Guys I am actually shaking right now

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I remember this from brazil user, thought it was doomer larp

Hmmm. I think the denial phase is over soon.

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I know a missionary priest who came down with malaria over ten years ago in south Africa. He can’t donate blood because of this. It’s in his system permanently but he’s not sick.

They dont know if its just residue. Also if in any case you get reinfected it should be with lesser symptoms.

What if they're false-positive?

The bad thing is, it gets you sick when your immune system weakens for other reason (bad sleep, age, bad nutrition)

In toher words: it is lurking in your system, waiting for you to get weak, and then emerges again,
like the herpes virus,
chronic hepatitis B or
tuberculosis for example.

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>gaiz its coming with the 2nd wave gaiz
literally a fucking retard

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PCR on influenza is a 95% confidence interval for specificity and sensitivity. So 95% but as low as 90% toward the beginning or end of an infection. Adjust down for mishandling of kits probably more positive with contamination noise). Adjust up if we are testing for RNA that is common to more things than COVID-19 (more positives).

So even under best cases and assuming we're looking for only COVID-19 and the technicians are flawless and the viral load is high, then .25% of double positives are false. But it's as high as 5% if we assume they were sick the first time and only the second test is bunk. But as high as 95% if we are testing with inadequate specificity. Hard to tell without knowing what the comparison is against. Is it COVID-19 isolated or infected tissue that we mislabeled or whatever.

Can you translate that into something a pleb like me can understand

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All of that is true but something will eventually cause your death no matter what.

Millions of PCR kits sent by China to the U.S. in February had a false-positive rate of 80%.

unless ADE makes it worse

>same bullshit fear porn

Cool man. You stay under your bed for the next few years. There is no need for pussies in society anyway. If you weren't hiding you would be complaining that women only date assholes or how bullying is the worst thing in the country etc. Pussy posting.

>95% confidence interval
>So 95% but as low as 90%
that's not how confidence interval work you dumb leaf

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I have been pointing this out for weeks. We don't know the specificity, so these results don't mean that much. Some of these tests may only be testing for corona virus, one of the most common on earth, and not china virus 19 specifically. Without some metrology input or notes on specificity at least, what can we really say for sure?

That's the blue wall of text, here it is with articles to back it up.

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Cool, the ramblings of some idiot that wants to play at being an expert. Never seen that on Yas Forums before. Have anything substantive?

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Check out the base rate paradox. If a test has a 1% false positive rate and the incidence rate of the disease in the population is low as well, you can have a high rate of false positive tests

We could be looking at 1 in 4 positive test results as being false.

This is why they test multiple times but I bet this is the reason we are seeing these “reinfections”

tl;dr none of Yas Forums understands how immunity works.

Or well, links to the articles to back up the claims.

Information out of China, is not trustworthy or even necesarrily evidence in ANY other area of medicine, but in this one instance they are totally telling the truth.
And all of that fake "leaked" footage out of China early on was what then? Just a PR blooper? Why would they fake leak something making it look worse than it is? Probably the same reason they released these fake horror stories. To cause panic for pussies like you guys. You are more of a danger to this society than any virus or natural disaster.

i wonder if they're still technically, human ?

Non-conspiracy minded answer: they weren't negative the first time but were deemed negative to keep numbers low and hide the severity

Conspiracy answer: It is a designer virus that operates more like an STD than a cold so there will always be markers of it in your system. The virus itself is largely passive and non-threatening but the eternal marker on you will always be able to be used against you in the future.

Some Beijing scientists came out with a paper saying the coronavirus leaked from a biolab. They had to withdraw their paper because of the Communist regime. Leaks from biolabs have happened before.

Desperately trying to keep this "pandemic" going. Nothing but fearmongering. None of it has panned out

it can also depopulate the nasopharynx and repopulate at a later time if your body hasn't completely cleared the virus, meaning false negatives are very possible and even highly probable

>emotional OP
> "ourgoal is to move pol away from independent minded rational debate and towards them being a mindless emotionally driven herd "

fuck off u mind control subversion agent

>Other health experts note the possibility of testing errors and releasing patients from hospitals too early as more likely to be the cause of recovered patients testing positive again.
How about what the article says

testing for exosome means 50/50 you are 'positive' of corona

Why would I read an english language article about the goings on of SK? It will only be propaganda of some sort or the other.