/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3199

► Detected: 1,985,083 (+61,235) ► Died: 125,344 (+5,728) ► Day: 96 (-06:31:53)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,692 strains have been sequenced —


Putin willing to use Russian military to enforce lockdowns

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

Brazil has 225,000 undetected cases, researchers estimate

WHO admits not everyone develops immunity after "recovery"

Pastor who thought virus was a hoax has died of coronavirus

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

China treating patients with "traditional Chinese medicine"

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

19:24: 519 new cases and 14 new deaths in Peru
19:20: 412 new cases and 3 new deaths in the United Arab Emirates
19:15: 160 new cases and 14 new deaths in Egypt
19:13: 127 new cases and 16 new deaths in Wisconsin
19:11: 305 new cases and 50 new deaths in Ohio
19:10: 1,034 new cases and 35 new deaths in India


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Other urls found in this thread:


Germany riots next week

inb4 boop poster

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why would anyone riot over this complete nothingburger?


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>asking why a country full of refugees with lockdowns would riot

#1 United States 605,354 (25,394) #2 Spain 172,541 (18,056) #3 Italy 162,488 (21,067) #4 France 143,303 (15,729) #5 Germany 131,359 (3,294) #6 United Kingdom 93,873 (12,107) #7 China 82,249 (3,341) #8 Iran 74,877 (4,683) #9 Turkey 65,111 (1,403) #10 Belgium 31,119 (4,157) #11 Netherlands 27,419 (2,945) #12 Canada 26,897 (898) #13 Switzerland 25,936 (1,174) #14 Brazil 24,232 (1,378) #15 Russia 21,102 (170) #16 Portugal 17,448 (567) #17 Austria 14,226 (384) #18 Israel 12,046 (123) #19 India 11,487 (393) #20 Ireland 11,479 (406) #21 Sweden 11,445 (1,033) #22 South Korea 10,564 (222) #23 Peru 10,303 (230) #24 Chile 7,917 (92) #25 Japan 7,645 (143) #26 Ecuador 7,603 (355) #27 Poland 7,202 (263) #28 Romania 6,879 (351) #29 Norway 6,623 (139) #30 Denmark 6,511 (299) #31 Australia 6,400 (61) #32 Czech Republic 6,111 (161) #33 Pakistan 5,837 (96) #34 Saudi Arabia 5,369 (73) #35 Philippines 5,223 (335)…

#1 United States +18,413 (+1,754) #2 France +6,524 (+762) #3 United Kingdom +5,252 (+778) #4 Turkey +4,062 (+107) #5 Italy +2,972 (+602) #6 Russia +2,774 (+22) #7 Spain +2,442 (+300) #8 Iran +1,574 (+98) #9 Germany +1,287 (+100) #10 Canada +1,217 (+118) #11 India +1,034 (+35) #12 Netherlands +868 (+122) #13 Ireland +832 (+41) #14 Brazil +802 (+50) #15 Belgium +530 (+254) #16 Peru +519 (+14) #17 Portugal +514 (+32) #18 Sweden +497 (+114) #19 Israel +460 (+7) #20 Saudi Arabia +435 (+8) #21 United Arab Emirates +412 (+3) #22 Serbia +411 (+9) #23 Chile +392 (+10) #24 Belarus +362 (+4) #25 Mexico +353 (+36) #26 Pakistan +341 (+3) #27 Singapore +334 (+1) #28 Philippines +291 (+20) #29 Indonesia +282 (+60) #30 Ukraine +270 (+5) #31 Poland +268 (+18) #32 Switzerland +248 (+36) #33 Romania +246 (+20) #34 Moldova +222 (+3) #35 Bangladesh +209 (+7)…

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If I had an opportunity to kill Xi or some higher faggot from the CCP for the cost of my life, I would do this. If the government would ask, I would do this. I know you are reading this. Contact me and give me an opportunity. The world is more important than my life.

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Stay safe fren

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New US record today Y/N?

Please comfort me boop poster I'm scared

Is UK falling apart?

