French people are now racially bullied in Germany

Visitors from France faced harassment in the German border town of Gersheim for fear of infections, according to the local mayor.

In a follow-up interview published by T-online website on Friday, Clivot, whose family is also of French origin, said he had heard accounts of visitors being spat on while walking or insulted while in the checkout line.

Others were told to "go back to your corona-country."

"Some French no longer dare to come here," Clivot said.

Earlier this week, Saarland economy minister Anke Rehlinger said that she "heard" that French people have been insulted and had "eggs thrown at them."

Germany and France have seen similar numbers of the total number of confirmed COVID-19 infections, with France at 130,727 cases to Germany's 123,878 as of late Saturday. However, Germany has seen a much lower death rate than other heavily hit countries, registering 2,736 deaths to 13,851 lives lost in France, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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Bruh, and the French were driven out of the rhineland again. How will snail eaters ever recover?

Oh, mon Dieu, c'est comme un autre Verdun.

I'm Jewish and fucking hate Kraut subhumans

The most evil people on Earth, must be eliminated off the planet forever

Show Flag

I'm Jewish

And I fuck Aryan girls exclusively, just for the ultimate revenge for 6 million our soulmates having been slaughtered by you

All Aryan girls must be reparations to us

>"go back to your corona-country."
Kek`d at both


Il n'y a que le vilain peuple allemand pour faire ça.


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Why the fuck are they traveling to germany during a fucking global pandemic anyways?

Seethe harder, Kraut wannabe

good. fuck france all my homies hate france

that's german hospitality for you
even dogs have more compassion

It unironically would have been a better solution to deal with Jews to simply give each Jew some non-Jew qt to mix with. Would have been as "successful" as the Shoah and it would have just cost 6 million thots who could have been pulled from Slav lands anyway.

good goy.

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C’est étrange, ça me rappelle quelque chose...

We'll stop bullying them if they learn to drive cars without fucking shit up.

Do it kraut bro, take back Alsace-Lorraine for the vaterland

Remember that hate between White people is pushed Kikes.

>pushed Kikes
pushed by Kikes

French or African?

but, french cars are fucked up from the beginning.


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fake news

borders closed


French faggot

based. I wish the US would bomb Europe again.

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Why does this pic look like Germany has too much clay? I could swear some that clay in the pic belongs to modern day Poland.

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I like war. It's pretty based.

I keked at Macron saying that the schengen borders would stay closed. Like if anyone wanted to come into the most pozzed shithole in the world. No one want anything to do with french, italians or spainfucks.

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I don't have the ß key handy so i go with the french name