Germany said China had a terrible response to the CoronaVirus! GERMANY!!!
>Beijing denied Monday that it was soliciting praise for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic following a report that Chinese representatives tried to earn kudos from German officials.
>Citing a confidential foreign ministry document, Germany's Die Welt newspaper reported Sunday that senior officials and staff at German government ministries were invited "to speak in positive terms about China's management of the coronavirus".
>The German foreign ministry recommended that all governmental departments reject such approaches, the newspaper added.
>A German intelligence source told Die Welt that "Chinese officials are pursuing an intensified information and propaganda policy with regard to the coronavirus".

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I've never been a hateful person, but I'll never forget how China stole this decade from us. The worst is yet to come. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive them.

Chinks are the best

Fuck China.

Make them pay.

pay denbts china
hey greece
this time you get to collect too

You can say their response after some time was decent, a little questionable with welding people in and not just explaining them what and why they need to stay in. Maybe that’s the only thing you can do with a population like theirs. But their initial response was terrible, they threatened the doctors rising the alarm bells, allowed labs to do research despite experts saying they are unsafe and despite SARS already making two lab escapes there, same goes for them not taking action against the wet markets and their population being much too concentrated and traveling too much.

>Stole the decade from us
Nigger, we're already in the works for bring home ALL of our manufacturing from China unless those US companies want to become absorbed by the chinese government and move their HQ over to China. THIS DECADE IS WHERE WE TAKE IT ALL BACK! not just from China, but from ZOG and the corrupt corporations too. We're entering into a soft NATSOC period that will unironically be more free and fair for the whole world when everything is said and done.
>China loses power
>ZOG loses influence
>FED becomes obsolete
>Dollar is backed by gold
>Israel becomes Palestine again
>Xbox triumphs over Gaystaion
>New Timesplitters game
>State mandated GF's
>Rising white birthrate
>Whites retake Rhodesia and South Africa
>Free renewable and abundant energy

While the rest of the world cucks to China, Merkel is reestablishing white world dominance

But what if China asks Germany to take all the niggers? Germany will blow China's tiny dick for their niggers.

>>Dollar is backed by gold
Nah. Find something not held by israel.

What about the coming economic depression?

Here we see a clear roadmap for American disinformation warfare:
WION is very obviously a Washington aligned propaganda outlet with 1 million subscribers
Die Welt is a NATO and trans-Atlantic media outlet with a very distinct smell. It was the first of all newspapers in 2014 which woke me up to Mass Media control by Washington, due to its one sided propaganda warfare against Russia in Ukraine which went well beyond legitimate criticism

If China has invited Germany to report positively on their Corona virus response, it is their legitimate interest. So far the German government has declined to give out a directive to its media. Which is also legitimate.

The response by Washington, and you tiny little shill gnome OP, is equally obvious to desire exactly the same.

Europe is an independent sphere of legitimate influence. And it will neither bend the knee to Washington or Beijing.

Both countries remain important partners for Germany and the European Union.

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Hey, shill.

Germany is a US puppet state so of course it's attacking China.

This. We'll see if this German response even lasts the week.

>people accept a global currency so that their countries escape depression
>China's holdings of debt are forcibly forgiven by treasuries that have proxy control of their central banks
>China sails diesel powered aircraft carriers in angry circles because their soft power doesn't translate into hard power.

Something like this because a global currency firewalls plebs and developing countries away from the means of production and allows for social credit implementations and decentralization that raises the bar on how many people need to revolt at once to affect change. New World Order is enjoyed by all.

German desperate for American dollars and support

BASED Germany as always

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>according to an Indian propganda shitpost youtube channel
>someone published a fake leak of Germany ordering Germans to spread China propagnada
>Germany said its bullshit
>China said its bullshit

>according to US NATO propaganda paper
>American intelligence told German intelligence China bad

Attached: Pooojet.jpg (480x360, 34.23K)

> muhhhh juuuuuiiice what about muhhhh juuuiccee


i am seeding redpills about chinks in german socialmedia.

Are (YOU) doing yourpart user ?

Attached: bugs.webm (320x640, 1.82M)

>all these diaspora pajeets shilling Indian pootube fakenews with poos not even hiding their faces anymore

your part*

Attached: another day another death in the hellhole know as china.webm (360x636, 1.05M)

China is asshoe

You must be 18+ to post here

It's true, fuck the gooks. They lied from minute one, causing a ton of problems for everybody else. Cordoning their shit centers off while still letting chinks out on international flights like nothing is happening. Buying everything that can't be stolen and sending it back to ching chong land while sending defective shit out for a premium.

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I’m only 10

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Come on Yarif, that's sad.

She did a fantastic job filling Europe with niggers the shaking Barron wombed cunt

Aufsichtsrat der Ostasiatischen Generalverwaltung When?!

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lmao chinks btfo
how will chang ever recover?

Lets see if that turns into something more than finger wagging. Because right now all I'm seeing is a whole lot of fingers wagging and not enough angry fists

With human fetus soup and fried batwings.

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Its a poo channel based in India run by poojeets, the speakers are poos and the owner is a poo media group based in India.

Sure they are on one line with US propaganda when it it comes to mutual butthurt about China and agendas to divide white and mutual adversaries but at the root its just a shitty poo propaganda channel trying to push poo propaganda to the international stage

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Russia and the US need to nuke China off the map

No one would give a shit

>a little questionable with welding people in
im tempted to weld you in, my friend

is it D E S I G N A T E D?

are you mad chang

Fuck chinks and fuck any gook lovers.

shut up, based finngolian

they locked people in their own homes fuck else do you want them to do holy shit

>seething jungle gook

At least... some with balls to say it

, let's not blame china, WE GAVE IT TO THEM. They were backwards subsistence rice farmers. Not a threat to anybody. Till we started looking a for new place to make cheap shit. Ruining the 1 china policy