So I was going through Brave New World again, and can't help but notice that the character of Lenina is a very good quick run down on the modern 'celebs' like Kardashians, lets call them 'Kardashian type higher class' (in Brave New World, Beta+).
- considered somewhat higher class of society - entirely physical / material mode of being - everything is about sex, looks, mindless consumerism - is very excited / happy to become a pornstar - judges places solely based on the amount of swag / comfort they can provide - judges people solely on physical attraction and their status in society - "Tallk? Why? What a strange idea! Let's get high and fuck already!"
It's all very interesting, as when the book was written in 1931 such ideas would be viewed as not only extremely radical, but outright heretical by the societal standards of that time. It's also interesting how the author and his family, Huxley, was tied to European Royal families and the Crème de la Crème of high/top classes/aristocrats of that time.
Was the 24/7 pushing / lobbying / promotion of Kardashian-type-higher-class a successful attempt at establishing 'Beta+' like 'higher class' as a seemingly permanent part of our modern society? Or the similarities between the description of a 'somewhat higher class that exists purely to consume, fuck, do drugs and bodily experience the world' and modern times are purely a coincidence / good guess? Also, if you haven't read Brave New World - stop embarrassing yourself and go read it immediately, it's very short anyway / go listen to an audiobook if you don't read.
>It's also interesting how the author and his family, Huxley, was tied to European Royal families and the Crème de la Crème of high/top classes/aristocrats of that time.
"Man I'm so angry / tied of things! Let's do some weed, it helps me to relax" "I'm so sad and hate how things are in this world, hopefully the new antidepressant pills will help me" ^ - Modern Society
Clearly Huxley had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Right?
Brandon Wright
Yes it is a false idea that if you act this way(dumb plastic slut consumer self-promoter extreme opportunist) that you can be this rich celebrity. I'd say a type of left-hand path advertisement. Of course, it's completely false and even attempting to be like them would spell ruin for yourself or others around you and never make you happy, thinking you can do GDP like the Kardashian, and be a trendy influencer who gets paid money for their workout pictures. kim is the reason non of those whores should have gotten a dime from GDP. They thought they could be like her. They knew what they were doing. The defence should have brought that up that this behaviour is been made trendy and normal.
Josiah Price
>when the book was written in 1931 such ideas would be viewed as not only extremely radical, but outright heretical by the societal standards of that time. You’re quite the observant Pole. I read the book but didn’t think about it like that
Connor Morales
There is a sneaky jewshit in this book by a crypto-kike and his sexual fetishes: a material life has lots of value as means of learning, experiencing and creating. Jews force this fake spiritualism into people since their times in India to have a passive population.
Robert Thomas
I always viewed it as a type of horror novel. I like the audiobook, the one I found has a great narrator, I find myself comparing it to now and what's possible, the book was visionary, a stark warning.
Grayson Sullivan
ITT: high school seniors discover Huxley.
>Wait till they get to the Doors of Perception and Heaven & Hell!
Andrew Gray
>Yes it is a false idea that if you act this way(dumb plastic slut consumer self-promoter extreme opportunist) that you can be this rich celebrity. Bad bot.
For the off chance you're not a bot. Nobody has argued that.
In Brave New World everyone is born into their caste and can't go outside of it. What one will do / who one will be is predetermined long before ones birth, and one is modified accordingly during fetal development stage - lower castes are given brain damaging chemicals while higher castes get perfect mix of nutrients.
This is also why the 'Kardashian' type fits so well, as Kardashians are not from some random family - see who is their now tranny father. >born into high class >be a drugged up, bimbo coomslut and get praised for it >be showcased as a drugged up, bimbo coomslut
But yes, people from outside of the circles trying to get the wealth/status of people from inside the circles, by emulating what they do, is pointless. >rich people drive limos >if I drive a limo, I will become one of the rich! Not very sound logic indeed.
>a material life has lots of value as means of learning, experiencing and creating. >Jews force this fake spiritualism You have a hateboner against the Jews which prevents you from realizing that’s not fake, it’s simply the original spirituality. There’s definitely something wrong with the material realm, especially if you orient your life as if nothing exists beyond it
Ryan Martinez
I never actually thought about the GDP connection but it actually makes a lot of sense. When other women see what the Kardashians were able to achieve by whoring themselves out, they think they can accomplish the same thing despite not having any of the connections. Interesting.
Jace Jackson
>- "Tallk? Why? What a strange idea! Let's get high and fuck already!" absolutely based. where can I get a girl like that?
Mason Sanchez
>sneaky jewshit The book was supposed to be a vision of a 'dystopia', but interestingly enough, the sneaky part in it does seem to be the portrayal of the 'wild people'. The book compares two worlds.
