Also, how many of those researchers realize that the longer this goes, the less likely it is that we hold elections this November?
So, how do you plan to spend your next 2 years in lockdown?
Laughing at the schizo trump supporters lose their minds on here
Unless A. the cases go down to 0 as in all other countries... or B. we just get to herd immunity now
I've been social distancing for 7 years, another 2 is easy.
bye bye superpower kek
>t. Tranny projection
That's real retarded sir.
Is this what gets us to take the Gates vaccine? Do it or stay locked up for two years?
So tired of "researchers" and "experts". All these people seeks is importance, recognition and power. They will never ever come to any finding that might minimize their "role" in society in any way/.
Read books on the good old days of National Socialism, then get drunk every night realising the reality of the situation today.
USA only? Don't think many people left or right are going to buy this..
I'm sorry but we deserve it for shipping our livelihood to China, then letting them steal all our tech.
and by "we" I mean our shit dicksucking politicians and corps that made them,
There is no possibility of herd immunity. This is a severe RNA virus with no natural human immunity. People don’t fully understand what this means. Your body can fight off regular viruses that have evolved around us and maintain an easier time keeping future infections. When we have an alien virus like this you can keep getting reinfected over and over and over... endlessly. The problem is the virus stays in your body, dormant after antibodies have succeeded in destroying active viruses. The antibodies go away after a cycle. Then the virus goes active again. This virus is an anti evolution virus in that humans cannot evolve quick enough to form a generational immunity which is what we would need. This virus 100% was created and not a natural virus. The incubation period is proof of that alone but when you take into consideration the amount of reinfected you basically have to live in dreamland to believe this was a natural occurring virus somewhere in the wild.
>This is a severe RNA virus with no natural human immunity.
Dude, we have done antibody studies here in Germany. In higher affected areas, 15% are already immune. Suggesting a 0.06% mortality rate.
>People still think this is a nothingburger
Beating my dick to hentai and watching anime, not really different than the past few years without lockdown.
blah blah blah
I love how all you little fearfags have all these theories and yet absolutely no credible research to back it up.
>15% are already immune
Until they aren't again shit for brains
The definition in your country of being immune is only testing those not already in remission. The virus attacks the host cells eventually however which renders testing to be highly inconsistent, inconclusive and at a bedrock bare minimum for research efforts.
Even in South Korea they only suggest below 0.2% people who can be reinfected (or in whom the virus reactivates). Something we know from other viruses.
Everyone else is fine.
>So, how do you plan to spend your next 2 years in lockdown?
The same as I spent the last 10 years.
>The definition in your country of being immune is only testing those not already in remission.
We did random population tests for antibodies, actually we were the first to do so in Europe. There were 0 criteria, you just had to live in a certain town or area.
Just let the boomers and obese lunglets die, it would solve so many of our problems. Fuck old people.
Shitposting, reading, anime, push ups, squats, sit ups, and playing the piano.
I mean you can read about people “re-catching” the virus already. It’s just that the virus never left to begin with.
Or you can just get the virus yourself and let us know how you’re feeling in several months. Vaccination is going to be nearly impossible for the foreseeable future though so I wouldn’t recommend it.
>next 2 years
What makes you think it will only be 2 more years?
lmao, there won't be any society to come back after 2 years of this faggot social distancing
it doesn't even warrant the shutdowns now
>elections delayed for 2 years
>Trump reelected
>Trump becomes 10 year president. Only beaten out in years by FDR
This is a very real possibility now.
Exactly. The virus can remain dormant, even more than the two weeks medias proclaim. Any test performed has no way or means of being regulated.
But I want to fuck hookers and nonhookers before then
People are already getting tired of lockdowns.
Writing Mein Kampf: America Edition
>Also, how many of those researchers realize that the longer this goes, the less likely it is that we hold elections this November?
I think many people would, deep down, be thrilled for Trump to keep being president.
Hating Trump is basically all some people live for at this point. He is a perfect enemy that they can project all of their internal issues on to, in the form of righteous outrage. A Democratic President would mean they would have to once again start being self-accountable and blaming the system.
Not to mention the anti-Trump media. You think John Oliver, SNL, CNN, Maddow et al really want a world without Trump? He basically writes their shows for them every week and drives a never-ending stream of viewers who need to be soothed.
I’m basically saying that most of the world’s population at this point has it but it remains asymptotic for a period of time before going active. Differing levels of viral-antibody resistance at different times. This virus is very chaotic and challenging