When did you realize coronavirus was fake news?

Joke: What's the difference between the United States and the Soviet Union?

The soviet people knew their media was full of shit and didn't believe it. American's don't.

When did you realize the coronavirus was fake news?

I started off taking it very seriously. I prepared, got masks, got food, got all the necessary supplies. I followed /cvg/ daily. I saw the numbers going up and thought it was the happening.

Then I started to look closer. The numbers of infected versus the numbers for various other illnesses. Coronavirus just didn't hold up. The numbers were too low. It was just a flu. China started the narrative, but we haven’t seen any of the things that were supposedly happening there and we are months into it now.

The virus is indeed just the flu. All coronaviruses are 'just the flu'. They literally are all counted among the various viruses commonly called the flu. There is a new strand of coronavirus every five years or so. We have no way of assessing the number of people infected at this time and for some years.
Reminder that the swine flu is estimated to have infected 500 million people worldwide. This could only be known years after for various technical reasons.
Besides, the number of death is indeed bogus at this point. The Italian authorities have said they count all death from people testing positive for instance, and other countries have the same method to various degrees.
The Black Plague comparison is comical. It had already killed multitudes more people (in a much less populated time, plus much lower population concentration) in its first three months that the present virus did.

H1N1 had 565,000deaths/12months=47000 deaths per month lasted for one year.

coronahoax has 49,000deaths/4months=12,250deaths per month,

Attached: alien.jpg (5500x3555, 2.5M)

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Why were there no school closings in 2009? Because the internet is more censored after Sandy Hook and other mass casualty hoaxes, in 2009 they would have been exposed by the once vibrant truth community which had exposed 911.

cdc.gov flu pandemic-resources 2009-h1n1-pandemic

youtube.com/watch?v=WkyATw1lYLo&feature=youtu.be&t=705 [Open]

News Benders a program about fake news, expose media hoax scare tactics


"we'd like you to help plan the news for 1973"
In Event201 in 2019, they planned the news for2020, the coronavirus scare. Recall that AIDS was a hoax, HIV antibodies dont mean your actually sick and the AIDS medicine is what gives you immune deficiency


The media tries to hype us into a state of fear over this "pandemic". Yet the virus seems fairly well controlled There are no large, spike/hot zones Hospitals are normal. People not dying on the streets. Mostly old people and younger people with pre-conditions are being affected. (Same with flu)

What are we supposed to be looking for here? The media keeps telling us to be afraid, but afraid of what?

The diamond princess data showed the virus is pretty low mortality when you take into account the ages of the dead. 10 dead out of 700, all above 70.

The rest of the data is not reliable. If you only test those with severe symptoms, the mortality rate looks higher. They call that "case fatality rate" and is more or less useless, will give you fatality rates 5 times higher than they actually are.

Look here is a reminder that if this virus was as serious as they said and they really didn't want people going out they would have used the trillions of dollars in bailouts to give ALL Americans 15,000 dollars minimum so no one would have to go outside and risk their health and the health of the community.

just now because you say it to me, thanks man!

Oh wait you mean they didn't do that? Oh they gave that money to the big banks and corporations instead? So what you're saying is that they don't actually care if we go out or not and this isn't about the virus or health of the community but instead is about an economic collapse that was bound to happen like in 2008-2009 and they are pushing the virus as a cover up for that.

Here's an idea: instead of bailing out big corporations, why don't their CEOs put in their own money to keep them afloat? You know how regular small business owners HAVE to do. Instead we're keeping rich people rich and giving them a handout.
Think about it, they literally decided to bankrupt thousands of small businesses to save their own asses. They’re saving their stakes in their stocks for these big corporations. Why are you not outraged by this? They sold us out for their own interests. They took advantage of your fear to seize more power. Economic and legal power.

Fuck the bailout. Fuck the banks. Fuck Dr. Fauci, Fuck Mods, Fuck Jannies. Side note: Eliminating the fed and going back to the gold standard with a central bank. A currency that is in effect a mini bond much like the German Reichsmark would be a dream come true. Anyways to continue.

What really drove the point home was when I started to see normies talk about "flattening the curve". The truth is Yas Forums you were all duped by the MSM and Dr. Fauci (a guy who literally wrote love letters to HRC). Your constant interaction with sensational news and the constant threads duped you all into believing something that was not true. Most people are just following along with a herd mentality. If you guys stop taking it seriously the herd will follow.

This is important. Another thing that is starting to happen that is unnerving is the societal shift of denouncement that is happening. People are starting to view those who dare to go outside as an enemy. As a literal threat. This is some literal 1984 shit. People are spying on each other and reporting on those who they think are not adhering to quarantine. This was the most chilling redpill to me. It makes me wonder if these people are worth saving...but that is something that is not up to me.

Most people are hyping this to be a happening because it would be an event which has the power of pulling them out of the mundane and meaningless lives that they lead. Why do you think America invented zombie apocalypse movies? When a nation stops having real problems to overcome it starts inventing ones and hoping something would happen. This isn't about corona, this is peak secularist consumerism, in the same way if it weren't for obesity the west would just find another way through another sin to self destruct in its continuous search of pleasure

Lastly, this is America. Fuck YOU if you are willing to trade any degree of freedom for a small sense of security. Even if this pandemic was real. Do you really think a government could stop something microscopic? Of course not. So the trade in freedom for “security” wouldn’t make sense at any level. How dare you. How dare you let yourselves be so weak. You fell for their divide and conquer meme. They pitted you against each other and you fell for it because you’re stupid. White against black, poor against slightly less poor. Fuck you.

So lets stop with the nonsense already. It's literally just a flu.

Search empty hospitals and #filmyourhospital on 4plebs trend started on Yas Forums then spread to twitter archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/250034768/#250034768
Elmhurst, the hardest hit hospital in America, is the Sandy Hook of hospitals right now, even though other hospitals are empty, the crowds seems to show up only when the MSM cameras are set up pic related,

TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
youtube.com/watch?v=_qupPF9wBhY [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=pqS-mconfQc&feature=youtu.be [Open]

Dr. Smith" is a self-proclaimed, Medical Simulation Specialist, Smith is involved in medical simulation, and was part of this paper, published May 2019:
A Simulated Mass Casualty Incident Triage Exercise: SimWars
"A mass casualty incident (MCI) is an event that overwhelms the local health care system
shills are pushing the nytimes video of Dr. Smith video as proof, its really drill acting at Elmhurst
youtube.com/watch?v=bE68xVXf8Kw [Open]

youtube.com/watch?v=Q97Cxqq4knM [Open]

compilation of the Berlin empty hospitals video and a new video out of Brooklyn NY, "in reality as opposed to what the media is saying there is no lines largest hospital in Brooklyn NY, on Saturday March 28, 2020"
so with no surge of total patient admissions across all hospitals in NY they have sent all the normal flu patients to the remaining hospitals to concentrate them their in front of the MSM cameras at Elhmhurst, in a real pandemic all hospitals would be non empty across NY right now,

youtube.com/watch?v=0hui7y06dWY&feature=youtu.be&t=16 [Open]
more proof Elmhurst is empty except when mass media is there
youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&feature=youtu.be&t=140 [Open]

Thread theme song for fun.



Captchas are really long right now this thread contains truth


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