Disney is taking the bailout money meant for their workers and giving it to shareholders

Wtf happened?

I though Trump had said he was not gonna allow this shit.

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Disney Rat must die for many reasons

well they actually do have to pay unemployment

>implying this has anything to do with capitalism

>Government bailout
This is like someone pushing you down the stairs, and instead of blaming the person who pushed you down the stairs, you blame the stairs.

Color me surprised.

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gold/white and I never understood the fuss. how the fuck can this be blue?

He said he didn't wanted them to do that, when journalist asked what was he going to do to guarantee that he said he trusts companies, lmao.

yet Marxists will still buy Disney merch and support their shitty annual remakes without question

>not real capitalism

We can we french revolution these people?

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Do you have proof that they’re using bailout money to boost their stock price? Could just be that down markets are the best ones to invest in?

i fucking blue and grey faggot

I've only seen it as white and gold twice... every other times its been blue and black

I love late stage capitalism

This, bailouts are not real capitalsm.

it's blue and black, its just the lighting making it look fucky.


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The lighting is fine, some people just have bad eyes. Sorry you're an eyelet...

Corporations can't exist without goverment support
Including enforcing the laws in regards to investment and such.

Without the goverment no one would trust the corporations with their money hence the abomination wouldn't exist in the first place

also Disney solely exists on Intelectual Property
which is a whole other meme altogether

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>the company controls stock price
Nigger, its the market recovering as people grow more confidence in the handling of fhe situation and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It looks perfectly blue and black. You just have bad eyes. I don't see a hint of white or gold.

>not realizing that it does
Your average capitalist

Don't like what Disney is doing, then don't watch their shit or buy any of it.

Well their capital increased and they decided to give the topdogs their money for their invested capital.
It sure has to do with capitalism. It's by the books over here but it doesn't make it right, I'm so fucking tired of the nordic middleclass, pure fucking garbage

Hey guys this is not reddit

Clearly nobody does that
they wouldnt need the bail out otherwise

Disney will be rebuying millions of shares the very second they can get away with it. Welcome to capitalism. There is no morality.

If you see gold and white it means youre a fag!

That's a nice blue and gold dress.

t. Jeffrey Skilling

You can start boycotting them today if you want, then wait two months or two years and hope others boycott Disney.

I haven't given a cent to disney in my entire life, it makes no difference though, these government gib corporations will NEVER die, they simply aren't allowed to.

yeah right cunts. so these 2 are identical?
god forgive your degenerate eyesight

I naturally see the gold and white but can switch it back and forth at will. Compare your life to mine and kill yourself loser

guess i like dicks now

under full blown capitalism with no welfare state or socialised health care all those people would lose their jobs right away!!! brilliant

Nobody is suprised. All companies are doing this that's why so many people are unemployed. That's why their stocks keep going higher

Do some people really see it white and gold or is this a troll ?

Money is fungible. You can't tell them "this money can only be used for X.".

That's obviously a Chevy mustang.

anyone else been feeling like playing Minecraft lately

Check the swatch. It’s blue and black.

Nobody gives a shit. They want their (((Disney+))) so they can tell their shitheel friends they don't have cable and feel smart or something.
Meanwhile the Rat is censoring the shit out of all of the old movies it now has in its vault.

Hey OP go start another thread critical of the mouse and see if certain people try to derail it this fast

Their faggot nigger brains cant process colors because they are inferior. White/goldfags need to be put in camps and exterminated before they spread their shitty genes

Okay, this is epic.
>when you strip away all benefits in the name of employee "security" in exchange for disney bucks but it's okay because you have a cartoon mouse and duck and they give you the go ahead
Top fucking kek.

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Your brain is fucked up, sorry.

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