Why so healthcare professionals in america do this?

I thought mericans were based.

Attached: american_healthcare_'professionals'_dancing_on_your_grave.webm (490x720, 2.92M)

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Thats the problem, they aren't

Just think of the coal miner, Walmart cashier, school custodian, and other blue collar jobs watching this and realizing that they don't have the luxury of wasting time and performing choreographed routines on company money.

These nurses are a true example of privilege, but one that the Jew media will ignore because it doesn't fit their agenda of White genocide and displacement.

Attached: White women last enemy of diversity.jpg (660x440, 68.32K)

They were doing that shit here in the UK as well.
It's cringe as fuck I know...

Attached: akko_sulk.png (576x482, 171.74K)

how dare these fucking BITCH SLUT WHORES act goofy on camera. the nerve. fucking unbelievable. dumbocrats at their finest. Love earl from oklahoma city

All the whores I ever been with were staying to become RN

Because all this shit is fake and homo as fuck.

women should've never been allowed to work in the healthcare industry

>>women in the workplace

men don't act like this until you get women around and their beta orbiters start acting just like them for friendship points.

Aren't people supposedly dying left and right in hospitals right now? Didn't we shut down all commerce in the US because our medical system was completely overrun? Maybe if they didn't have prancing faggots like this taking are of them, we wouldn't have as high a death rate.

Attached: hospital is so overwhelmed.webm (848x480, 1.03M)

fuck, women are so cringe. how do wagies deal with having to be around females coworkers all day? fuck

Attached: 1581969605064.jpg (997x984, 569.93K)

The only thing cringe is their negrofied sense of humor, otherwise keep it up and God watch over them. The second wave is starting.

>we are working through hell
>we are heroes
>worship at our feet
meanwhile in reality they are choreographing dance routines and smudging dirt on their faces for ebic selfies

Americans arent based and neither are you, you faggot ass BRIT. Get gassed you kike throater

Healthcare professionals are all common core educated and the most NPC normie people.
They don't even practice medicine just (((medicine))).

Most people just do what they are told. So if their boss says to do something stupid they will do it.

to not bore you with hebrew talking time codes

>how do wagies deal with having to be around females coworkers all day?

i carved away the part of my soul that craves the eternal light of christ

after that, things were much easier

Hey Chang, use a different Meme Flag. Get your dog grease covered paws off of my flag. You may produce it in your sweatshops, but you mustn't take it home after you're finished, you understand?

They're all niggers and whores.

Attached: 2f9fc37.gif (500x438, 548.55K)

>women should've never been allowed to work in the healthcare industry

There's good reason for it.

Since women in healthcare work less hours, take more time off, and leave the profession much earlier than their male colleagues women have unintentionally contributed to increased wait times while lowering access to health care practitioners. Too many female doctors are a problem and women have proved it. A medical education is wasted on a woman.

>the one with a belly
someone has a pregnancy fetish

Say that to my face and see what happens

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Calm down love

Attached: 472992838483.jpg (1080x658, 157.07K)

When wa that video made?

Post feet.

>In AB
>14 total cases
>5 in ICU
>Nurses union threatening a strike for overwork and lack of ppe
>Old man had to go to hospital for COPD
>Never seen the place so empty
>Medics literally sleeping in the waiting room
>Unit clerk complaining she's bored

Fuck Nurses and their whining

I guess this is how all civilisations collapse.... Decadence followed by universalism and the upturning of nature followed by rapid invasion by some kind of equivalent of niggers and their culture followed by swift collapse.

Attached: Quintessentially Welsh.jpg (1024x576, 41.46K)

Based. They're mocking sheboons.

This. All those preferences you gave to women and "minorities" in colleges, resulted in party girls and borderline retards becoming nurses.

Once we started viewing nursing as something more than just a profession for bimbos to snag a doctor husband, things started to go downhill. Nurses have a god complex because they are technically STEM even though all they do is change bed pans and tell phlebotomists to draw blood.