Get back to work and die for the economy

Get back to work and die for the economy.

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Whatever it takes to lick your boots King Trump


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>thinks he can sit on his ass watching TV for 18 months and the modern world will still exist outside when its "safe"
Based brainlet

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>die for big moma

>nigger doesn't want to work

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Joke's on you, I work from home.

You guys voted for open borders and sanctuary cities, so get out there and die for diversity.

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can someone give me a quick rundown? the media was bitching about trump wanting to reopen the economy, but now there's a pact of lib states that want to reopen and stand against drumpf?

You know this makes no sense. I like work, that's how I make money. I don't care about the economy, I just wanna slouch on Fridays with more expensive drinks. You think I can grow pineapples in my back yard? No. I need them shipped across the world and purchased by 1/10th of an hour of my time at work. It's a damn good deal.
I wanna get back to work for my own money and resulting comfort.
I can't believe liberals are this stupid.

I never stopped working. I telecommute, no prob. What's your beef?

>voted for open borders and sanctuary cities

>dies so he can blow money on overpriced drinks

The economy is how people feed themselves, shithead.

I don't particularly care for the modern world. Antibiotics are about the only thing worth saving

Every single major blue city's Democrat city council and mayor.

>Just get sick and die so you can prove how hard working you are!

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being able to feed your family is not "THE ECONOMY"

You people are such fucking retards.

imagine pissing away your life at work so you can get drunk in public one day out of the week.

that needs to change and we can lose millions in the process, not a big deal.

yeah im gonna need you to provide sources for each one

>Go back to work
>Spread corona
>Corona is only a threat to fatties,oldies and other weak people
>At the low cost of a 2 week cough, you can do your part to nail the coffin of boomers and others who deserve to die

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just stop


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>Get back to work
I wasn't working before the virus.

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the people most at risk are black. We only need to keep black people locked down and isolated.

>Go die for the economy
>Let the economy crash so we can institute a communist police state
Pick one and only one

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Holy shit, are just pretending to be retarded or what?

compare this map of sanctuary cities with the map of Corona infection rate:

Attached: USA Corona infection map 4-13-2020.png (1868x742, 415.76K)

literally no one has died from this nothing burger

Who gives a fuck. People aren't going to all of a sudden starve. May need to downsize or actually lean on their community more for actual support. Boo fucking hoo.

Your well being isn't independent of "the economy".

the virus is in america because Trump refused to do anything about it until the last moment.

Oy vey

I’m still working
I haven’t dieded
What’s your problem?
Pandemic is a hoax
Citizens are filming hospitals across the country and they are empty.
They’ve been burying people at Hart Island in NYC for years.
Doctors are being told to list covid19 as cause of death even if it wasnt.
Nurses are fucking around because they have nothing better to do.
Yes. Let the nation get back to work.

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I been working this whole time get fucked

To anyone who's against working, how the fuck would you imagine the world? How does it work? I guess we all have to live with an UBI and all live in a container? I don't get it, how would it work? Because an UBI would not be enough for my monthly bills

I’m still working
I’m not sick
I sure as fuck ain’t dead

There's other options.

Why not let the economy go back to shit so we can go back to a minimal society and restore people developing skills/self sufficient abilities so they can properly barter.

This is literally the same fucking thing that happened in the 20's.

I never stopped working. The rest of you lazy faggots need to work too.


Democrats and leftist judges constantly cockblocked his executive orders to limit immigration and end "sanctuary city" policies; and they cucked his ability to close the borders in general.

Democrats literally elect 3rd-world shitskins as mayors and senators, so it's no wonder you areas are easy targets for foreign coofers to spread.

I have a better idea. Let’s just genocide everyone who isn’t working and keep the ones working at home prisoners in their home.

Dear Chang.

Fuck you.

Or, "Let's make sure the unemployment numbers stay sky-high until the election in November because that's the only way possible we libs can weasel our way into office."

I hate this shitty country and world and want to watch it fucking burn. Fuck all of you, fuck the economy, fuck your shekels, fuck jews, fuck niggers, fuck spics, fuck chinks, and fuck jannies.

Actually,now I see why you said that. I was just thinking a fucking plague sweeping through the (((Black Community))) and killing them,would be better than just Locking them up. You guys have been doing that forever.

fact is trump never tried to close the boarders because of the virus, he did it because of racism. He is that dumb. He could of done it, and he didnt. lmao

Ok Bernie bro

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