Just a reminder for all those who have fallen for communist indoctrination...

Just a reminder for all those who have fallen for communist indoctrination, that Japan has never in its entire history ever committed a single war crime.
Any allegations made in the Tokyo trials were fabricated by the Communists, Japan’s entry into the war was purely out of the defence of its colony Korea and its ally Manchukuo against the US backed USSR and the communist terrorist groups operating in the Republic of China at the time.

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This, I don't believe the korean/dutch roasties who claimed to be raped by jap soldiers.

I think the worst they did was not properly feed prisoners, but that can happen anywhere.

bro are you are telling me the japanese didn't throw babies into the air for bayonet practice?

Never heard of the bridge over the river qwai?

they definitely torutured pow’s but who didnt

fuck china

I dunno the shit tojo did to the American Philippines was barbaric. Japan also invaded northern china for resources like coal and iron. They also invaded the dutch controlled islands that had major oil supplies. Read some history books my dude, no ones hands are clean

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>nu-NU/pol/: now standing up for Imperial Japan too!
Well, seeing as how you're the same fuckheads who honestly believe that Hitler dindu nuffin and that North Korea is unironically Best Korea I can't really say as I'm surprised.

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Japan today has less rape and sexual assaults and less crime in general than anywhere in Europe even if you exclude the black and Arabic migrants.
That definitely happened, and don’t forget the electrical floors in the German death camps
No, we don’t learn about the pacific war in Canada just about the war crimes committed by the US against Japan.
The Americans only claimed they got tortures because they had to eat rice instead of burgers
No they didn’t

Hitler was a left wing liberal socialist. He supported the Jews and even wanted to give British Palestine to them before the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem warned him there would be problems with the Mohammedans if he did that so instead he wanted to give French Madagascar to them.

>he thinks the holocaust happened

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>fabricated by the Communists
>defence of its colony
>ally Manchukuo

Yes, Korea is Japanese
Manchukuo is an independent empire

>Hitler was a liberal
How could I forget all those drag queen parades and transgender surgeries the Nazis had.

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Hitler was a self proclaimed socialist, he supported mohammedanism, he was a Zionist, a papist and a republican

So they didn't actually slaughter chinks? Wtf I hate japs now.

Other way around. Humans arrived on Japan from Korea.

They fought against the communist terrorist groups operating in the Republic of China at the time, but they did not kill any civilians.

Some of us know brother. The USA made up lots of fairytales post ww2 to justify dropping the atom bomb and to justify allowing millions of Europeans to be raped and murdered by the bolshevik hordes.

Are you always this stupid or just pretend to be?
>self proclaimed socialist
pic related
>he supported mohammedanism
no he didn't. he said he liked their fighting spirit.
>he was a Zionist
insofar as he wanted to kick the Jews out. are you finally admitting the holocaust didn't happen?
>a papist
Hitler kept his religious views separate at the time, but was undoubtedly more pro-german than pro-roman catholic. plus the papacy fought against hitler.
>and a republican
What? Where did you get this?

And none of these things are liberal things. I can't fucking wait for the day of the rake.

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Hitler did something, it just wasn't the genocide of 6 guhrillion jews

>No they didn’t
Your astute rebuttal has changed my mind I'm sure Imperial Japan Went to the Philippines for coconut water and pineapple juice.

Even if they did the chinks deserve to be tortured

whats this? a poor attempt at reverse psychology? pathetic.
it was war, everyone did really bad shit every day, but "war crimes" are the prize reserved for the loser alone.
guilty or not, the only thing that really matters was china deserved it, and we would be in a much better world today if you fuckers werent puppets to the jew.

No lol there were already people living in Japan before Koreans arrived.

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You should be a comedian
He said he wanted Germany to be Mohammedan
I never said the holocaust happened, the German camps were to keep the Kikes safe from allied bombings.
Irrelevant which he was more pro, Papism is a cult
He refused to restore the Emperor to his throne, rightfully the Anglo has dominion and in Europe there was a trinity of Anglo Emperors, in Great Britain, in Germany and in Russia all descended from Queen Victoria. Just as God intended
They wanted to liberate the Philippines from the American and their backwards republican values

>the shit Tojo did to the American Philippines ...

Yes. The Japanese were barbaric. I will never forget that one time Tojo ordered his pilots to target civilian infrastructure in Manila with firebombs, roasting at least 100,000 men, women, and children alive.

Oh wait. That was Tokyo and the United States.

>Killing civilians is an unforgivable war crime, unless we or our allies do it!

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Dindu Nippon.


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>nu-nu-nu Yas Forums is still shitty at bait
Imagine that.


