
Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-14 at 20.33.28.png (481x183, 26.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the fire rises.

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Slavery doesn't even come close to the great tragedy that was the Shoah.

they are afraid jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

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Replies to this are fucking hilarious


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Based hominids.

Attached: negress hitler tweet.jpg (614x767, 73.92K)

Go spam this link.

based nubian queen

Worse for white people who brought it on ourselves.

Now at least we had their labor, in modernity great athletics and musical creativity.

Jews were a parasite and the Germans were determined to eliminate them wherever they were found.


Nice, these are very well made. Too lazy to make one of these myself, but I had an idea for a "pro-black" one to contrast with these "pro-jew" ones.

>Holocaust: 6 years
A picture of maybe 1 jewish family with stars, not very graphic
>US Slavery: 400 years
A picture of dozens of Africans in chains of all ages implying generations
>#no comparison

The implication being that slavery was worse because it was longer and of course triggering kikes to respond with "but we had it worse" thereby trivializing slavery.

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that was smart, give that thot some bonus points

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how would he know what was worse- he hasnt been in the holocaust nor has he been alive when slavery happened


burn jews and kikes- we had 2 worldwars the last 100 years- but we never cry about it

fucking wimps grow tha fuck up

Wtf i love black people now.

9/10 every gay or tranny online is jewish, why?


This is obviously a troll account.

My god. I have never felt this way about a black woman...

They are revealing their true androgynous demon forms


A few weeks of quarantine and you're ready for beastiality? Pull yourself together man.

Tell her about the attempted jew commie take over in the lead up to ww2.

Finally the two most annoying perma-victims in American society are fighting over who is worst done by

Except for trannies of course

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wait a moment - I understand that when people refer to the alleged victims of nazism they always refer to the jews, but wouldn't that mean that some niggers were killed as well?
Of course Germany wasn't plagued with them back then, but still, there must've been at least a few
I just see jews replying to this saying "but jews were enslaved too, so blacks are not to be as victimized as us", and I just wonder...

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Um hello, based department?!

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demoralize, DESTABILIZE, crisis, normalize

What's the point of these threads. It's a bunch of unused material that isn't actually reaching black audiences.

Someone post the twitters or whatever where this material sees action.

Wtf guys?? They're rude as fuck!

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That nog has a point. The kikes got a country out of their plight. I vote that we form a country in Wakanda and give them all a free first class plane ticket or cruise voyage to it. We can even send them a few billion every year like we do for the kikes.

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The holocaust isn’t even real and Jews ran the slave trade

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stoke the flames

told u blacks were our great ally in this operation . . .


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Based! You want based?

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Anyone honestly think blacks are right in this one?

>a war crime
>nothing new

>bunch of people dragged over across the fucking ocean
>dehumanized and sold as slaves
>regularly killed and raped for such a long time that fear of whites became engrained in DNA
>current black dna shows evidence of PTSD being passed on
>even after slavery is abolished and after civil rights, black people kill their own mercilessly

It's obvious as shit to me. We are still coping with just how big slavery was to america, who cares a bunch of jews got gassed.

delet this

>frankfurt school

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Okay, which one of you did this?

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one was real, one was real in their minds
..also..jews did slavery

The Bureau of Memetic Warfare has reviewed this content and has determined it has the potential to be highly effective.

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Not really that based, it suggests it actually happened.

What the Belgians did to the Congolese was Holocaust-level and nobody makes memorials over that.

What the Chinese did to each other in the cultural revolution was much worse still.

Jews whinging about the Holocaust are doing it to guilt whites into destroying their own countries and supporting Israel's evil land theft from Palestinians. It is 100% political.

Can someone link me a source for the Jews running the slave trade? I'm not doubting it but I want to learn the specifics.

If this actually happens full-scale the word "nigger" disappears from my vocabulary
