Why is America North-South rich/poor but Europe West-East?

It’s so odd, there is good soil in the East of Europe, yet they are as poor as Latin America.

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Jews and spiritual jews can only think in GDP and stocks.

is german gdp really lower than scandinavia?


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If you include both North and South America chile and Argentina are pretty well off, but to answer your question for Mexico it's a combination of spics being spics and Mexico getting cucked by the U.S during a war and then being unstable the rest of its history and now the drug cartels fuck Mexico in the ass. South America is also really corrupt, Venezuela of course used to be very wealthy but then maduro came to destroy the country.

Being taxed to shit to pay for Migrants Slavs and other Countries probably.


>per capita

Scandinavia has 5-10 million people per country. Germany has ~80 million. It's easier to get a high per capita with a smaller country

Eastern Europe is still recovering from Communism. Simple as.

Yes, we are poor. Because we are a river to our (European) people

slav mad his eco is so shit. wonder how your purchasing power will be once you burn through all your FX reserves with $20/barrel oil

Because North America and Western Europe ale ultra-utilitarian. They don't spend energy on any non-utilitarian issues. They are dedicated to one goal: money.

Whereas in Eastern Europe you have conflicts for instance about social and cultural issues, like faggotry, euthanasia etc. In Eastern Europe you have culture wars, in Western Europe you just have money making robots.

>30 years later
>still recovering
That's just a shitty cope used to divert attention from politicians pocketing public funds. Also, Soviet rule was actually the single best thing that's ever happened to us.

Attached: Sure feels good to be free of those nasty bigoted homophobic Soviets.jpg (950x795, 244.46K)

Communism fucked their GDP up.

Attached: GDP capitalist Europe versus communist Europe.png (380x246, 15.04K)

Then we will invade and plunder Ukraine and Kazakhstan kek.
No, I'm not mad, but PPP numbers show more realistic picture. I believe there always will be a gap 70-80% of german GDP per capita (by PPP the East is almost there). Eastern euros are genetically and culturally different from the Germans, slightly less intelligent, less autistic, less organized, more anarchistic violent rowdy types. Scythians.

Concentration of white people

Still odd they can’t recover faster.

marshal plan

What the hell does this "real GDP" even mean? Why does it even matter?

Are you seriously trying to say that life is worse in Portugal or Spain than Mississippi? and that the countries are worse off?

the culture war is everywhere, eastern europe is not special the only difference overall is some states have had head starts amassing wealth i.e. growing GDP organically in competitive global markets over many decades. Eastern Europe had command economies that also grew GDP but not as organically as Western countries as they were trapped in Soviet sphere building tanks and steel mills and shitty Lada parts. Then crashed out in the 90s blowing it all away Now they have a smaller economy that despite catch up growth rates that are relatively larger, still have not brought the size of the entire economy up western standards.

communism didn't just fuck up the economy, but also the people and the mentality
and that takes longer to recover

Reminder that Portugal isn't why and is the poorest of Western Europe and one of the poorest in Europe despite not suffering under communist rule and the collapse of the CCCP. This is of course due to the jewish blood embed on their racial composition.
What can explain the lag between Portugal and actually developing countries? One reason is its culture that is degenerate which breeds contless generation of slaves that need to be removed from the Peninsula ASAP

yeah kraut. we are the problem
again you will blame us for what jews and turks do in your country and you will get your shit fucked up

If on the other hand Ukraine joins EU/NATO it is game over as it will show all Russians that slav race and culture which you guys think is so unique and special can turn to the west.

That's why you grabbed Crimea and eastern Ukraine, that was not out of strength, it was a last ditch effort to stem the tide.



isn't East germany still fucked economically compared to the west? Although that could be because of other economic reasons, I know southern germ is much richer than north due to changes in industrialization, less coal and steel and more BMWs and tech...

What do you mean? Socialism ruinned this country. Before Portugal was an empire.

Most of those countries joined the EU. The EU really, really sucks for you economically if you aren't Germany, France, or the Low Countries. Why? Because when you put literal shitholes and highly-developed countries into the same economic system and impose a single currency, you eliminate all the tools the former Soviet Bloc could have used to develop. A country like Romania, for example, could use currency disparities (meaning a weak currency) to develop a low and mid-tech export sector. But because they're on the Euro, if it costs you a million Euros to build a factory, you'd never build it in Romania if you have the option to build it in France or Germany. You'd get no benefit from currency exchange, regulations, or anything else. So for 20 years since the Euro, You have seen southern and Eastern European industry get hollowed out as it all relocated to the rich northwestern portion of Europe. That's where the money is, that's where the best workers are, and you can't use lower wages, fewer regulations, or currency exchange rates to make up for that. So for most of the ex-Soviet nations, as well as peripheral Europe (like the PIIGS), the EU, and especially the Euro, has been a fucking disaster. Eastern Europe will never realize its full potential as long as it's part of the monetary union and abides by EU regulations and laws. It literally can never develop under the current system..

how are we supposed to fully recover now?
we missed the XX capitalism because of communism and now rest of the europe also became communist and demands the same from other countries

Why are far north countries richer and south countries poor (excluding australia)? Is it the weather, the colder the richer and the hotter the poorer?

>Ukraine joins EU/NATO
It would mean WAR

>mfw my state of nuevo leon is on the some level as moortuguese


The real question is why is OP such a dumb faggot?

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Depends if Russia loses the ability to confidently wage conventional war, lets say during the inevitable succession crisis when Putin dies, your military could be even weaker than it was in the 90s. In a case where you are flat on your back how are you going to stop Ukraine from going over? Nukes?

Portugal when it was an """"empire""" (it never had any emperor) was still one of the poorest and most mismanaged on Europe. Portugal was always one of the most weak states on Europe militarly and economically. They had the jews managing the slave trade since they couldn't do that themselves. Jews also were the great sailors and half of the characteres depicted on the "padrao dos le desobrimentos xD" are confirmable jews. You worship them as your own because when you go out in the street you only see half jewish mongrels around with hedious phenotypes. This is a consequence of a symbiotiuc relationship of the portuguese with the jews which resulted on the almost total mongrelization of its population - not even mentioning state mandated racemixing in brazil.

Excluding the ruski shitholes, you can clearly see the line between the states that benefit from the EU and the states that are being milked dry by the EU.

>is it the weather

no, its just the distribution of european genes. Australia has a lot of euro genes and is in the south, so its rich. Southern europe has less euro genes than scandinavia (being blacked my muslim invaders 1000 years ago) so its poorer.

Even in my country, northern mexico has mestizos with a higher admixture % of european blood, while southern mexico's mestizos have a much higher % of amerindian blood, so the north is richer than the south

tell me more, mutt

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why not re-form the Soviet Union? It'd be easier on everybody

Who against who? Russia would fucking collapse in the first week of a conflict with NATO.

50 and more years of communism was just unbearable. It's not only because that most of the GDP of Baltic states went to ruski shitskins, but also majority of the most ambiciuos and intelligent people were just killed or fled West before second Soviet occupation.

Greeks are actually the richest people in Europe. They are very cash rich.

Mexicans and Russians. You can’t pick where the trash lives.

by PPP it is Luxembourg, Ireland, Norway for highest euro zone per capita income...

>inevitable succession crisis when Putin dies
Putin is 67. He has 10-15 years to solve a)succession problem or b)Ukraine problem. You know, that's too much time to make predictions, happenings are happening fast

I doubt we had that many jews. Its true that we had some but they were expelled. What is that mandatory racemixing? Brazil is already fucked, but it was because we put niggers there and our men fucked the native women.
