Why shouldnt current student loans be cancelled?

Why shouldnt current student loans be cancelled?

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Darwinism. In the past people with student loans would have been eaten by a lion. Now they go bankrupt and starve.

its ruins the lives of niggers and women

what would we do about the debt collectors and the banks that funded these loans?

The pol shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But criticize capitalism or Trump's pandering to capitalistic interests and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Op is too stupid to say why it shouldn't be paid back.
That's the species of idiot that takes out loans on a BS Retarded Studies.

Because college education is one of the few things America still dominates globally. If you cheapen US college any further there will be no market for it and that will cause an economic collapse.

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This. The bill will be paid one way or another.

Perhaps get a real job and pay it back. I paid mine back in 5 years after graduating.

All forms of debt are forms of Jewish tricks to siphon money (or items of equivalent value) from the poor with interest.

Yes. The same goes for over leveraged companies that should be allowed to fail. That needs to be updated with pic related.

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borrowers should be allowed to donate X amount of organs or blood to wipe out their debt

if your debt is too high you may volunteer to be euthanized to wipe it out (your family will just have to pay interest)

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It shouldn't. Zoomers and millenials complain how the boomers ruined the economy. If we added yet another $1.5 trillion to the debt we're just pushing off their shitty mistakes onto the the next generation and we will become the boomers.

>In the past people with student loans would have been eaten by a lion
In the past, you didn't have government, media, parents, and literally every single authority figure on the planet screaming at literal children to go to college and take on 40,000$ of debt and swearing that if you did not, you would be a failure and die in the streets.
Children are biologically predisposed to trust in authority figures AND today are taught nothing about budgeting or money in general.

Why should they be?

Because banks should suffer for making bad investments

Children with dumb parents starved or were eaten by lions

Fuck it, cancel all debt.

Odd how nobody told the boomers they took out a mortgage and they need to pay it back in 2008...

Instead, cancel interest.
That shit is an abomination.

because all of them were taken by minors. jews are exploiting retarded youth for shekels

Clearly not since there are so many of them.

paying it back is worse then adding another 1.5 trillion$

I didnt take one when I went to university.

>Why shouldnt current student loans be cancelled?
They shouldn't be cancelled, they should however be converted into non interest bearing loans paid for by the Treasury.

with lead

5 years of wagecucking, what a slave.

Because the entire U.S. economy is built on funny money and debt, and shackling the U.S. public in debt keeps them in line. If we couldnt squeeze money out of people with student loans we would fall into another recession as people realize the federal reserve, and the dollar, is a massive sham.

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Minors need a co-signer.

look at that kike on the right defending usury

our fault for not killing them

>can't be trusted with alcohol
>can be trusted to agree to massive life changing loans, locking you into indentured servitude to the banks in exchange for a worthless WOKE education you're told is essential
(((something))) seems fucky here, boys

Dial back the anti-semitism there bud.
This is a PC board.

Boomers weren't the problem. Blame Clinton for holding the banks hostage to PC policies so they had to make crazy loans so niggers could afford homes. All the boomers I knew in 2008 didn't lose their house because they paid off the 1950 home they bought 58 years ago. People that lost their homes were minorities and fake rich people who thought they could afford a half million dollar home when they should have bought a $300k home

Because the government started subsiding it. All my professors have PHDs and they said its was difficult but you could do it if you worked part time. Now because the government is involved its 6-24k per semester without housing. I get paying it back but comparing any loan they took out to the current level is autistic.

>a mortgage
You mean multiple mortgages, loans, credit card debt, 401k's, etc.

your picture literally explains it in the most simple of terms.
you voluntarily accepeted someone else's money on the condition that you would return it with interest.
fulfill the agreement.

the current social situation at the moment is dysgenic. less intelligent people are breeding more than intelligent ones. natural selection isn't about individual ability to survive, it's also about ones ability to create offspring and have them thrive. nations with the most intelligent people were hit hardest by the wave of feminism, and reproduce the least. in america it's mostly shitskins reproducing.

something has to be done. most likely violence is the only answer.

Usury is immoral especially on teenagers. The students deserve to get burned for being retards and majoring in gender studies, but the loaners deserve to go to hell for profiting off this rigged system.

Money is fucking fake, you can create 5 TRILLION, our human brains cant even comprehend 5 trillion of anything. The us alone created 5,000,000,000,000 dollars out thin air. Its fucking worthless you can do anything with it. they brainwashed retards into muh inflation but its seems its just inflation for thee and not for me. When the animals who create those amount of money out of nothing, they enjoy those trillions before inflation even happens, inflation is just a side effect for us, the absolute nobodies. Without any kind of standard like the gold standard I cant take "money" seriously, its a fucking farce and a joke

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tell the bankers to kick rocks
they can find enough money for corporate bailouts and stock market injections but don't have enough to forgive student loan debt? bullshit. most of the loan costs are usurious interest anyway

kikes will be hanged

>college education is one of the few things America still dominates globally
All our big schools have been Red for generations, user. America doesn't dominate anything in education, not even at base levels, just look at the commie common core crap.

their parents validate the loan since minors can't legally accept usury loans.

