Barack Obama Endorses Joe Biden


Attached: based.png (885x885, 768.16K)

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Endorsing for jail would be beter

Jesus he looks fucking ancient now, what the fuck. He's 58.

this is computer generated

Nigga didnt give us shit

Fuck that nigga ass cracka and his tranny ass nigga wife



It doesn't work when he has an empty nihilist expression all the while obviously looking at the teleprompter

Y’all notice how he getting whiter
He got that Michael Jackson shit

Being the President ages you,
Unless you're Trump, then the whole nation ages instead,

>Endorsing for jail would be beter
>for jail would be beter
>jail would be beter
>would be beter
>be beter

What a fucking loser

Nice deep fake you sociopathic babbling nigger.

Digits of truth.

The comments section would be a great place for red pills.

>Address the pandemic 10x better in a 12 minute video than our retard-in-chief
Makes me sad for the state of our garbage bin nation right now

heres a better one

Why are his ears so comically big?Also we already know the swamp wants trump thats why they ran biden.

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Biden is going to win by a landslide. You can tell from the way the MAGA fags are panicking that they know it. Drumpf won’t win a single state.

>waited until he was the only candidate left
Typical Obama

Obama gassed Bernie

He wanted to let the primary take its course before endorsing anyone, its actually the best thing he could have done. Biden won on his own merits, not Obama's endorsement.

He's going through andrenochrome withdrawal.

Listen here, Jack. This is Biden himself. My great grandson's hot little school friend who uses clean smelling shampoo taught me how to go on the Yas Forums internet via AOL. No more games, pal. You all vote for me. Got it? Biden 2020

Attached: bidengun.png (500x486, 125.49K)

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I am stealing this joke.

Obama never had a pandemic.

Just sayin'

Biden won on his own merits.

Can steal this joke as well?

>"Right now we need Americans of goodwill to unite in a Great Awakening against a politics that too often has been characterized by corruption carelessness self-dealing disinformation ignorance and just plain meanness"

But seriously, what did he mean by this?

top kek

>Hi everybody, let me start by saying the obvious
>proceeds to just repeat the word "if" over and over for 11 minutes and 55 seconds
what did he mean by this

Does that nigger have cancer? He looks terrible.

not a deepfake, obama tweeted it himself tard

AWW isn't that special
the guy that gave the Chinese
for their Wuhan lab
strange how he finally came out of his little closet to endorse his pick for VP
I mean President
the guy most notable for
sniffing womens hair
every chance he can get
Also an endorsement from one
of Epsteins buddies
that loved to visit the island

Thats the one reason they hate Trump
he never had to have Mossad make
a blackmail tape of himself to get into
the club

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About time he stands up to the niggers in charge of the US right now

8 years his hair went from jet black to salt and pepper

Obama is a fucking communist nigger who passes out free shit to people who don't deserve it.

remember when the King Spy-In-Chief Nigger said this? The only people dumber than this anti-American piece of shit were the people who voted for this faggot-

Attached: obamaspyhat.jpg (520x480, 57.82K)

Lukewarm endorsement.

After every other candidate dropped out.
It's more conspicuous that he'd do it now, when there's no other option, than if he had just continued to stay out of it.
This is honestly pathetic, and the worst part is that no one on the normalfag web seems to be pointing it out.

>Jesus he looks fucking ancient now, what the fuck. He's 58.

I think King Muslim Nigger looks pretty good desu (vid related)

Attached: blacked.webm (198x360, 1.75M)

he makes 400k per speech given to wall street billionaires

so what? it looks off

>hurr grey hair is from stress

it's all genetic. these politicians just stop dying thier hair in office

Bullshit, if he wanted it to take its course why did he call for the candidates to all quit for Biden to win?

willbe,,,VICE PRESEDNT pick.,
,imagine the CROWD as OBAMA steps from behind the curtain,,,imagine the smell.

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the person that had the largest impact on the reason you are in quarantine at this very moment

puts his hat in the ring for sleepy joe

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did anyone expect him not to?

>tHE OtHeR sIdE hAs A wArChEsT aNd PrOpOgAnDa ThAt DoEsN't CaRe AbOuT tHe TrUtH

Yeah fuck off obama, so does the left

Thank you for that message of support, Corn Po-... I-I mean Barack America. Yes... together we can make malarkey great again. Okie doke.

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If BC is a forgery, then Endorsement = Foreign Interference

>Obama endorses Biden after everyone else dropped out, leaving only Biden
What an endorsement!

>you are in our prayers
I thought the thoughts and prayers thing was just a meme?

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video was just paddeling the race card.
The we can fix it, like he fixed america 8years in a row.
Using covid to push his agenda
voting rights: aka the push for unsecure foting
little regard for the thruth means only lisen to us we know the truth
we bring people together.
This was discustingly manipulative

idk what's so hard for people to understand about this tb h

so then Biden leaves cause of dementia
and King Nigger gets a 3rd term after he gave the
chinese the virus that has turned out lives to shit

this is the kind of shit that gets people killed
in violent revolution, you know
a person makes you stay at home lose your job and lose your house and then expects you not to go for their throat?
The modern democrats are rich fucks
worse than the republican rich fuck that is Trump, they don't mind releaasing a bug to kill people off so they can blame it on trump
they don't mind getting spies killed
just so they can blame russia for trump
they dont mind creating a fake impeachemnt
so they can cover up their Ukraine destruction


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made it 7 seconds

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