Everyone in the world is having weird dreams and nightmares. This has been reported be CNN, NYT, VICE NEWS etc...

Everyone in the world is having weird dreams and nightmares. This has been reported be CNN, NYT, VICE NEWS etc. They're saying it's from stress due to Corona. Its become too big of a story to cover up. ALMOST EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS DREAMING WEIRD. I think they're using DEWS (Directed Energy Weapons) on us.

New York Times


Science Daily on Directed Energy Weapons

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I'm 23 and home from law school. It's been canceled until the fall. My little brother is 10 and has been having nightmares so he always comes to sleep with me in the middle of the night. The only weird thing about it though is he also has this like sleep walking type condition where he takes off all his clothes while sleeping and wakes up naked. So now I go to sleep every night alone and wake up next to a naked 10yo boy. He's my brother and I love him but I still find the situation humorous and strange.

user, I...

nigga u gay

I have weird fucking dreams every single night so I couldn't tell you. I thinks its from the constant weekend binge drinking and weaning.

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this is true ive been having vivid dreams lately

Yeah I had a dream where I had to shit really bad and when I woke up I ripped a fat fart

I always had "weird dreams", I like it.
Sometimes I feel like it's dream from parable reality, sometimes they are mind blowing, sometimes weird, sometimes it has beautiful music, even dreams about nuke attack

I share one of my parable universe dream
>Humans looked slightly healthier and muscular and taller(most of them)
>Humans from today's 3rd world countries looked dumb but with happy face(and they still does their job), they seemed happy
>Some new consumer product(not that interesting)
>Facebook does not exist
>Twitter exists but look slightly different but still recognizable to us
>Whatsapp is less commonly used and look different
>Horizontal phone design is more common(I don't get it because for some app you still ne to put the phone vertical)
>Benjamin netanyahu is still the prime minister of Israel and there is peace
>Donald trump is the president of Yemen and one more middle east country which I don't remember
>There are new Academic subjects to learn in university(don't remember names)
>People didn't have the fluoride stare

Generally it's looked like a better world when humans are generally more smart and happy.(I think animals looked about the same)
People who are sick today(most of the population) look better in the parallel universe, people who are pretty healthy

I usually smoke a littlebit of weed an hour or so before going to bed - i can never remember the dreams i had, if i had any.
It's actually quite comfy to not wake up from the weird shit my brain usually constructs in dreams.

weird because I was considering taking a break from Yas Forums because my dreams are consistently becoming disturbing and I figured it must be all the rekt threads and fucked up shit on here

That's Pedo Gay Incest....


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I actually did have a weird nightmare about coronavirus last week, now that you mention it.

Everyone's at home , bored, and surrounded by food and porn. You stay up late eating food, and eating before bed gives you nightmares

I've been having strange dreams for a while. Can't remember them but i know a dead friend and my dead mum feature in some
I dreamt the other night I was about to fuck my sister (I haven't had sex for four years)
weird shit

me too, I had one about the comet the other night which was pretty weird.

‘tis true. I dreamt I was a young lass and took me self to the prom.

To the user who asked me about my dream walking in the other thread
I’ve never asked anyone if they were real, I’ve only kind of felt them to be a real person however I always assumed they came into my dream not the other way around. But thinking about it now, it makes sense that I would invade their dream. I always thought we both went there like met up in the dreamscape somehow intertwining energy levels or something weird like that

I weigh 125 and sleep on prescribed 3.0 mg xan for nightmare disorder and sleepwalking. About 2 weeks of vivid dreams breaking through the pills. A lot of people from past I haven't thought of in years. They stick w me throughout day like deja vu.
t. Totally certified loon

I have dreams about airplanes flying over and strange lights in the sky.

what timeline are we are shifting into?

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guess i'll paste it here

I can't relate. I've been lucid dreaming since my teens and have only gotten better at it over time. My dreams are practically my own personal sandbox at this point.

Yeah, Ive been having weird dreams lately, and I usually never dream or at least remember them. Odd, probably a good explanation though.

Waaaat. I have been having storyline dreams every night. I’ve been talking to friends about them for the past couple weeks. It’s very complex.

