How long before normies cabin fever is riot levels?
Social Distancing through 2022
>2 more years of this
yeah, no
to help out all those poor unarmed 26yr old teens
>How long before normies cabin fever is riot levels?
Soon, people getting mad
Social Distance Warriors
When do we nuke Xi Jinping?
The Bishops of the Blue Church have spoken the new Orthodoxy.
Bless it with the incantation of science and it will be done.
there is an official german document from 2012 which described different scenarios, one of them was a pandemic, the scenario described was identical to what is happening now, they said it would start in asia and one possible pathogen enlisted was corona covid, it was also written that it would last for 3 years and that there would be revolts.
What is the difference between 2 years and 3 months? They might as well say we all have to practice social distancing for 50 years in till we all die off and the newborn generations are immunite to Covid-19. Like there is literally no point.
Gay I just want a day off work
I'm fucking exhausted
i am social distanced since 17 years
who cares
Based and me too. I haven't had a cold in 6 years. People suck, I hang out with family and like 3 other people. Keep the circle tight my friends.
harvard researchers can suck this dick
It's not going to happen user, normies are already starting to buckle under the strain of NEETdom and lockdown hasn't even been going for that long here yet.
>inb4 you die because of nuclear fallout because you don't know how to survive off the land
>>inb4 you die because of nuclear fallout because you don't know how to survive off the land
>raids your homestead
mines now, fuckboi
People are accepting social distancing because it gives us something we all desire: Segregation. The social engineers knew damned well black people and white people don't have any business living together in close geographical proximity. It creates social fatigue, a feeling of being unable to relax.
Under the quarantine, the niggers are all locked up in their homes or at nigger-mart. I haven't to interact with a single shit skin in a month and I can tell you my personal anxiety and stress has plummeted. People are begging for long term segregation.
not my heckin chinkorino widgets!
You idiots wanted this. Why change your tune? For the last 3 months pol did nothing but doomsday prep, this is the moment you crackheads have been waiting for
lmao my scrotey neighbours went back to normal after like 5 days, shit cant be enforced, makes you realize the fear of any kind of totalitarian dystopia is nonsense if they cant lock down a few housing estates
>this is the moment you crackheads have been waiting for
get fucked you dull spook faggot
Holy fuck you are retarded
>scrotey neighbours
i have never heard that adjective before
scrote is kind of an updated pejorative for working or welfare class, human garbage basically
last time i checked, harvard researchers were n't in charge of anything.
opinion discarded
ill try using it a couple times and see if it catches in america.
We wanted the world to burn and millions die.
This is the lamest happening to ever happen.
Leaf is right
You fucking turncoats get back in line
Also fuck China
You make a very good point actually. Us preppers want the world to collapse, but it's almost like we didn't consider the world trying to save itself and with what measures.
The world wont collapse into anarchy, its evolving into an orwellian prison.