In Poland, abortion is banned except in the following three circumstances

>In Poland, abortion is banned except in the following three circumstances.
>When the woman's life or health is endangered by the continuation of pregnancy,
>When the pregnancy is a result of a criminal act, or
>When there is a high probability of a severe and irreversible fetal impairment
Is this the middle ground on abortion
pic not related

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Other urls found in this thread:

Aborting the mother
keeping the baby

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Abortion never.
If there is a complication it is your lot to die.

Woman who get an abortion should be executed.

Unbased. The less p**es there are, the better. Abortion should be on demand and come with a financial bonus.
While pollacks are dying off on their own just fine, the World can only benefit from speeding it up.

why lol?

Talk to any pole or german on this god forsaken shithole and they ll tell you all poles who want to self cull go to germany to turn their offspring to mush.

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what did the kid do to deserve this also I didnt know that so basically abortion tourism


Also Czechia and Swedenyes. There was even one time when swedish ship docked near polish maritime border and offered free abortions,lol.

>what did the kid do to deserve this also I didnt know that so basically abortion tourism
Look at the webm again, thats not a kid its a mini nigger

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republicans dont actually care about abortion

because he's a shitskin

>severe and irreversible fetal impairment
So why are you still here

absolutely fucking based

Ok Jamal Pedro Washington Junior

>Also Czechia and Swedenyes. There was even one time when swedish ship docked near polish maritime border and offered free abortions

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One of the best albums ever, user.

I just noticed
the polish are very white desu
do you just that as if it's funny


to sane rational people this is the middle ground. To retarded roasties it's fascism.

was demosthenes the most based man to ever have lived?

Bold words for a result of 10 generations of algerian cousin marriage.

>One of the best albums ever, user.
yes, Its my 3rd favorite after this one
and after the mantle by agalloch

Le seething Indonesian

diogenes you fucking prole

Based. FPBP

Diogenes pepe should be the smuggest pepe of them all not that worried pepe, it ruins your meme and also didnt even read your bullshit cause you fucked it up from the get go with this image

>When the pregnancy is a result of a criminal act
That's the only one which isn't a working middle ground. Just because you got raped doesn't mean you should kill a baby.

lol calm down
Based grandpa

If the baby is a girl, abort both

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Perfect and super based Rules.
Dont wanna get pregnated? dont be a fucking slut. Abortion should be made only in Countrys with too muth Childrens and in some cases forced, look at Africa with woman with average of 7 childrens, this shit is just not healthy for the planet and that same children only survive with the constant massive support and foreign aid that should had never happen. Never feed the animals or they will starve when you stop, let nature work.

Based and kinghenrytheeigthpilled

Omg how can you write something like that.


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As long as its clear that life and health dont mean economic health or mental health, only for if the bitch will die from the baby

It implies only women who are raped could possibly justifiably not want their child.

Either remove that part to have a freedom-lite version of abortion, or just have regular abortion but with a numbered limit. Like, you're only allowed to have 2 before the government surgically fixes the problem, ladies.

Still though, the best solution is to let women have as many abortions as they like whenever they want, but abolish the archaic, woefully biased against men, child support structure enabling hoes to think a man is going to bail them out; in turn treat the prospect of child rearing as a paycheck. Abortion rates go up temporarily, that shit ain't free, women learn their lesson about responsible birth control and abortion rates go way down.

Ok, I found that ship info. Was actually dutch tho

China tried it and ended up with having twice the number of men as women

I want to say yes, that seems reasonable, but I don't know if it's still a sin.