Isn’t it amazing the democrats would rather have Trump get a second term than even consider the possibility of Bernie being the nominee? They were willing to completely throw the election and trash what was left of the party just to make sure he didn’t even get a chance
Isn’t it amazing the democrats would rather have Trump get a second term than even consider the possibility of Bernie...
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Nice try dumptard. The cheeto will be lucky to break 100 electoral votes.
It's not all that surprising actually. The Republican leadership tried to do the same exact thing to Trump, knowing that Jeb Bush would get slaughtered by the media and Clintons. They simply weren't cutthroat enough to stop Trump
Obama and Corn pop threw 5.5 million families out of their homes in 2008, love to see how he handles this one.
They know damn well they can't win no matter what they do. He's an incumbent during a formerly good economy and now a crisis. It's almost impossible to beat him. They'd rather save anyone competent for after his next term and send out a sacrificial lamb like Biden who can keep it close on a recognizable name. If they got beat bad enough with someone like Bernie in key states, they risk the other side carrying momentum into the next election or worst case scenario actually courting niggers away from democrats. Best case scenario for dems is that Biden wins and they can suicide him or use the 25th amendment to put someone else in. It's all calculated damage control. Bernie does not fit the plan.
When the democratic candidates are majority white-skinned, you know they aren't even trying. They will have plenty of Emilios to choose from in 2024 assuming China decides to postpone our inevitable nuking.
Everyone I know, including the most lefty of lefties, are either not voting or voting for Trump. Nobody likes Biden. He was insurance to make sure no one assassinated Obama because even crazy rednecks didn't want Biden as president, that's how awful the guy is.
He fucking bleeds out his eyes and touches little kids inappropriately, ffs. And he's senile as fuck now.
yes, hopefully you berniebros learned your lesson this time. Nobody wants your old commie or his socialist policies
They didn't snubbed Bernie because of his policies, they snubbed him because he's not electable, unlike Biden. Bernie is less appealing to black voters than Drumpff, let that sink in.
Biden must be a placeholder. No way the dems let trump win so easily
Do you think Jeb was in on it or did he seriously think he ever had a chance
>I don’t remember 2016
Great thread. Sanders never had a chance.
Have a [you]
It just never gets old for you guys, does it? Don't you feel stupid repeating the same thing for years on end? Don't you have even a shred of creativity you could summon to come up with a new insult? How does it feel to be so ineffectual?
This is the reality of the situation.
They didn't trust him to win any general election.
Bernie is perfectly playing his part in the grand scheme of things.
He is appearing as the under dog to rile up, and radicalize leftists. He's doing a very good job at it too.
Look into Yuri Bezmenov, and what he says about the "political prostitutes", and the "demoralized"
even in their memes they're cucks
He was probably told by all his donors and advisors that he could win. He probably thought that by running as le new wave conservative, he could win the Mitt Romney voters while also getting just enough additional Hispanic support to push him over the top in Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Colorado. The thought of winning big, or of stealing large chunks of the Democrat base the way Trump did probably never crossed his mind
Obama wasn't president is 2008 you dumb shit
I'm glad Bernie lost simply because of all of his hardcore socialist spergs gaying up my faceberg feed with SJW crap.
Bernie would have won but now its guaranteed Trump victory
inaugurated in 2009, DC is majority black and surprise, he had the largest turn out of any president
niggers prove identity politics are still strong in modern times
>Bernie would have beaten Trump!
Absolutely laughable. Either he plays the part of an America-first populist, and loses since Trump already is that man, or he goes full commie/sjw and loses everyone but the college students. Just face it, winning is not in Bernie's genes
Trump was the people's choice on the right, Bernie the people's choice on the left.
The DNC and Hillary stole 8 states from Bernie in 2016, he would have won easily, there's a YouTube docu on how they did Cali. In 2020 the DNC stole it for Biden. There were 5 major states that were over 20% off on the exit polls, any more than 4% indicates fraud. Bernie has often polled better than Trump in the general. His rallies are just as big as Trumps.
Talkin about the 2008 crisis retard, does everything have to be spelled out for mutts
Bernie would have won for sure but now it doesn't matter because the rigged DNC, its Trumps second term no doubt
How was it rigged? He lost the popular vote by a very wide margin.
fake news pushed by the activist outlets (MSNBC, cnn, etc), they're not journalist nor news stations, they're not partial nor unbiased, they're political activist with their own tv stations running 24/7, they fucked Bernie over along with the DNC
Biden can't even get 20 people to come see him give a speech
Bernie lost bigly. It wasn't even close this time. And it was pretty far apart last time. Old people and black people don't like Bernie and young people don't vote. It's as simple as that cheetotard.
Drumpfs not going to be able to pull off the disenfranchisement of Bernie voters like he did last time
But if there was a general movement in his direction like Bernie claimed, he would have still won, anyway. Everyone was endorsing Cruz back when Trump first ran with the media shitting on him 24/7 and everyone still voted for Trump.
Why are you so sure Bernie would beat Trump? He would have 2 choices:
>1) oppose free trade, offer free shit, and go light on cultural Marxism
Then he comes off as a goofy-looking 90 year old version of Trump, and loses
>2) run his general election campaign like his primary campaign
This leads to a slaughter of course, because no one over 30 years old is interested in intersectional garbage
>and everyone still voted for Trump.
he lost the popular vote
Bernie would have won but what ifs don't matter, its set in stone, hes out, Trumps in
It’s infuriating that even the right wing can see this bull shit. People like Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro were saying it was fucked up. That’s not to say Bernie people are going to vote trump out of spite- obviously not. The reason they don’t like Joe is because he’s so right wing. But it still does remain interesting that the corruption is so blatant even the other team is calling foul