Reminder this is what ruined America’s image overseas and it is directly tied to the Bush Cheney regime.
Why were they not tried for war crimes.
Reminder this is what ruined America’s image overseas and it is directly tied to the Bush Cheney regime
i dont see the problem
i mean this guy looks comfortable and well-fed
his people lit prisoners on fire inside of cages and all that shit
this is fine
OP a Eurofag.
Our enemies should fucking fear what we'll do to them. Our wrath should be as evil and soulless as Hell itself.
Americans overseas are Zionist proxy soldiers
>Why were they not tried for war crimes.
because only goys can be sued for war crimes
the chosen ones have an immunity
don't start shit, won't be shit. simple as.
>Why were they not tried for war crimes
Is that the movie poster for BlacKKKlansman?
>Our enemies should fucking fear what we'll do to them
That's not how fanatics function though.
Because it was pretty funny?
How did these images get into the medias hand?
muslims aren't people user
>Why were they not tried for war crimes.
The guilty parties were tried for war crimes, found guilty and put in jail.
How many of those prisoners went to ISIS after their MKULTRA programming?
Tried for war crimes? Only happens if you lose.
I never understood the idea of war crimes.
You can go to a country that doesn't want you there and kill their nationals freely, since it's war.
But be careful, don't you dare piss on their corpses, that's ilegal bro.
War is war, how can people overlook literal genocides but get pissy about some soldiers torturing someone. For fucks sake.
Heads still on
Kek total retard right here
You think there is anyone out there who is an enemy of yours? What an obese moron. These so called terrorists are just enemies of those in power
Only the ones who hadn't already served their purpose.
Republicans don't answer for their crimes, instead Americans have to index their atrocities, publish them for all to see, and eventually build a backlash of public disdain that gets them removed from positions of power.
Reublicans lie, kill, steal, cheat, pretend it didn't happen. Opposition lies, kills, steals, cheats, then its WAR! Countless investigations, accusations, pitchforks, torches... Republicans are the Kings of hypocrisy. "Its ok when we do it."
Of course, their base shrinks every year, and they now have to rely on cheating to win, and really after Trump is gone, there is no more GOP at all.
So that's how all their scheming works out for them in the end. Hatred and Fear doesn't sell well over the long term it turns out.
Rinse. Repeat.
yea i've never understood it either.
>carpet bomb a whole town and kill thousands of civilians
>no big deal it's part of war
>torture and enemy soldier
It's how leaders operate. People truly willing to do what it takes to protect their nation and lead it into a prosperous golden age of health and unity with God and maybe even star travel if it advanced enough.
>if it weren't for this, everyone would love us
Sure, faggot.
They did far less to the Muslims in Iraq than the Chinese are doing to the Muslims in their own country. So whine some more.
I wouldn't be talking you fucking hue monkey.
someone with a conscience blew the whistle on the torturous mutt golems that make up our armed forces.
Abu Ghraib was what ruined ruined the 'the good guy' image to Americans who thought we'd never be so savage. The rest of the world already knew we were dicks on the end of kike strings.
Boomer cringe
Worked directly w detainees from 05-07 at gitmo. 98% were treated like gold by that point even. The dudes that got tortured got tortured by the cia at a place we weren’t even supposed to know about. Regular soldiers/sailors weren’t bad to detainees at all. Maybe like 5% of the few hundred there at the time were dangerous assholes. Most just wanted guards to sneak them Gatorade and shit. The smell was so bad.
yeah I wonder what the mudslimes did to US POWs. we're faggots in comparison with our waterboarding faggotry
It's realism. If we don't do this, you could bet your fucking intact life that the enemy will and they won't have the mercy that we do. Like China. Or Europe. Any country with a government as a matter of fact. You can't escape it.
Your a faggot, faggot
Trying low ranking reservists like Sabrina Harman Instead of the chain of command for this stuff is retarded.
Someone slide this thread