If Hispanics are 'naturally conservative'

...then why don't they vote conservative?

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because they want the citizenship

Because most of them are also poor, and poorer people tend to vote more liberal for free gibs, even if they don't agree with stuff like abortion.


It’s a lie by a bunch of rich neocons to let them in so they can continue to pay illegals five bucks an hour

Because anti-white racial identity politics are appealing to browns

Dude, free shit, lmao

damn this girl was literally built for BBC

Voting Dems accelerates their demographic conquest of America.

Because they are subversive grifters who do not care about your country or it's citizens. They may be Conservative - but why would they be when it's conserving your wealth?

"Hispanics" generally are conservative, except for Mexicans. And there are quite a few mexicans.

Because like the other monkeys they have an intense hatred of whitey

>vote 70% democrat
>naturally conservative
Who ever comes up with these ideas that spread like cancer, should be strangled by the neck

Why do you think Hispanics are conservative?

There are more Spanish speakers in the world than Anglos, that allows for a lot of variation.

They aren't. They just don't like fags or nigs, but they still want gibs and socialism.

Socially conservative, but economically left. Look how common socialism is in Latin American countries. It's why they are all so fucking poor.

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Because they're in a hostile country they want to destroy first - it'll be conservative once they kill it and rename it Mecico.

This guy knows. Neocon open borders kikes even got Jeb to fuck and marry a spic.

Except for the fact Miami is a democrat city.

because conservatives dont give anyone but white people a reason to vote conservative. It has no platform beyond maintaining the status quo which is as status quo that only benefits whites

At least the nazi fucks are upfront with me about their hatred. Republicunts try to act like friends of the brown man and its such horse shit

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They're really not the hard workers libs try to make them out to be. They want gibs.

Because Free Gibs Bro.
Its the most logical thing to do.

Because they aren't conservative.
Look at every Latin American country.
Each and every one is a socialist hellhole.

What changes would you like to see in the US that would benefit the brown man?

Because you treated them like shit not so long ago.

been waiting a long time for these feet.
did she show soles?

Spics sole aim is to leach off the white man. They arent and never will be Americans.

No nation, no matter how naturally conservative, votes right wing in a country of a foreign race

Latinos with papers vote for Trump kek

>you treated them like shit

Then you take your mutant offspring to spain if you care so much, eurobeaner.

Wouldn't you consider a significant portion of President Trump's base the same (Socially conservative/economically left), especially in places like Michigan/Pennsylvania/Wisconsin/Rust Belt? They are very socially conservative, especially on things like abortion, but they like big government programs like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and they don't want Republicans to shrink the size of government or their beloved programs.

Seems like these are very similar types of voters, no?

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