>have to wait until tomorrow for 2mil

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Yes. And the virus is makeing it worse



Anyone else been taking bigger shits since they've been staying inside?

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Probably not. It will probably be Thursday or Friday assuming they figure out their chemical shortage meme

For deaths or cases? Possibly for deaths, but for cases, I doubt it.

Hellowo~! :3

Guess what...

I know someone whose super important and special. ^ω^

You know who?

That's right, you! ȌωȌ

Now give me a hug!

*huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

And wuv!

*wuggles* (´・ω・`)

Remember to take care of yourself! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

-boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

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>food processing plants shutting down now
When can we expect major food shortages? Like enough of a shortage that Americans lose weight

Mine aren't bigger, but they are alot greasier. They're getting too soft and I'm using too much toilet paper because of it

>get more infected
Nobody would be that dumb.

2 million this thread?

So, can you get corona through your ears or what? Should earpro be a part of coronavirus PPE? Links or sources?

>When can we expect major food shortages?
June or July
>Like enough of a shortage that Americans lose weight

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Checked, and oh but they would. We're starting to see protests around the world over these lockdowns, which will grow in size if said lockdowns aren't lifted and eventually someone will throw a chair into the crowd, or the cops will shoot a nigger and then the riots begin.

How come, I remember the death toll was at 90k few days ago, now it's almost at 130k
This shit going fast

>exponential growth of the virus
>we can only observe it through linear tests
Why can't God just share his screen so we can see how well that game of Plague.inc is going?

>americans lose weight
That wont happen. Also you guys get alot of food from canada and mexico so I wouldn't worry too much. Idk about mexico but we produce a huge surplus of everything

It's literally confirmed

>US funded covid-19 research at chink lab in wuhan
>Chink steals euthanized bats from work and sells them at a wet market
>Chinks in wuhan get exposed from bat and others take the infected bats home to eat

this was all going on around prior November





>mfw the EU is eating itself over rescue budgets
>mfw everyone at eachothers throats
>mfw Brussels on suicide watch

I cant wait for the official break up.

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What are refugees?


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Update EOD?

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>and I'm using too much toilet paper because of it
Averaging more than 1 roll per day?

western plaguelands

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Wait, Us funded the research but Chinese were so incompetent and 100% oblivious to the lethality of the virus to literally hand it to civilians?

What would that accomplish, exactly? Some other CCP faggot will be next in line. You gotta nuke the entire country.

Today in Scotland the main news is that ppe was diverted from Scottish care homes to English ones at the direction of the Westminster government
People are raeging
So yeah, UK is falling apart

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2 millons soon

To homeless tunnel user.
I was thinking about your ventilation thing today and I think you should dig a sump under the area of the vent pipe. Just in case anyone tries to be an asshole and throw something down your vent pipe, it'll go in the sump.
Maybe I'm just overthinking stuff, but I know people can be retards and I'd rather be safe than sorry.




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Oh no I wont be able to watch sweaty men in tight suits shake their asses. What will I do??

I had an idea. What if we had sports events where all the participants already have coronavirus?

This entire city must be purged .jpg

I rember Italy and Spain angryly complaining about lack of EU support. This shit will fall appart

>18 states still haven't reported
Why are we like this

Yeah, I noticed that too. Much more gassy too

> they wont do it supervised he would have to self administer so they are not liable.
call your dad's lawyer and have him call them and threaten seven kinds of malpraxis lawsuits
this is unacceptable, there is no reason for them to STOP monitoring him if he self-administers, and they have to monitor him anyway
such shitheads, holy fuck. and to think he was trying to help them


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Nah but I usually only need up to 4 squares when I wipe. Now I'm using over ten squares per shit easily

(Tho it was very obvious, it would reach that)

Is this fucking retard Trump going to force states to unlock or no? I'm actually pissed at this and want to continue being a neet.

Anyone else feel like ordering an AR15 with their gubmint money?


They're sitting at 1750 deaths, what was the record. 2400? Does New York have another update? Otherwise i really doubt it they will reach it today

Now that sports around the world is canceled, how is /sp/ holding up?

