Joe Biden (Who?/Where?)

Get with the times, Joe.

Attached: JoeBiden.jpg (675x600, 101.15K)

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Joe Biden - LGBTQP Activist

Joe Biden literally preaches white genocide. That's enough for the left's support.

Like she's gonna vote for Trump if he doesn't lol.

> not LGBTQP+

Pronouns here! Getcher pronouns! They're free pronouns! Get yer pronouns heeeeeere

How about he doesn't conform to your political brainwashing of gender pronouns cuz there are only two genders

Attached: 8e6.jpg (742x560, 79.21K)

> demands he post his gender pronouns
> assumes his gender (he/him)

Biden should put (she/him) just to rattle them.


Dying (of dementia) with Biden

>won't cost you any votes
is xir really willing to bet on that?

What fucking nonsense.

Fuck this planet. The giant meteor can't get here soon enough.

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fucking bigot
What about %, ¿, &, $ beings?

Two genders, two sexes, two scoops


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Has Sniff-a-Ho Joe done anything to seem like he's helping out during Corona-chans tantrum or just AWOL the whole time?

smells good Joe
Joe always does what smells good

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many keks

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Biden will likely do that by accident. Rattled indeed.

Just need to demoralize them enough to not vote in November.
Pic related

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>not (who/where)
Do you even Alzheimers, son?

Attached: Grumpy-Grandpa.jpg (600x615, 51.44K)

Did he just assume Joe's gender?

Top kek