The Japanese didn’t do anything bad, they were a liberating force in Asia and tried their best to protect the sovereignty of Korea and Manchukuo.
Today thanks to the USSR and the USA the two republican states Manchukuo no longer exists and Korea was split in half.
You don’t have to tell me about real Japanese and fake Japanese, many Koreans entered Japan and today pretend to be Japanese when they really aren’t. Like your image suggests you can tell by their eyes and skin colour, real Japanese have almond shaped eyes and most have a double eye lid, this is rare on the Asian continent

>He said he wanted Germany to be Mohammedan
Prove it retard. Hitler was transforming Germany to be a new country. Had nothing to do with sand niggers.
>I never said the holocaust happened, the German camps were to keep the Kikes safe from allied bombings.
yay. something truthful
>Irrelevant which he was more pro, Papism is a cult
Oh I see. Hitler was a secret Illuminati Jesuit agent meme again?
>He refused to restore the Emperor to his throne, rightfully the Anglo has dominion and in Europe there was a trinity of Anglo Emperors, in Great Britain, in Germany and in Russia all descended from Queen Victoria. Just as God intended
I'm sorry wasn't he a papist? Monarchies are dogshit and the emperor lost the right to rule Germany. There was a war going on you fuckwit.

Done talking to you you're a fucking moron.

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micwowave youwsewf
cheap cwap commie chink
poow pwastic poop pwick
swoppy satanic savage swave
aww wook same
fake souwwess dim ugwy
weak gambwing opium addict
gweedy cheating wying thieving
diwty stinking pwaguing powwuting
stawving skewetaw spying fag
infewiow owientaw coowie kang
swant eye bwind dwive sunk junk papew shack
buwnt wice noodwe doodwe shwimp dick hack
ching chong ding dong fwip fong ping pong ming mong nip nong qing quong chinkie wing wong zip
yewwow piss skin swopey fish head midge
bug face wat tooth bat bwood monkey bwain insectoid pig dog canibaw

nuke the gooked fuckee twaitow twash too west it dump mowe dumb dung

>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20, Lev. 11, Josh. 23:5-16, 1 Kgs. 4:30, Job 15:2, Isa. 2:6, Dan. 2:43-4

>Massacre at Huế, Thảm sát Huế Tết Mậu Thân, Persecution of indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands in Vietnam, Đàn áp người Thượng tại Việt Nam, We Were Soldiers, Big River, Big Sea, 大江大海一九四九, Hong Kong independence, 香港獨立運動, Tibetan independence movement, 西藏独立运动, Xinjiang conflict, 新疆衝突, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, 六四事件, Female infanticide in China, Tian Mingjian incident, 建国门事件, Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China, 對中國共產黨摘取法輪功學員及良心犯器官的指控, Film censorship in China, 中华人民共和国被禁影视作品列表, Battlefield 4, I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike, Criticism of Huawei, Chinese intelligence activity abroad, Intelsat 708, 2011 Type 094 accident, Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body, Terrorism committed by North Korea, Seoul National University Hospital massacre, Team America: World Police, 팀 아메리카: 세계 경찰, Hangang Bridge bombing, National Defense Corps incident, The Interview, Homefront (video game), Chichijima incident, Bataan Death March, Comfort women, Issei Sagawa, Murder of Junko Furuta, 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件, In the Realm of the Senses, 愛のコリーダ, Bakky Visual Planning, バッキー事件, Karayuki-san, からゆきさん, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Feces use in Japan, 日本における人糞利用

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America and Japan had a common enemy in the USSR and communism as a whole, Japan wanted to rid the continent of Communism.
America wasn’t willing to go to war with their ally the USSR because they were a fellow republican state, Japan wanted to restore the emperors of Asia and gave Puyi his throne back in Manchukuo, the US wanted republican states imposed instead because republicans would be more willing to ally with them than monarchist states

Yes he is a Papist, what does that have to do with the restoration of the monarchy?
Papism and Republicanism go hand in hand because both are anti God.
Monarchism is a left wing ideology, there are no successful republican states

They didn't commit any crimes but if they did the things they were accused of, that would be based as well. I don't have any interest in modern Japanese people who refuse to embrace their heritage and cower and apologize for themselves and are trying to ruin the ethnic purity of their nation.

It's just like I know the Holocaust is fake but still embrace the idea of it with pride since it has become so closely tied to my ethnic people. If it didn't happen, let's make it happen.

>equates anglo to the German.
That's like saying hungarians, romanian, italian, danish, meds, swedes etc are white. Insulting. Anglo=mutt

>Killing civilians is an unforgivable war crime, unless we or our allies do it

Yes, war is hell I hope you never get to experience it

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>Japan’s entry into the war was purely out of the defence
they were railroaded into fighting because the ABCD line prevented fuel and feedstock from reaching Japan

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No, us Hungarians are not fully white. Only the Anglo is purely white because he is the only pure european race.
That means the Anglo has rightfully Dominion over the entire western world, just like the Japanese is the only purely human race of the west they have rightful Dominion over the entire East.
In the beginning of the war Japan was attacked first, they came to the aid of Korea and Manchukuo. America attacked Japan first indirectly with their lend lease programmes aiding the USSR and the communist terrorist groups in China. The US also used the false flag attack against Pearl Harbour as justification to attack Japan despite Japan and the US being neutral at the time