>Now give me a hug!

Oh yes. Give ME a hug.

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>We've known this from January
>There were no bats sold at the wet market
>The first patients had no connection to the market

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Please never stop posting

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The infected bats would have already been euthanized that's what we did here in Australia with Covid-19 research about cats. The obvious case is that a low level greedy chink lab tech wanted to sell off the dead bats or the person that was taking it to the incinerators actually took it home.

I think its cause I started swallowing my dip. I dont like having spit jugs around the house

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Are we hitting 2 million today, or will it be 1-2k under?


what are you checking?

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AKs are better.

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Imagine a State that receives more help from Pornhub that its neighbors... Of course Europe will crash with no survivors

What's it say? No twatter here, won't let me past the login

Now that I'm cooking my own meals, I've never felt better.

The German version of the yellow wests that burned down half of Paris simply went back and forth on crosswalks, this was their whole protest. It was meant to be a "crosswalk blockade".
Bonus: as soon as someone stopped and told them they went away. Bonus 2: they generally went away deliberately when a cop car, ambulance or old people approached.

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amerimutts nurses

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Mega of Corona pics please

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Not because of the virus but because of the lockdown and violation of civil liberties.

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Thanks friend

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for deaths easily
record was 2,035 death and still have 16 states to report


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Why did he do it Yas Forums?


Nuking china is the only way to stop their shit

Why have so few Californians died? They deserve it even more than New York.

we have different definitions of "literally confirmed"
>US funded covid-19 research at chink lab in wuhan
they weren't studying covid-19, they were studying coronaviruses in general like SARS
>Chink steals euthanized bats from work and sells them at a wet market
random (really stupid) conspiracy theory
>Chinks in wuhan get exposed from bat and others take the infected bats home to eat
random (really stupid) conspiracy theory

the conspiracy theory that is much more likely is that they were studying coronaviruses in horseshoe bats at the lab, and the novel coronavirus now known as SARS-nCoV-2 slipped through their safety precaution protocols undetected and escaped from the lab on the surface of one of the workers. your theory is fucking retarded, why the fuck would a biolab 4 scientist STEAL a bat and sell it at the wetmarket?

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>this is someones fetish

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Hey what happened to Sweden and their failed strategy?

>what are bodyweight exercises

Of course it's a fucking leaf

Dog Bless

Congratulations on your stomach cancer

el abominacion

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What was the US role in this story? Why did they finance their eternal and abhorred enemies?

>less people dead than the flu
>countries already opening back up
>80%-90% of cases are asymptomatic
>vast majority of the dead would have died from a common cold
>speculated that infected numbers are FAAAAR higher than reported numbers indicating the mortality rate is a fraction of what we're seeing
imagine prepping for a nothing burger

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Essential worker, so no quarantine for me.

I requested night shift and I only leave the house with plastic gloves on. Hold me.

they are all on AIDS meds

How many cases of the flu were there in the US during the 2017-2018 flue season? How many deaths?

How many lock downs?

>Ich frage euch: wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?
Well, now i'm not so surprised

It would like paraolympics with a good chance of anybody dying at any time.

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Record was like 2300-2400 deaths last week

kill yourself chink

Only 15k more cases

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>germany riots
i don't think so, there will be special rules for ramadan.

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They won't do shit which is why the EU ignores them

Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

>Florida slowly moving upwards in deaths
When is the boat going to tip?

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Due to our government, I can't even get an Izhmash AK anymore. 922r bites

when will whole City's be infested

>Mfw leafs hate leafs too
Honorary burger bro leaf, fuck our country

In healthcare, or at least the caregiving setting I worked at, flu season gets taken very seriously for those at serious risk.

my coworkers think we're just a few weeks away from everything going back to normal and chinese virus being over with

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That's scary for them bro. It's well-known that somebody who disregards his own life will always get a shot. That's why in the past they didn't just kill, but they tortured the fuck out of attackers.

Do you think I'm a nothing burger?

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When can I go full STALKER LARP and explore the New York Exclusion Zone?