Twitter is disgusting

Twitter is disgusting

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Shut up mutahar

hey guys, me mutahar here

it's likely just a honeypot. move along.

Possibly this

i saw the vids on the account oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

thank you wise triangle

checked the numbers - thank u

mutahar is a fucking leaf

Dude how fucking stupid can you be why would you let everyone know where to find this filth???

How in the fuck has Twitter let that stay up for so long?

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So, how is this a sale for CP?

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Imagien buying it on fucking twitter, it's 100% honeypot.

>CIA has twitter accounts
no shit

Wtf is a ‘baget’?

Nevermind, I just saw the media thumbnails on that twitter account. Fucking disgusting.
This account is the 'P' portion of LGBTP

Probably fbi or cia fishing for buyers. Probably still selling but mostly blackmail and all that.

Click the hashtags on those tweets and it gets worse

>Kindly DM me
Poojeet confirmed, account is probably run by someone that works for Twitter lmao

Dont worry its on twitter to remove this content.

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One of their followers...

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WTF is this???
Twitter is a fucking pedo site

Mission success

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relax. Feds aren’t looking for you. They’re looking for buyers