Brave New World: >High tech >Absolute top-down control down to the bodily integrity and biological composition of members of the society >Absolute slavery >Absolute lack of freedom >'Individual? Who gives a fuck about individuals? Lmao, we can mass produce individuals!' >participation and obedience to top-down norms is absolutely mandatory - "You are not fucking enough people! Go fuck more people right now!" >Everyone is drugged up and 'happy'
Old World: >dirt >filth >hunger >superstition >idiocy >hypocrites >homo homini lupus >people act to satisfy their urges and get punished for it as it's seen as wrong by societal standards >when given a chance to gtfo from world 2 to world 1, one begs for it to happen
While the book says "Well duh, brave new world is a dystopia!" it clearly portrays it as a better world than 'Old World'. So the 'sneaky' part is "Yeah, Brave New World is not ideal and there's plenty wrong with it, but it's still way better than current world".
Nah you think to much into it. Its simple. Mass media influences your perception. Think at this. There is a new song out and you hate it, it gets played everywhere and you still hate it. One day you are working doing whatever and sudely you are humming that very song. Friend of yours plays that song and thinks its great, you suddenly think to yourself well its fucking catchy and everybody enjoys it so should I and you endorse that song and its lyrics. Try to brainwash your friends into a song they dispise, play it on and on and they will like it in the end. Same thing MSM is doing... Promoting whore culture, you may notice it but the zombies dont, they think its cool this is what they must do. Look at mtv... It used to play music now its full blown whore tvshows. Look at cartoon channels, they got tv shows with girls, dating biys.. all that highschool shit ans its broadcasted to young kids.
Jason Hall
>says the jew who lives an entirely materialistic life
As always Yas Forumscucks are just retarded hypocrites, you live the same fucking life as them dude lol
It's funny you picked them and literally not every other fucking actor in hollywood though
Well that's the striking thing about it. As one reads it nowadays, everything apart from the 'lets brain damage the fetuses of lower castes' (*) is a description of modern world. * - I guess that depends if you subscribe to the theory that mandatory vaccination of infants secretly gives them minor brain damage
Yet when the book was written 90 years ago, literally every single aspect of it would be considered extremely radical / heretical. >family destroyed >state controls everything >widespread extreme promiscuity (Man to woman: I like you. Woman: Ok, let's fuck! *starts to undress*) >widespread, normal, everyday use of drugs >people exist to work, fuck and do drugs >role of women in society >people learning what to think from propaganda machines >religion exists as rare academic mentions of the practices of the old world All of that would be considered 'crazy talk' in 1931, yet how well it describes our modern times.
Jaxon Adams
The Kardasians aren't the only ones who do it nor were they the first or the worst ones, but I guess a jew wouldn't care
>>says the jew who lives an entirely materialistic life Jokes on you Burger, I have no life, this is Yas Forums kek.
>you live the same fucking life as them dude lol I might have missed the memo.
>It's funny you picked them and literally not every other fucking actor in hollywood though Because it's the best example of Lenina / Beta+ in our reality.
Seriously tho, >everyone lives like Kardashian-type celebs 1/10 bait.
Nobody argued they were the first or 'worst', they are the most popular and did most to popularize it.
>random use of jew >in an attempt to make a non-argument sound better Nah.
Alexander Allen
All the way back to monroe and further. It might have to do with female tendencies or last resort sort of behaviour. I remeber I watched some scifi tv show and this alien woman ends up on earth and watches tv and asks why young girls are dressed in a sexualized way and draws conclusions by herslef.."unless somebody wants them to be" it was eye oppening and the show was stupid most of the time but that one time it was spot on
Dylan Harris
>they are the most popular What is this 2007? I never hear anyone talk about them as much as you fucking faggots. And I'd rather not have the fucking board filled up with them either you retarded jew, infact I'd rather not have any fucking celebrity shit talked about here because it's not politics. God you normalfags are the goddamn gayest homos on the planet
It's not that bizzare of a concept. Even Plato described how democracy lead's to a tyrrany of the majority and the rise of a kakistocracy run by aad tyrant. Or how music is a tool used for subliminal messaging and social engineering over 2,000 years ago.
Eli Baker
Pic related.
>be autist >see a thread debating similarities between Brave New World and modern times >suggestion that the push of Kardashian-type celebs which are copy-pasta of Beta+ / Lenina from Brave New World might not be coincidence, given how similar it is and who was the author of Brave New World >enter the thread about similarities between slut celeb culture and Brave New World >REEEEEEEE about slut celebs Just autism things I guess.
>>kardashian >>high class In response to: >- considered somewhat higher class of society Are Kardashians 'high class'? No. Are they considered 'somewhat higher class' by the general public? Yes. Learn to read user.
Elijah Price
>off chance you're not a bot. Stopped reading right there retard.