Idk about dreams but I've never coomed as hard in my life as I have this week. It's strange because it was sudden and unexpected, and I've never watched this much porn before. One day I just lost control and since then, every day has been a marathron of frenzied edging

That must be really embarrassing for him. Have you considered taking off your clothes to make him feel normal?

it's because normies literally can't handle staying inside
staying inside for months on end is par for the course with me

I have been having more vivid dreams than usual. It could be because I'm getting more sleep.

Me too but lately I've been also having dreams that are totally out of control
I am usually volcel but last night I had two dreams about incredibly attractive 3D anime girls, best sex I've ever had in those dreams, when I woke up I had to do a ton of laundry because of all the nut everywhere and my wife was kinda jealous that I didn't use it on her but I'm not complaining these dreams are awesome!

My dreams always came true since a kid. People survival instinct are coming out. I dreamt about an asteroid around this time.

When I wake up I relax and simply remember the last dream I had then the rest of the dreams follow. I trust my dreams more than anything else.

Unless you have a happy live and are in peace with you inner self, you will dream. There is no such thing as a nightmare, its just a dream. Dreams tell us shit we wont accept, show us diferent angles, difuse our crazy thoughts toward others. If it werent dreams, we will had kill each other in less than a month.

I almost never have memorable dreams and I has 2 vivid ones this past week. In one of them my grandmother was an 18 yr old insta whore

I have noticed I am remembering my dreams a lot lately, most of them are pretty based though

Yea I noticed weird dreams before I read about it happening to others.

Dreams are our minds’ way of trial running response exercises. Unprecedented dangers and challenges means our brains are trial running unprecedented situations turned up to 11. Nothing weird here.


I dream rarely but when I do it’s usually things like people I know dying, coming back to life, reliving things from 10 years ago, natural disasters, survival stories. It sucks lads, I just want nice happy dreams

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nice copy pasta

>me too, I had one about the comet the other night which was pretty weird.
I did too, or at least similar.
Some kind of meteor hit NYC, and incinerated it, and we were all together, family and even friends I haven't seen in a decade, wondering if the incineration wave would reach us in the mountains.
Don't remember, exactly, but I think it did.

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The other day I woke up and he was stiff as a board. I will not let him live that shit down.

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its only because everyone is bored and on lockdown. usual day to day stimulus is absent so that's why dreams are so conspicuous now amongst the doldrums of daily boredom a dream really stands out where it otherwise would be nothing.

Last night my daughter was saying a string of numbers in her sleep. The ones I caught where 3-8-4-5

Yeh, having nightmares about being left destitute due to losing your business or job because of over the top social distancing restrictions is normal you schizo faggot.

>youre supposed to have weird dreams
why arent they targeting me

Unironically strangled my boomer father to death via rear naked choke in a dream last night and yellow shit spat out of his mouth as i released him to hit the ground, the though about what to do about the stains on the rug.

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What a consoomer dream

>what timeline are we are shifting into?

We are no shifthing this is our timeline finaly we are reaching the climax.

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Write "Holy moley, they're so lonely" to extend the draconian quarantine by 9 months.

Holy moley, they're so lonely..

Yeah my dreams have been weird


Then why is it happening to me?
I'm not normally gregarious, and I can (& do) go out and do whatever I want, our "lockdown" here is not strict at all.

I'm under no stress due to this virus, we're fine here.
But I've been having weird dreams, too, and I don't normally remember my dreams & when I do, they're usually not in color, or this vivid.

Something weird is happening.

My dreams are normal it's my me fucking my girlfriend's older sister as usual dreams are for me. Can't explain it, she's not even that hot.
Youre a nigger OP.

Acts 2:17
New International Version
"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

Yeah I got good at this for a while I picked up objects inspected them drank strange dream liquids created monsters which I then destroyed because they wanted to attack me

I had a dream last night about being in this weird hospital camp. There was a chinese lady there with missing teeth and a stomach full of
visibly lumy tumors. I looked at her and she said she can't wait to get the money from selling her babies since it'll cover her medical bills. So I
look and there's two deformed looking, freshly birthed babies being thrown (literally thrown, still alive and crying) into the back of a van
carelessly by a man in a hazmat suit.

It fucked me right up man.