How about the cocksuckers at least lower the interest rate or make it 0 i don’t mind paying it back I’m a white man I pay my debts but I’ve already paid back all the principal after 6 years I have another 4 to go fuck banks they did 0 work to fund my loans it was all online it was just a bunch of moving some 0s and 1s that they were given by the FED at .5% interest then passed along to me with a 5% markup fuck Jew banks

nothing is going to change until traitorous politicians, corrupt businessmen, subversive journalists, kikes, and shitskins fear for their lives.

nothing will change without violence. history is clear on this. the reason the west is collapsing is because all of these villains and parasites do not fear the white man. they have no reason to.

Didn't read your paperwork?

kikes like you will be shot

>urge everyone to go to uni
>get bombarded with emails and junk mail about uni programs
>get told growing up that the end goal is going to uni
>ok get there
>how much does it cost
>Wait there young man! Dont lose hope yet!
>Fill out this fafsa! Its free money! Everyone deserves a chance in life :)
>Wow thank you :,)
>Something happens in school
>Something happens after school
>literally anything happens other than flying into silicon valley

Like you have the ambition.

>You need to have the ability to read overly verbose loan terms and conditions by the age of 18 or you will be a debt slave for the rest of your life
>Something the 12 years of education you've had so far never taught you and you will never learn from the next 4-8
>Also it's completely rigged compared to other loans but you will never find a student loan that you can go bankrupt on
The irony. I wonder (((why))) it's set up this way.

>make all jobs higher tier than fast food require ten years of college
>make that schooling put participants into crippling debt
>tell every person alive they have to go to college
>"why does an entire generation of kids have massive debt they're not paying off???? bunch of lazy kids, why dont you get a job!!! but not here, you're over qualified"

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>make all jobs higher tier than fast food require ten years of college
It's sad you believe this, but it makes sense when you consider the fact everyone around you is brainwashed to think this way.

>chase banks, business, politicians, etc. out of our country by force
>they all flee to China
>along with their money
>invest said money into Chinese economy
>they turn China into the #1 global superpower
>bounce right back to where they were prior to violent uprising
>United States no longer has any money or anybody with money investing in it
>United States becomes soviet bloc levels of destitute
>except it's multi-ethnic so there's even more death, destruction and famine
>this is ignoring the inevitable South American cartel flood who will rush in to capitalize

Yeah bro, have a "revolution." Lets see you realize that every ounce of your nation's power is due to the "kikes" you hate so bad, moments before Ted from Tijuana beheads your retarded mutt ass.

You arent in debt, you ARE debt.

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what you just said has been said thousands of times before.

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I agree it is retarded to sign a contract you don't understand. Why would I want to invest in retards by bailing them out? It doesn't seem like a wise use of my tax money.

accelerationist larp

>durr we should keep our parasites because otherwise they will be parasitic elsewhere
white men built this country up from sticks and stones, they can do it again if it's somehow true that we rely on kikes farming us for our income or something, whatever it is you're trying to say. weird thing for someone with a communist flag to say lol "predatory parasitic capitalistic practices are GOOD" this is why nobody takes memeflags seriously

what part of history makes you think latinos are capable whatsoever of winning a war against whites


Only stemfags should get free college, everything else is a waste

This post was made by physicsgang

>white men built this country up from sticks and stones, they can do it again

Look around you, no white man alive today is going to build anything.

Stemfags do get free college. Its just that only the smart ones that show promise in high school get it.

>pay absolute minimum amount required on loan
>it gets wiped in 20 years

Tell me why this isnt the best possible solution.

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Just do what I did and simply ignore the debt.

>$12k owed in federal loans
>shred the bills
>collections agency buys the debt (pays the fucking government off for you lmfao)
>simply ignore collections calls for a number of years until you are filed non-receivable
>payment delinquencies still appear on your credit reports but with a balance of zero (paid in full)

It's that easy.
If you somehow manage to get garnished or have your tax refunds withheld it's your own fault for picking up the phone. Use your parent's house as your legal address and a process server won't be able to track you down either.

Don't try that (((credit score))) shit on me either you kike fags, barely made a dent. I have had no problem getting a credit card, home loan, and auto loan since I decided I didn't have student loan debts anymore.

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to this very day 99%< of technology is produced by whites, and whites maintain the highest standard of living on average by a large amount. nothing has changed in that regard.

take off the memeflag

>y-you cant buy a house
>m-muh credit score

Nobody will ever buy a house again and credit score is a meme.

>Need to go to school to get a half decent job boomers 30 years ago got without even an associates
>Can't go to college without loan
((((working as intended))))

If you take out a lone you have to pay it back. Literally what the pic says. That’s how all loans work dumbass

>tell every person to go to college
this is legitimately the ticket - but you still need to cash it by being good at something. sorry.