Stay away from drudge.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Take your own advice and get that trash off this board.

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Don't forget Drudge is also a mentally ill sodomite as well.

Is Matt Drudge that guy that was obsessed with Versace? It was on Netflix.

Not sure senpai I don't watch Netflix.

This is a genius move on trump's part and they fed right onto it. Now trump won't be blamed for the delayed or premature opening. He will play the generous god and grant governors to make the decision, forcing them tho receive there brunt of the "too early" "too late" criticism.


Drudge's site is currently run by a NeverTrump neocon Jew named Daniel Halper.


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Make him king

Welcome to 2018

I was shocked when I learned he was a gay jew

>American defends a would be tyrant and a king
And this is how you come full circle. Congrats, Benedict Arnold jr.

Why is Matt Drudge promoting violent civil war on American soil? Has he gone insane? Will he be held accountable finally?

The president could easily tweet out Whatfinger or Rantingly or Liberty Daily, but he hasn't yet. Time for Trump to raise someone else up.

American Psycho.

the jew are sexually ambiguous

So has your entire government lol

It happened the same time a South African Jewish company bought the TLD .org

Absolutely fucking massive implications but barely in the news...

I wonder why...

been comped for nearly 4 years bruv
drudge flipped right after trump won

>O no they arent parroting my talking points anymore. Abandon ship and burrow deeper into your own echo chamber.

You just now noticed this?

OK so again somebody has to remind everybody of the trump 4-D chess method here where he makes this declaration OK now everybody rushes up and says all but no no no you're not a king you're not a dictator you don't have total authority and what do you know Trump is not to blame for all of the fuckup States

Drudge sold out months ago

Drudge is gone, my mind refuses to remember it.
They got him, good.

Try 4 years ago. I think the chicoms own it now but no one knows because and nda was signed and holds until 1 month or so after the election...lol
looks spoopy for sure.


They can’t blame their fucked up situation on him anymore.

this was my take on it

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Is this real? Where is it

this one is

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Stop posting jew report.

Read here for non-kosher news

Attached: drudge jew merchant 2.jpg (532x726, 85.94K)

Born to coom
Sniff is a fuck
I am senator man
410,757,864,530 molested staffers

I tried news sites, it was always shit I've read about here a week before
Never really visited them in the first place

Matt sold the page. It's owned by some commie now

Literally who?
>that shit version of cnn that spams here 3 times a day, user.
Oh ok. Who gives a fuck then?

I came
I sniffed
I coomed

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