
someone post that arya pasta.
i'd climb in that hobbits hole... mmmm stumpy lil wench isnt she?
It's a meme you dip
Council birds are good shags desu. And pretty based. It’s middle class and above that are write offs. Think life is all about travelling and riding the cock carousel, and not reproducing. Basically if they have been uni, they are a waste of time. Gimme a slag any day.
Only problem with council slags is they already have kids at 16 and you have to deal with Darren and Bazza in their family or exes