Gun Control General /gcg/ AK Master Race Edition

>All Gun control laws are illegal
>Free Men don’t need permission
>Correlation between firearm ownership and open carry and robbery/rape rates (as firearm ownership goes up, thefts and rape goes down)
>Only reason people are active shooters is because they don’t see the value in human life (this is a lack of God issue, not a gun issue)
>Gun laws don’t stop criminals
>Most “child” related deaths are actually drug dealers as they aren’t counted as adults until around 23-25
If you need any help with legal loopholes please ask, OP is not an expert but he does know a thing or 2 about finding holes in a law. With this, if you are seeking to get cheap deactivated firearms out of the UK or EU this is illegal under current import laws in the United states (Firearms cannot be imported that can take a double stack magazine because... logic). They are considered a firearm in American because they have a functional receiver (even though the triggers are welded, the barrel has been completely destroyed, the gas piston has been chopped, etc. in reference to the AK47).

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All proposed gun control measures so far are reasonable.


>AK Master Rac
Commie fag use REAL AMERICAN weaponry next time

Should I get a rifle with my trumpbux or will they just turn around and consider semi-auto ownership a felony?

All gun control regulations are infringements.

How much seethe are the /vsg/ fags feeling right now, now that Northram passed a bunch of gun laws anyways? Have they learned yet that optics don't work? Or are they still clinging on to the hope that some democrats will magically wake up and be 100% pro gun?

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Just buy a complete AR lower and start a build, unless you have a specific gun you need now for a specific purpose.

Cope harder faggot. AR ergos are garbage
Unironically I wouldn't mind the AR if the weight was centered differently and it ran on a piston system (gas does have its plus sides) but I'm an AK Fag so of course I'll say that

Depends on what you want. The AR is pretty baseline, I'd recommend a PSA, ammo, and a cheap sight (like Primary Arms). They're not perfect but you want to spend 500 on a rifle, 100 on a red dot (please get backup irons), 150 of ammo and 250 on training (if available). Keep in mind a 1,000 dollar rifle is worthless if you don't know what you're doing.

He'd be better off with getting an 80% and drilling it out (skip the transfer fees) if he wanted an AR. Then get the parts kit shipped to his house.

Imagine living in a country where most people whine for gun laws to be undone instead of just buying from the black market like a normal person.

You burgers never cease to amaze me

>skip the transfer fees
PSA sells completed stripped lowers for like $40 to $50. With transfer fee it will be somewhere around $70 to $80. That is how much 80% lowers cost. I would rather just buy a real lower than fuck with drilling one out. It isn't like you are going to fool the government when you order every single other part, magazines, ammo, optics, and accessories online. Their algorithms will flag you as a gun owner regardless if it is on the books or not.

Well yeah but I was thinking economically. With that I’ve seen 80s go for $60 so I mean, that’s going to be cheaper from what I’ve seen (the government knows all)

Get both. Buy a complete lower so you can build a raifu now and an 80% to learn on. I wouldn't build a first AR from an 80% lower without being a competent metalworker with the tools.
>inb4 jig and dremel

Anyone own a krink? Is it worth getting?

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What are you going for?

I want to get the stock design. I don’t care for picatinny rails or any tacticool design.

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So you’re going to have to get an arm brace (unless you want to go through the ATF stuff and send them your fingerprints). I can’t find any torture tests but you should get an Arsenal to be safe (they forge their parts. The finish is garbage but aside from that the rifle itself is perfect). Sadly this isn’t my realm so it’s more of a /k/ question

I don’ want to deal with ATF tax stamp stuff so i’ll check out the arsenal. Thanks.

Yas Forumsacks disappoint me when they're isn't a 2AG thread on at all times. Fuck the shills, fuck demoralized cucks and fuck gl*wniggers.

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Is it autistic if I carry a Single Action Army in my walks around town? I go around in the middle of the night because I'm laid off and have nothing to do.

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Naw pham u gucci

who cares what other people think. most americans don't give a remote shit about public presentation anymore and leave the house in baggy graphic t-shirts.

dont get an slr107r, just trust me. they outsource their production. everything else they make is good to go. If arsenal is too expensive, buy a WASR 10 or RH10. Be wary of anything else desu, theres some good manufacturers but its a craphsoot.


>Is this autistic
If it’s all you have no. If it’s your favorite no. It’s a matter of what you’re comfortable with

This guy has a good point
He makes a good point. If it doesn’t have a forged reunion don’t get it


Also a romanian made Draco is a great choice. 7.62x39 doesnt need the full 16 inches. He just needs to make sure its a real romanian one not the Draco branded american ones.

No, but it is autistic to get killed by a nigger and have your tp stockpile stolen.

That is true. That American made logo is bad magic in the AK world